
Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson (ID-100374-3749)

Born 1974 in Iceland

Tel: 00354-5255460

E-mail: tomas@hi.is

Orchid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7692-0637

Google scholar profile: https://scholar.google.is/citations?user=g0xLMUUAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Current position
Director/Research professor

South Iceland Research Centre, University of Iceland. Lindarbraut 4, IS-840, Laugarvatn, Iceland
Professional focus

2005 PhD in Ecology, University of East Anglia, UK
2000 MS in Ecology, University of Iceland Háskóli Íslands
1997 BS in Biology, University of Iceland

Academic employment
2009- Director, South Iceland Research Centre, University of Iceland
2006-2008 Director, West Iceland Research Centre, University of Iceland
2006-2008 Post doctoral research associate, University of Cambridge, UK
2005-2006 Post doctoral research associate, University of East Anglia, UK
2001 Research specialist, Institute of Biology, University of Iceland
1997-2000 Research assistant, Institute of Biology, University of Iceland

Selected professional experience and service
2020-2021 Steering committee for revision of Iceland‘s policy and project execution plan for the
Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).
2019-2020 Steering committe on the development of a ten year Icelandic national plan in forestry
according to legislation 33/2019.
2018-2021 Member of Expert panel 1 on Master plan for Nature conservation and Energy utilization
(http://www.ramma.is/english), 4th round. Ranking the environmental impact of energy
harnessing options (hydro, geothermal, wind) across Iceland.
2014-2017 Member of Expert panel 1 on Master plan for Nature conservation and Energy utilization
(http://www.ramma.is/english), 3rd round. Ranking the environmental impact of energy
harnessing options (hydro, geothermal, wind) across Iceland.
2016- Board member in Kirkjubæjarstofa knowledge centre on behalf of the University of
2014- Elected fellow of the International Ornithological Union (internationalornithology.org/)
2010-2011 On a revision committee for the Icelandic Wildlife act (laws 64/1994) appointed by the
minister of environment. Served on behalf of conservation NGO‘s.
2009-2020 Founder and board member of the Icelandic Ecological Society.
2008-2012 Board member of the Wetland Centre of the Icelandic Agricultural University.
2007-2010 Member of the executive committe of the International Wader Study Group. Vicechairman 2009-2010.

Conference plenaries and keynotes
2019- Icelandic Biological Conference 2019. Linking bird migration systems and demography. Reykjavík.
2017- 7th Irish Ornithological Research Congress, Cork, Ireland, November 2017). Linking migration
systems and demography in Icelandic breeding waders.
2017- Conference of the British Ornithogical Union Avian tracking and population processes. Warwick,
UK, March 2017). Settlement decisions and migratory strategies.
2016- Joint conference of the Nordic Ecolocical Societies (Nordic Oikos) in Turku, Finland, January 2016).
Population scale drivers of individual variation and demography in migratory birds.

2009-2013 Course organiser of Ornithology at the University of Iceland.
1997-2010 Teaching on nine various courses in ecology and zoology at the University of Iceland.
2009-2020 Supervisor of 8 PhD and 12 MSc students.
2011- Organiser of a course for bird guides at the research centre.