2019: University of Catania, 16th-18th October.
International conference: I linguaggi del potere.
Le lettere di Clemente Rebora tra guerra e dopoguerra: il rapporto con il potere e quello con lo stile.
2019: University of Helsinki and University of Tallinn, 13th-14th June.
Scandinavian Italianists, 12th International Congress.
Dall'imagine tesa (1920 ca.). Prefigurazione o sterile invocazione del divino? Un'analisi controcorrente della lirica di Clemente Rebora.
2018: Guðbrandsstofa - Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur í erlendum málum.
Málþing á Hólum, 24th- 25th November. Symposium: Syndin í tíma og ótíma.
Paradís í Guðdómleik Dantes: dýrlingar, vitringar, postular og andúð þeirra á kaþólsku kirkjunni.
(Paradise in Dante's Comedy: Saints, Men of Wisdom, Apostles and their aversion of the Catholic Church).
2018: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing, 10th- 11th March.
Sýnir og syndir, samheldni og sundrung í Gleðileiknum Guðdómlega.
(Visions and Sins, Unity and Dissolution in the Divine Comedy).
2018: University of Iceland, 7th - 8th June.
International conference: Sponde, confini, trincee: l'Italia nell'Europa post-1918.
Clemente Rebora "politico" (1920-1922).
2017: University of Warsaw (Uniwersytet Warszawski), 6th- 8th April.
International conference: Dal dialogo al polilogo: L'Italia nel mondo. Lingue, letterature e culture in contatto.
Le traduzioni e il loro rapporto con l'evoluzione ideologica e spirituale del traduttore: il caso di Clemente Rebora.
2016: University of Sfax (Tunisia), 25th-27th February.
International conference: L'esilio tra corpo e anima.
La grande emigrazione italiana (1860-1920): uno studio socio-letterario.
2016: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing, 11th-12th March.
Elena Ferrante. Frásögn af "framúrskarandi"
skáldsögu og ónauðsynlegri skáldkonu (Elena Ferrante. Report on a "brilliant"
novel and an unnecessary woman writer).
2016: University of Dalarna (Falun, Sweden), 9th-11th June.
Scandinavian Italianists, 11th International Congress.
Il frammentismo di Clemente Rebora.
2015: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing, 13th-14th March.
Ljósið í Gleðileiknum guðdómlega (The light in the Divine Comedy).
2014: University of Iceland, 12th-15th August.
Scandinavian Romanists 19th International Congress.
Poesia, amore e morte. Il misterioso “caso” di Isabella
di Morra (1515-20 – 1545-50) (Poetry, love and death.
Isabella di Morra’s misterious “case”).
2014: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing:
Kvenfrelsi og undirokun. Sérkennileg þverstæða hjá þrem
ítölskum kvenrithöfundum í lok 19. aldar (Female emancipation
and submission. Peculiar ambiguities in three female Italian
writers of the late nineteenth century).
2013: University of Iceland, 13th-15th June.
Scandinavian Italianists, 10th International Congress.
Pasolini e noi: vecchie nuove questioni linguistiche (Pasolini and us. Old new linguistic questions).
2013: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing:
“Langferðin”, smásaga eftir Leonardo Sciascia. Fordómar og
klisjur um fólksflutninga í ítölskum bókmenntum tuttugustu
Aldar. («The Long Journey», a short tale by L. Sciascia. Prejudices and
stereotypes about emigrants in the Italian literature of the twentieth century).
2012: Seminar on Literature and Arts (Organized by the Section of
Italian, University of Iceland): La Liguria, i Liguri, Genova e il mare.
2012: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing:
Method and style in Calvino’s Six Memos for the Next Millennium.
2011: Seminar on Literature and Arts (Organized by the Section of
Italian, University of Iceland):
I libri degli italiani (The Books of the Italians).
2011: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing:
Isabella Di Morra: a Misterious Life, a Literary death?
2010: University of Iceland. International seminar in honor of Vigdís
Finnbogadóttir Preserving the Future: Sustainability of Language,
Culture and Nature:
Analogie fra linguaggio scientifico e critica letteraria
in due opere di Galileo (Similarities between scientific language
and literary critic in two of Galileo’s works).
2009: University of Iceland. International seminar on Galileo Galilei in
occasion of the 400th anniversary of Galilean discoveries:
Galileo Galilei: a New Italian Scientific Language.
2009: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing:
Intellectuals Between Dissociation and Dissenting.
2008: University of Iceland. Hugvísindaþing:
Ítalía í Reisubók Ólafs Egilssonar: Staðreyndir og ímyndun.