

Mobility and Transnational Iceland: Current Transformations and Global Entanglements. (2020). Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press.

Saga listasafna á Íslandi. (2019). Reykjavík: Rannsóknasetur í safnafræðum.

Death and Governmentality in Iceland: Neo-liberalism, Grief and the Nation- form. (2018). Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press.

Byggðasöfn á Íslandi. (2015). Reykjavík: Rannsóknasetur í safnafræðum.

Phallological Museum. (2014). Munster: LIT Verlag.

Unmasking Deep Democracy: An Anthropology of Indigenous Media in Canada. (2013). Aarhus: Intervention Press.

Indigenous Screen Cultures in Canada. (2010). Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.

 Eitt sinn skal hver deyja. (1996). Reykjavík: Mokka Press.

The Construction of the Viewer: Media Ethnography and the Anthropology of Audiences. (1996). Aarhus: Intervention Press.


Articles, talks etc.

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