Talks, posters and other activities

Associate editor for PLoS One since 2011.

Special issue Editor for Evolutionary Biology 2024/2025.

Editing for the COVID-19 section of the Icelandic web for science (

Overview of edits and reviews can be seen at ORCID.



  1. Fyrirlestrar lífvísindaseturs. 16. January 2025. Evolution of cellular and developmental regulatory networks.


  1. Hafrannsóknarstofnun. 4. December 2024. Ethic in science.
  2. Friday biology seminar series, Institute of Biology, University of Iceland. 18. October 2024. 71st anniversary of the discovery of the double helix.
  3. Mývatn research conference 2024. Skútustaðir 16.-19. September 2024. Genetic structure and relatedness of anadromous and landlocked populations of Icelandic brown trout.


  1. Evolution, diversity and disease, new model systems for genetics, microevolution and environmental change. University of Iceland and Hólar University, 17. August 2023. Studies of Arctic Charr diversity.
  2. The 56th European Marine Biology Symposium. Hotel Natura, Reykjavík. 4. September 2023. Using ddRADseq data to assess genetic structure and relatedness of anadromous and landlocked populations of Icelandic brown trout (Salmo trutta).
  3. Læknadagar: DNA Í 70 ÁR Fundarstjórar: Magnús Karl Magnússon og Magnús Gottfreðsson. 16.-20. Janúar 2023. Uppgötvun á eðli tvístranda helix sameindarinnar – Crick,Franklin og Watson. 


  1. Guðbrandsstofnun, Auðunnarstofa, Háskólanum á Hólum. 28. febrúar 2022. Þróun veirunnar sem veldur Covid19.
  2. Málþing til heiðurs Sigurði S. Snorrasyni og Hrefnu Sigurjónsdóttur. 1. maí 2022. Yfirlit um nám og feril Sigurðar og Hrefnu (m. Berki Hansen).
  3. Ecology, Evolution and Behavior seminar - McMaster University. 20th. April 2022. Shared and diverging axes of developmental plasticity and genetic separation in sympatric salmonid ecomorphs.
  4. Museum Comparative Zoology, lunchtime seminar - Harvard University. 25th April 2022. Developmental plasticity and genetic separation in sympatric salmonid ecomorphs.
  5. Föstudagsfyrirlestrar líffræðistofnunar. 16. September 2022. Genetics and developmental plasticity affect craniofacial variation in sympatric morphs.


  1. Annual meeting of the Icelandic ecological society. 16. - 17. April 2021. Unleashing of cryptic genetic variation by environmental challenges and genetic assimilation studied at level of gene expression.
  2. Biannual biology in Iceland conference. 14. - 16. October. 2021. Dragging skeletons on wings: the effects of strong selection on transcriptional landscapes


  1. 19. líf- og heilbrigðisvísindaráðstefna Háskóla Íslands, January 3. - 4. 2019. Regulatory network rewiring in evolution and disease.
  2. Innsetningarathöfn - 20. febrúar 2019. Af stóru samhengi lítilla hluta í ríki flugna.
  3. Biology Graduate student retreat - March 8-9th 2019, Laugarvatn. Different types of scientific news
  4. ASBMB Evolution and Core Processes in Gene Expression, May 9.–12., 2019. East Lansing, Michigan. Transcriptome changes after compensatory selection suppressed the phenotypic effects of two antagonizing developmental genes.
  5. Þekking til sölu - fyrirlestrarröð. 11. October 2019. Eru háskólar reknir eins og smjörlíkisverksmiðjur?
  6. University of Calgary - Developmental Biology and Genetics Series. November 28. 2019. Transcriptional co-option, transcriptional decay and evolution of regulatory and developmental systems.


  1. Holar University College seminar series. 16. November 2018. Evolution of developmental variation, rapid divergence, plasticity and cryptic genetic variation.
  2. BMC bioinformatics meeting. 11. December 2018. Bioinformatics, genomics and transcriptomic case study.


  1. Seminar series of the Institute of life- and environmental sciences, April 10. 2017, Reykjavík. Evolution in new environments, wingless flies and dwarf charr.
  2. Minisymposium on biology and bioethics, May 2. 2017, Cryptic genetic diversity, diseases and evolution.
  3. Icelandic Biology conference 2017 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2017), Askja 26.-28. Oct. Reykjavík. The principles and predictability of transcriptional cooption, regulatory and compensatory evolution.
  4. Arctic Charr Conference, October 31 - November 1 2018. Marine Institute, Reykjavík. Population subdivision and genetic differences among anadromous Arctic charr in Iceland.
  5. Lichen Genomics Workshop II, Nov. 2.-5. 2017, Graz Austria. Trancriptional co-option, transcriptional decay and the principles of regulatory evolution.


  1. The 24th Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems Conference, NDES 2016, 20 - 22 June 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland. The principles of regulatory evolution: transcriptional decay, cooption and network rewiring.
  2. Institute of Biology seminar series 7. okt. 2016, Transcriptional decay and cooption, and the principles of regulatory evolution.
  3. Science day of the School of science and engineering (i. "Vísindadagur Verkfræði og náttúruvísindasviðs") 29. Oct. 2016, Leyndardómar gena og þroskunar. (in Icelandic)


  1. Conference on research in biomedical and health sciences at the University of Iceland, 5. and 6. Jan. 2015. Þróunarfræðileg greining á CSA og CSB genunum (in Icelandic).


  1. GPMLS - graduate student retreat, 31. Oct. 2014. Writing and publishing scientific articles (Slides also by G.A. Thorisson)
  2. Science day of the School of science and engineering (i. "Vísindadagur Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasviðs") 25. Oct. 2014. Rætur fjölbreytileika lífríkisins, samspil þroskunar og þróunar (in Icelandic)
  3. Center for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis at the University of Oslo, August 29th. 2014. On rapid and repeated evolution via transcriptional cooption and decay
  4. Evolution 2014, Raleigh, NC. June 21.Transcriptomic and morphometric analyses of recently evolved sympatric Arctic charr morphs
  5. Aðalfundur Samtaka líffræðikennara. 5. apríl 2014. Siðfræði þekkingar. (in Icelandic)
  6. Hugvísindaþing Háskóla Íslands 15. mars 2014. Erfðatækni og umhverfi í ljósi vistfræði og þróunarfræði. (in Icelandic)


  1. Icelandic biology conference November 9 - 10. 2013. Differentiation at the MHCIIα and Cath2 loci in sympatric Salvelinus alpinus resource morphs in Lake Thingvallavatn
  2. EMBL Heidelberg, October 16. 2013. On evolution by transcriptional cooption and decay.
  3. Special Symposia Series ASBMB Evolution and Core Processes in Gene Regulation Chicago, July 25-28, 2013. Are segregating deletions of Hunchback binding sites in even‐skipped indication of TF enhancer co‐evolution?
  4. TD0905 MC Meeting and Scientific Workshop University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. April 29-30. 2013. DNA methylation programming and reprogramming in primate embryonic stem cells.
  5. Minisymposium about Open Access. October 25. 2013. Frá flugum til fræðigreina: frjálst aðgengi að efniviði og niðurstöðum (in Icelandic).
  6. Seminar series of the Institute of life- and environmental sciences, October 11. 2013. Þróun tenginga í genastjórnunarnetjum (in Icelandic).
  7. Seminar series of the Immunology lab - National hospital.  September 23 2013. Evolution of protein and regulatory functions in flies and fishes  (in Icelandic).


  1. Fræðslufundur Sýklafræðideildar Landspítala háskólasjúkrahús, 15. nóvember 2011. Vistfræði og saga mannsins.
  2. Líffræðiráðstefnan 11-12. nóvember 2011. Rannsókn á kirnabreytileika í hunchback, snail og kruppel bindisetum í ávaxtaflugunni.
  3. Málstofa Samtaka íslenskra líftæknifyrirtækja og Samtaka iðnaðarins um erfðatækni, notagildi og möguleika til atvinnusköpunar 27. apríl 2011. Erfðatækni og umhverfi.
  4. Fræðslufundur Erfða- og sameindalæknisfræðideildar Landspítala háskólasjúkrahús, 26. apríl 2011. Þróun mannsins.
  5. Föstudagsfyrirlestur líffræðistofnunar háskólans. 25. febrúar. Stundaglas þroskunar.


  1. Rannsóknaráðstefna verkfræði og raunvísindasviðs HÍ, 8-9 okt. 2010. Variation in wingshape and threshold characters in fruitflies with hypermorphic Egfr allele.
  2. Fræðslufundur Vísindafélagsins í Þjóðmenningarhúsinu Hverfisgötu 7. október 2010. Fjölbreytileiki lífvera: samspil þroskunar og þróunar.


  1. The Icelandic biological research conference, Sponsored by the Icelandic Biological Society and the Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, 6. - 7. November, 2009. Líkön um tilurð nýrra tengsla milli stjórnraða og umritunarþátta.
  2. Department of Zoology seminar series, University of Michigan, East Lanzing, March 9th, 2009. On evolution by transcriptional cooption.


  1. Natural History seminar, University of Chicago, 15. January. Palsson A, Wesolowska N, Ludwig MZ, Kreitman M. Segregating variation in enhancers: Pre-established regulatory constraints on gene recruitment.


  1. 3rd semiannual conference on Developmental basis of evolutionary change, University of Chicago, October 20. - 23. Palsson A, Wesolowska N, Ludwig MZ, Kreitman M. Naturally occurring deletion of a transcription factor binding site in the even-skipped stripe 3/7 enhancer.


  1. Molecular biology: status and future - Symposia in honour of Gudmundur Eggertsson. 3. April 2004. Quantitative developmental genetics in Drosophila melanogaster.


  1. Natural history seminar, University of Chicago, October. Palsson A, Gibson G. In pursuit of quantitative trait nucleotides affecting wing shape in fruit flies.


  1. 43nd Annual Drosophila Conference, San Diego CA, 10. - 14. April Palsson A, Riley-Berger R, Klatt A, Birdsall K, Gibson G.  Associations between EGFR and wing shape.


  1. 41st Annual Drosophila conference, Pittsburgh PA, 22. - 26. March. Palsson A, Gibson G. Testing for quantitative effects of regulatory genes on wing shape.




  1. Mývatn research conference 2024. Skútustaðir 16.-19. September 2024. Patterns of Feeding Element Specialization​ in Polymorphic Arctic Charr​. Kenedy Annejulee Williams (1), Guðbjörg Ósk Jónsdóttir (1), Ines Eloidin (1), Sarah E. Steele (1), ​Finnur Ingimarsson (1), Sigurður S. Snorrason (1), Pamela Woods (2) & Arnar Pálsson (1).​ (1) University of Iceland , (2) Marine and Freshwater Institute​.
  2. VistÍs/EcoIce 2024. Askja - Háskóli Íslands. 5 apríl 2024. Patterns of Feeding Element Specialization in Polymorphic Arctic Charr Populations. Kenedy Williams, Guðbjörg Ósk Jónsdóttir, Sarah E. Steele, Finnur Ingimarsson, Sigurður S. Snorrason, Pamela Woods & Arnar Pálsson
  3. VistÍs/EcoIce 2024. Askja - Háskóli Íslands. 5 apríl 2024. Activity and potential effects of ants on fauna in Icelandic geothermal areas. Andreas Guðmundsson Gähwiller, Nína Guðrún Baldursdóttir, Marco Mancini & Arnar Pálsson.
  4. VistÍs/EcoIce 2024. Askja - Háskóli Íslands. 5 apríl 2024. Genetic differentiation between sympatric morphs of Arctic charr influences transcriptional regulators and developmental expression. Sébastien Matlosz, Han Xiao, Lea Jerman Plesec, Alexander Guðjónsson, Sigríður Rut Franzdóttir, Arnar Pálsson & Zophonías Oddur Jónsson.




  1. EMBO Workshop Predicting Evolution, Virtual, June 14. - 16 2021. Compensatory selection suppresses major mutations via regulatory rewiring or resurrection. Arnar Pálsson, Baldur Kristjánsson, Dagny A. Runarsdottir, Sudarshan Chari, Ian M. Dworkin.
  2. 62nd Annual Drosophila Research Conference. March 23 – April 1 2021. Anywhere and Everywhere. Transcriptome responses to compensatory selection: study of net and rho suppression. Arnar Pálsson, Baldur Kristjánsson, Dagny A. Runarsdottir, Sudarshan Chari, Ian M. Dworkin.


  1. Ecology in the Anthropocene - The fourth conference of the Nordic Society Oikos, Harpa, 3. - 5. March 2020. Mechanisms and axes of developmental plasticity and evolutionary divergence. Arnar Palsson, Dagny Runarsdottir, Bjarni Kristjansson, Skuli Skulason, Camille Leblanc, Sigridur R. Franzdottir, Zophonias Jonsson, Sigurdur  S. Snorrason, Sarah E. Steele.


  1. Icelandic Biology conference 2019 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2019), Askja 17. – 19. October. Waddingtons landscapes explored: Expression changes associated with genetic assimilation of crossveinless phenotypes. Arnar Pálsson, Dagný Ásta Rúnarsdóttir, Baldur Kristjánsson, Sarah Marzec and Ian Dworkin.
  2. Icelandic Biology conference 2019 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2019), Askja 17. – 19. October. Local perturbation of transcriptome by introgression and compensatory selection. Arnar Pálsson, Baldur Kristjánsson, Dagny A. Runarsdottir, Sudarshan Chari and Ian M. Dworkin
  3. Icelandic Biology conference 2019 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2019), Askja 17. – 19. October. Can you save a mutant? Expressional rescue of 3 major wing defects in Drosophila melanogaster. Baldur Kristjánsson, Dagny A. Runarsdottir, Sudarshan Chari, Ian M. Dworkin and Arnar Pálsson.
  4. 4th International Conference on Integrative Salmonid Biology in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 17-20 November 2019. Exploring the genetic diversity of Icelandic brown trout: implications for the conservation of natural populations. Lagunas, M. G. (presenting), A. Pálsson, Z. O. Jónsson, S. S. Snorrason


  1. EURO EVO DEVO 2018. June 26-29, Galway, Ireland. Extensive genetic and expression divergence between recently evolved sympatric Arctic charr morphs.  Pálsson, A., Guðbrandsson, J., Kapralova, KH.. Bergsveinsdóttir, ÞM., Hafstað, V., Franzdóttir, S.R., Jónsson, Z.O. and Snorrason, S.S.
  2. EURO EVO DEVO 2018. June 26-29, Galway, Ireland. Regulatory network rewiring by transcriptional co-option and transcriptional decay. Pálsson. A., Kristjánsson. B. and Rúnarsdóttir, D.


  1. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, 20-25 August 2017, Groningen, the Netherlands. Genomics of Adaptation on Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Southern Iceland. Lagunas M.G. (presenting), Ponsioen L., Pálsson A., Jónsson Z. and Snorrason S.
  2. Icelandic Biology conference 2017 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2017), Askja 26.-28. Oct. Reykjavík. Arfgerðagreiningar á stökum basabreytingum í fjórum afbrigðum bleikju (Salvelinus alpinus) í Þingvallavatni. Bergsveinsdóttir, ÞM. (presenting), Guðbrandsson, J., Kapralova, KH. and Pálsson, A.
  3. Icelandic Biology conference 2017 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2017), Askja 26.-28. Oct. Reykjavík. Líffræði og þróun samtjáningar gena sem liggja nálægt hvort öðru á litningum Plesec, LJ. (presenting), Guðbrandsson, J. and Pálsson A.
  4. Icelandic Biology conference 2017 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2017), Askja 26.-28. Oct. Reykjavík. The role of miR-199a in Arctic charr morphogenesis. Kapralova, KH. (presenting), Franzdóttir, SR., Maier, VH., Palsson, A., Snorrason, SS. and Jónsson ZO.


  1. New Model Systems for Linking Evolution and Ecology, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany 8 - 11 May 2016. Transcriptomic and morphometric analyses of recently evolved sympatric Arctic charr morphs - Arnar Palsson, Sigurður S. Snorrason, Zophonías O. Jónsson, Sigríður R. Fransdóttir, Kalina H. Kapralova and Jóhannes Guðbrandsson.


  1. Conference on research in biomedical and health sciences at the University of Iceland, 5. and 6. Jan. 2015. Úrfellingabreytileiki í stjórnröðum even-skipped gensins - Arnar Pálsson.
  2. Conference on research in biomedical and health sciences at the University of Iceland, 5. and 6. Jan. 2015. Einangrun og rannsókna á tjáningu fjögurra óþekktra CC-flakkboða hjá bleikju (Salvelinus alpinus, L.) Hörður Ingi Gunnarsson (presenting), Stefán Ragnar Jónsson, Jóhannes Guðbrandsson, Arnar Pálsson, Valgerður Andrésdóttir, Bjarnheiður K. Guðmundsdóttir (in Icelandic).
  3. Conference on research in biomedical and health sciences at the University of Iceland, 5. and 6. Jan. 2015. Expression of mir-21 in BRCA2-related breast cancer Sigríður Þóra Reynisdóttir (presenting), Ólafur Andri Stefánsson, Sigríður K. Böðvarsdóttir, Arnar Pálsson, Jórunn E. Eyfjörð.
  4. Icelandic Biology conference 2015 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2015), Askja 5. - 7. Nov.  Náttúrulegur breytileiki í stjórnröðum evenskipped gensins Arnar Pálsson, Misha Ludwig, Martin Kreitman
  5. Icelandic Biology conference 2015 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2015), Askja 5. - 7. Nov.   Hvernig viðhelst mæði-visnuveira í kindinni þrátt fyrir öflugt ónæmissvar? Valgerður Andrésdóttir (presenting), Hallgrímur Arnarson, Arnar Pálsson, Margrét Guðnadóttir.
  6. Icelandic Biology conference 2015 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2015), Askja 5. - 7. Nov.   The effect of hatching on Arctic charr craniofacial morphology Kalina Hristova Kapralova (presenting), Zophonías O. Jónsson, Arnar Palsson, Sigrídur Rut Franzdóttir, Soizic Le Deuff, Bjarni K. Kristjanson, Sigurður S. Snorrason
  7. Icelandic Biology conference 2015 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2015), Askja 5. - 7. Nov.   The developmental transcriptome of contrasting Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) morphs Jóhannes Guðbrandsson, Arnar Palsson, Johannes Gudbrandsson, Ehsan Ahi, Sigridur Franzdottir, Kalina Kapralova, Bjarni Kristjansson, Sophie Steinhaeuser, Valerie Maier, Sigurdur Snorrason, Zophonias Jonsson


  1. Evolution 2014, Raleigh. June 21. Naturally occurring deletions of Hunchback binding sites in the even-skipped stripe 3+7 enhancer Arnar Palsson , Natalia Wesolowska, Michael Ludwig, Martin Kreitman. The poster is available at F1000 posters.


  1. Icelandic biology conference  (Líffræðiráðstefnan) November 8-9. 2013. Assembly and analysis of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) transcriptome through early development Jóhannes Guðbrandsson (presenting), Sigurður S. Snorrason, Arnar Pálsson, Valerie H. Maier, Sigríður Rut Franzdóttir og Zophonías O. Jónsson.
  2. Icelandic biology conference (Líffræðiráðstefnan) November 8-9. 2013. Morphometric analysis of adult and developing Arctic charr Arnar Pálsson.
  3. Icelandic biology conference (Líffræðiráðstefnan) November 8-9. 2013. miRNAs in Arctic charr morphogenesis Kalina H. Kapralova (presenting), Sigríður R. Franzdóttir, Hákon Jónsson, Arnar Pálsson, Sigurður S. Snorrason og Zophonías O. Jónsson.


  1.  50th Drosophila genetics congress, Sponsored by the Genetics Society of America, Chicago, Il, 3-8th March. Naturally occurring deletion of a transcription factor binding site in the even-skipped stripes 3/7 enhancer. Palsson A, Wesolowska N, S. Reynisdottir, Ludwig M, Kreitman M. Abstract available online and in conference proceedings.
  2. The Icelandic biological research conference, Sponsored by the Icelandic Biological Society and the Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, 6. - 7. November, 2009. Tvær stórar úrfellingar í varðveittum stjórnröðum even-skipped gensins. Palsson A, Reynisdottir S, Wesolowska N, Ludwig M, Kreitman M.
  3. The Icelandic biological research conference, Sponsored by the Icelandic Biological Society and the Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, 6. - 7. November, 2009. Samþróun hunchback umritunarþáttar og even-skipped. Dagmar Ýr Arnardóttir (presenting) and Arnar Pálsson.
  4. The Icelandic biological research conference, Sponsored by the Icelandic Biological Society and the Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, 6. - 7. November, 2009. Breytileiki í lögun og stoðæðum ávaxtaflugna með ofvirka samsætu af Egfr. Ósk U.U. Anuforo and Arnar Pálsson
  5. Icelandic biological research conference, Sponsored by the Icelandic Biological Society and the Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, Reykjavik Iceland, 6. - 7. November. Abstract available online. DNA methylering í fósturstofnfrumum prímata. Mendelson-Cohen N, Dighe V, Landan G, Reynisdottir S (presenting), Palsson A, Mitalipov S, Tanay A.
  6. Icelandic biological research conference, Sponsored by the Icelandic Biological Society and the Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, Reykjavik Iceland, 6. - 7. November. Abstract available online. MicroRNA in Arctic charr development Kapralova K (presenting), Snorrason SS, Palsson A, Jonsson Z, Franzdottir SR, Kristjánsson BK.


  1. 20th International Genetics Congress, Berlin July 12-17 2008. Organised by the International Genetics Federation (IGF) and the German Genetics Society.  Naturally occurring deletion of a transcription factor binding site in the even-skipped stripes 3/7 enhancer. Arnar Palsson, Natalia Wesolowska, Michael Z. Ludwig, Martin Kreitman.


  1. Raunvísindaþing í Reykjavík 2006, 3.-4. mars í Öskju, Náttúrufræðahúsi Háskóla Íslands. Virknimælingar á stökkbreyttum DNA lígasa úr hitaþolinni bakteríu Thermus scotoductus. Margrét H. Ögmundsdóttir, Jón Már Björnsson, Sigríður E. Vilmundardóttir, Arnar Pálsson, Eirný Þ. Þórólfsdóttir, Zophanías O. Jónsson, Guðmundur Eggertsson og Sigríður H. Þorbjarnardóttir.


  1. 45th Annual Drosophila Conference, March 24-28 Washington DC. Population genetic foot-printing of regions regulating pair-rule gene expression. Palsson A. Wesolowska N. Ludwig M. and Kreitman M.
  2. 45th Annual Drosophila Conference, March 24-28 Washington DC. Candidate Genes, Associations and replication: Do these variants matter in nature? Dworkin I. Goering L. Palsson A. and Gibson G.
  3. Keystone Symposia on Natural Variation and Quantitative Genetics in Model Organisms, January 8-13 Breckenridge, CO. Quantitative genetic analysis of wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster Palsson A. and Gibson G.


  1. 44nd Annual Drosophila Conference, March 5-9 Chicago IL. Repeatability of Quantitative Trait Nucleotides. Palsson A. Dodgson J. and Gibson G.
  2. 44nd Annual Drosophila Conference, March 5-9 Chicago IL. Tests of association between EGFR polymorphisms and cryptic variation for eye roughness Dworkin I. Birdsall K. Palsson A. and Gibson G.

Events and interviews







Events and interviews 2019


Organized a book-warming event for Rök lífsins written by the great Guðmundur Eggertsson that Benedikt published in spring 2018.


Discussed genetic contamination of wild salmon stocks with local news Stöð 2.

Main organizer of a workshop on Bioethics of Databanks and Datasharing at the Nordic electronic infrastructure conference (#NeIC). Working as a member of the Nordic committee on Bioethics.


Working on behalf of the Icelandic biological society and the Institute of Biology at the University of Iceland, I helped organize Jane Goodall’s visit to Iceland. She stayed from June 12-16 and gave a public lecture at the University theater on June 15th, and a master class to the graduate students on June 14th.


One of five main organizers of the Icelandic Biology conference 2015 (Líffræðiráðstefnan 2015) held Nov. 5. - 7.


A member of the organizing group for Synthetic Biology; Bioethics and Biosafety - Conference in Tromsø 28 August 2014. Held by the Nordic bioethics committee.

One of two lead organizers of a seminar series on Vísindi á mannamáli (e. science in layman terms) at the University of Iceland. See for instance lecture by Halldor Thormar on the Maedi Visna virus discovery.

Attended: workshop on "Whole-genome sequencing and the implications for health care – Do we have a right not to know?" Reykjavik, Iceland, 16–18 October 2014. Held by the Nordic bioethics committee.


One of five organizers of the Icelandic biology conference, November 8. and 9. 2013. Total number of participants ~350 and presentations around 200.

Attended: Reproductive technology and surrogacy. A global perspective. A conference in Reykjavik August 25-27 organized by the Nordic bioethics committee.

Attended: the World Conference of Science Journalists in Helsinki June 24-28 2013, and a session organized by the Nordic bioethics committee.

Attended: Perspectives on Sexual Identity and Gender. A workshop on bioethical issues in relation to sexual identity and gender in Copenhagen April 18 2013, organized by the Nordic bioethics committee.


One of five organizers of the Icelandic biology conference, November 11. and 12. 2011. Total number of participants ~300 and presentations around 200.

Organized the Friday biology seminar series, with Hlynur Bardarson and later Hildur Magnusdottir, from 2011 - 2016.


One of five organizers of the Icelandic biology conference, November 6. and 7. 2009. Total number of participants ~300 and presentations were 210.

Organized, with 4 others, the Darwin day seminar series in the fall of 2009. The series included prominent speakers such Montgomery Slatkin from University of California, Berkeley, Peter and Rosemary Grant from Princeton University,  Joe Cain  and Linda Partridge both from the University College London.

Organized, with the same 4 people, a mini symposion on Darwin's birthday on February 12th. titled "does man have nature" (i. "hefur maðurinn eðli").

Talks, posters and events before 2007 - not listed.