Nordic Committee on Bioethics Conference: Facing Death - End of life decisions

Arnar Pálsson, 15/08/2017

Nordic Committee on Bioethics Conference: Facing Death - End of life decisions

Should end of life care for incurable ill patients include the possibility of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide? Assisted death or euthanasia are not allowed in any of the Nordic countries, however, surveys show that an increased proportion of the public supports this.

The Nordic committee on bioethics will host a conference on address how the Nordic countries can learn from the experience on assisted death in Europe and North America. The conference aims to reach medical professionals, policy makers and academics, and will be organised in cooperation with the Centre for Ethics at the University of Iceland. The conference will take place at the University of Iceland, Veröld, hús Vigdísar, Brynjólfsgata 1, Reykjavík (main auditorium).

Full schedule and registration info.