Are there ants under Reykjavík?

Arnar Pálsson, 26/02/2021

Are there ants under Reykjavík?

"Most Icelanders probably think that there are no ants in Iceland, just as I did when I first arrived here, but our research has revealed five different species that have settled here. Four thrive in houses due to the heat and the humidity, but one species lives outside in gardens," says Marco Mancini, master student in biology at the University of Iceland and a member of the antsquad at the University's Institute of Biology. The squad maps the distribution of ants in Iceland, and examines whether there are giant ant colonies in the city's sewage system.

The project is called Ants in Iceland (Maurar á Íslandi) and is linked to Marco's master project. The project is conduced under the supervision of Arnar Pálsson, professor of bioinformatics and Mariana Lucia Tamayo, associate professor in Environment and Natural Resources. Andreas Guðmundsson, BS student in biology is also involved in the project.

Ant queen.

Master of Science (MS) program on aquatic biology and fisheries

Arnar Pálsson, 22/09/2020

The oceans are fundamental ecosystems on the planet and source the most important resources for Icelands economy. The University of Iceland (UI) and the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) collaborate to offer a multidisciplinary two-year Master of Science (MS) program on aquatic biology and fisheries, emphasizing freshwater and marine ecology and fisheries in sub-Arctic environments. The program will be instigated in 2020 as a specialization within MS in Biology.

Students can take projects at the Institute of Biology, the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute and also at other affiliated institutions and research centers. Students are admitted based on merit (see University of Iceland webpage) and will find a project and supervisor in the first year of study.

Háskóli Íslands

Picture of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from the University of Iceland collections.

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute has many research areas, including but exclusive to Fish tagging, Lumpfish research, Oceanography, Seabed mapping, Seal research and Whale Research.

The Institute of biology studies many aspects of marine and aquatic biology, spanning questions of ecology and evolution, to toxicology and behavioral biology.

See for instance a list of previous MS projects in the fields of marine-,  aquatic- and fish biology.

Some examples of the research topics and potential supervisors are listed below.

(Icelandic) Maurar Íslands

Arnar Pálsson, 12/07/2020

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(Icelandic) Hefur COVID-19 lagst harðar á karla en konur og hvað gæti skýrt það?

Arnar Pálsson, 12/06/2020

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(Icelandic) Ef ég mynda ónæmi fyrir einni útgáfu af COVID-19 hef ég þá nokkuð vörn fyrir öllum stökkbreyttu útgáfunum?

Arnar Pálsson, 12/06/2020

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(Icelandic) Hvað eru til margar kórónuveirur sem sýkja menn og dugar ónæmi gegn einni þeirra fyrir hinum?

Arnar Pálsson, 12/06/2020

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(Icelandic) Eru virkilega til hættuleg afbrigði veirunnar sem veldur COVID-19?

Arnar Pálsson, 15/04/2020

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(Icelandic) Eru til tvö eða fleiri afbrigði af kórónuveirunni sem veldur COVID-19?

Arnar Pálsson, 15/04/2020

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(Icelandic) Hvort er líklegra að veiran sem veldur COVID-19 verði hættulegri eða hættuminni fyrir menn vegna stökkbreytinga?

Arnar Pálsson, 15/04/2020

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(Icelandic) Getur kórónuveiran sem veldur COVID-19 stökkbreyst og orðið hættulegri?

Arnar Pálsson, 15/04/2020

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