

Designing pedagogically cured interface of the CAPTinI system for practising pronunciation in L2 Icelandic. Bédi, B.; Friðriksdóttir, K.; Richter, C.; Guðnason, J. (2024). Designing pedagogically cured interface of the CAPTinI system for practising pronunciation in L2 Icelandic. In Y. Choubsaz, P. Díez-Arcón, A. Gimeno-Sanz, J. Hriňák, X. Liashuk, S. Pokrivčáková & H. Vančová (Eds.), CALL for Humanity - EUROCALL 2024 Short Papers, pp. 285-292.

Transitioning to online teaching of Icelandic as a second language in courses for adult learners: Lessons learned from the pandemic. Bédi, B.  (2024). Novel Techniques and Approaches in Language Teaching (NoTALaT): Short Papers from the NoTALaT Conference, 16–17 May 2024, Reykjavík, Bédi, B. & Štvrtecká, L. (eds.), Rannsóknarstofa í máltileinkun, pp. 16-35.

Icelandic Online for Children: Developing a web-based interactive course to enhance reading skills in L2 Icelandic for young learners. Bédi, B. & Þorláksdóttir, H. J. (2024). Novel Techniques and Approaches in Language Teaching (NoTALaT): Short Papers from the NoTALaT Conference Reykjavík, 16–17 May 2024, Bédi, B. & Štvrtecká, L. (eds.). Rannsóknarstofa í máltileinkun, pp. 187-195.

Novel Techniques and Approaches in Language Teaching (NoTALaT): Short Papers from the NoTALaT Conference Reykjavík, 16–17 May 2024,Bédi, B. & Štvrtecká, L. (eds.). Rannsóknarstofa í máltileinkun, 195 p.

ChatGPT-Based Learning And Reading Assistant: Second Report.Bédi, B., ChatGPT-4-Instance, Chiera, B., Chua, C., Cucchiarini, C.,  Dotte, A-L., Geneix-Rabault, S., Maizonniaux, Ch., Marginean, C., Ní Chiaraín, N., Parry-Mills, L., Raheb, Ch., Rayner, B., Simonsen, A.,Viorica, M., L., Wacalie, F., Welby., P., Xiang, Z., Zviel-Girshin. (2024). Report published at ResearchGate.


ChatGPT-Based Learning And Reading Assistant: Initial Report. Bédi, B., ChatGPT-4-Instance, Chiera, B., Chua, C., Ní Chiaraín, N., Rayner, B., Simonsen, A., Zviel-Girshin. (2023). Report published at ResearchGate.

ChatGPT + LARA = C-LARA. Bédi, B., ChatGPT-4-Instance, Chiera, B., Chua, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Rayner, M., Simonsen, A., Zviel-Girshin. (2023). Article accepted and presented at INTERSPEECH 2023 but the conference refused it to be published in the proceedings due to ChatGPT-4-Instance listed as a co-author. Published online at ResearchGate.

Generative AI tools in CALL: what are the options for teachers and language practitioners? Bédi, B.; ChatGPT; Rayner, M.; Simonsen, A. (2023). In CALL for all Languages - EUROCALL 2023 Short Papers. 15-18 August 2023, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.

Using Generative AI tools and LARA to create multimodal language learning resources for L2 Icelandic. Simonsen, A.; Bédi, B. (2023). In CALL for all Languages - EUROCALL 2023 Short Papers. pp. 15-18 August 2023, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.

Orthography-based Pronunciation Scoring for Better CAPT Feedback. J. Richter, C., Pálsson, R., O'Brien, L., Friðriksdóttir, K., Bédi, B., Magnúsdóttir, E.H., Guðnason. (2023). In Proceedings of the INTERSPEECH 2023 Conference.

Preface to EUROCALL 2023 Conference Proceedings. Bédi, B.; Choubsaz , Y. (2023). In B. Bédi, Y. Choubsaz, K. Friðriksdóttir, A. Gimeno-Sanz, S. Björg Vilhjálmsdóttir & S. Zahova (Eds.), CALL for all Languages - EUROCALL 2023 Short Papers.

Resourceful approaches in CALL for less-commonly taught languages: Case studies on Icelandic, Irish, and Nawat. O’Toole, J., Bédi B. and Ward, M. (2023). In CALL for all Languages - EUROCALL 2023 Short Papers. 15-18 August 2023, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.


Kortlagning rafræns námsefnis í íslensku sem öðru máli fyrir börn og viðhorf fjölskyldna til notkunar á námsefni í sjálfsnámi barna. B. Bédi and K. Hopkins. (2022). Milli Mála 14(1). Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages.

Easy as ABC: using LARA to build multimedia alphabet books. Elham Akhlaghi-Baghoojari, Branislav Bédi, Cathy Chua, Ivana Horváthová, Nedelina Ivanova, Christèle Maizonniaux, Marta Mykhats, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, Catherine Orian Weiss, Rina Zviel-Girshin. (2022). Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data: short papers from EUROCALL 2022.

Using learner data from Duolingo to detect micro-and macroscopic granularity through machine learning methods to capture the language learning journey. B. Chiera, B. Bédi, R. Zviel-Girshin. (2022). Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data: short papers from EUROCALL 2022.

Using LARA to create annotated manuscripts and inscriptions for museums: an initial feasibility study. Branislav Bédi, Belinda Chiera, Cathy Chua, Brynjarr Eyjólfsson, Manny Rayner, Catherine Orian Weiss, Rina Zviel-Girshin. (2022). Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data: short papers from EUROCALL 2022.

Computer-assisted pronunciation training in Icelandic (CAPTinI): developing a method for quantifying mispronunciation in L2 speech. Catlin Richter, Branislav Bédi, Ragnar Pálsson, Jón Guðnason. (2022). Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data: short papers from EUROCALL 2022.

Reading Assistance through LARA, the Learning And Reading Assistant. Elham Akhlaghi, Ingibjörg Iða Auðunardóttir, Branislav Bédi, Hakeem Beedar, Harald Berthelsen, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarini, Brynjarr Eyjólfsson, Nedelina Ivanova, Christèle Maizonniaux, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, John Sloan, Sigurður Vigfússon, Ghil’Ad Zuckermann. (2022). Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties (READI) within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference.

Using the LARA Little Prince to compare human and TTS audio quality. Elham Akhlaghi, Ingibjörg Iða Auðunardóttir, Anna Bączkowska, Branislav Bédi, Hakeem Beedar, Harald Berthelsen, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarini, Hanieh Habibi, Ivana Horváthová, Junta Ikeda, Christèle Maizonniaux, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Chadi Raheb, Manny Rayner, John Sloan, Nikos Tsourakis, Chunlin Yao. (2022). Language Resources and Evaluation Conference - LREC 2022.

Using LARA to create image-based and phonetically annotated multimodal texts for endangered languages. (2022). Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages.

Using the LARA platform to crowdsource a multilingual, multimodal Little Prince. Elham Akhlaghi, Anna Bączkowska, Branislav Bédi, Hakeem Beedar, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarini, Hanieh Habibi, Ivana Horváthová, Christèle Maizonniaux, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Nathalie Paterson, Chadi Raheb, Manny Rayner, Chunlin Yao. (2022). Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching.


Poster: TALAÐU! Assessing learners’ needs for developing a mobile app for practicing spoken Icelandic L2. F. Sissoko and B. Bédi. (2021). Poster at the EUROCALL 2021 conference for Computer Assisted Language Learning in Europe, 25-27 August 2021, Paris, France. Best Poster Award!

Assessing the quality of TTS audio in the LARA learning-by-reading platform. Elham Akhlaghi, Anna Bączkowska, Harald Berthelsen, Branislav Bédi, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarini, Hanieh Habibi, Ivana Horváthová, Pernille Hvalsøe, Roy Lotz, Christèle Maizonniaux, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, Nikos Tsourakis, Chunlin Yao. (2021). CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021.

Assessing attitudes of university students toward online classes of Icelandic as a foreign and second language during COVID-19. Branislav Bédi, Lara Roje. (2021). CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021.

Immigrant families’ home use of electronic and online Icelandic L2 materials for children. Kelsey P Hopkins, Branislav Bédi. (2021). CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021.

Lara in the service of revivalistics and documentary linguistics: Community engagement and endangered languages. Ghil‘ad Zuckermann, Sigurður Vigfússon, Manny Rayner, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Nedelina Ivanova, Hanieh Habibi, Branislav Bédi. (2021). Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages.


Icelandic Online: twenty years of development, evaluation, and expansion of an LMOOC. B. Arnbjörnsdóttir, K. Friðriksdóttir, B. Bédi. In Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete; Larsen, Sanne; Bradley, Linda; Thouësny, Sylvie (Eds), CALL for widening participation: short papers from EUROCALL 2020 (pp. 13-19).

Constructing an interactive Old Norse text with LARA. B. Bédi, H. Bernharðsson, C. Chua, B. B. Guðmarsdóttir, H. Habibi, M. Rayner. (2020). In Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete; Larsen, Sanne; Bradley, Linda; Thouësny, Sylvie (Eds), CALL for widening participation: short papers from EUROCALL 2020 (pp. 20-26).

LARA: an extensible open source platform for learning languages by reading. B. Bédi, M.  Butterweck, C. Chua, J. Gerlach, B. B. Guðmarsdóttir, H. Habibi, B. Ö. Jónsson, M. Rayner, & S. Vigfússon. In K.-M. Frederiksen, S. Larsen, L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds), CALL for widening participation: short papers from EUROCALL 2020 (pp. 27-35).

Learning Icelandic in Virtual Reykjavik: Simulating real-life conversations with embodied conversational agents using multimodal clarification requests. B. Bédi. Doctoral dissertation. December 2020. University of Iceland.

Constructing Multimodal Language Learner Texts Using LARA: Experiences with Nine Languages. E. Akhlaghi, B. Bédi, F. Bektas, H. Berthelsen, M. Butterweck, C. Chua, C. Cucchiarini, G. Eryigit, J. Gerlach, H. Habibi, N. Ní Chiariáin, M. Rayner, S. Steingrímsson, H. Strik. In N. Calzolari, F. Béchet, P. Blache, K. Choukri, C. Cieri, T. Declerck, S. Goggi, H. Isahara, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, H. Mazo, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020) (pp. 323-331), ELRA.


Using LARA for language learning: a pilot study for Icelandic. B. Bédi, C. Chua, H. Habibi, R. Martinez-Lopez, and M. Rayner. In F. Meunier, J. Van de Vyver, L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds), CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019 (pp. 1-6).

Overview of LARA: A Learning and Reading Assistant. E. Akhlaghi, B. Bédi, M. Butterweck, C. Chua, J. Gerlach, H. Habibi, J. Ikeda, M. Rayner, S. Sestigiani, G. Zuckermann. In SLaTE 2019: 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, 20-21 September 2019, Graz, Austria.

In Search of the State of Language Learning Online in Europe. M. Bodorík, B. Bédi. In K. Zdravkova, K. Fort, B. Bédi (eds.), the Proceedings of the EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands. Published on CEUR-WS online

Multimodal Clarification Requests in Human-Agent Interaction. B. Bédi. In I. Galhano-Rodrigues, E. Zagar Galvao, A. Cruz-Santos (Eds.) Recent Perspectives on Gesture and Multimodality. (2019). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Demo: Demonstration of LARA: A Learning and Reading Assistant. E. Akhlaghi, B. Bédi, M. Butterweck, C. Chua, J. Gerlach, H. Habibi, J. Ikeda, M. Rayner, S. Sestigiani, G. Zuckermann. In SLaTE 2019: 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, 20-21 September 2019, Graz. Austria.

Demo: Demonstration of LARA, a tool to help develop foreign language reading skills. Elham Aklaghi, Branislav Bédi, Cathy Chua, Hanieh Habibi and Manny Rayner. Demo at the 4th Swiss Text Analytics Conference, 18-19 June 2019, Winterthur, Switzerland.


Introducing the European NETwork for COmbining Language LEarning and Crowdsourcing Techniques (enetCollect). V. Lyding, L. Nicolas, B. Bédi, K. Fort.  In Proceedings of  25th EUROCALL Conference, 22-25 August 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland.

The Multimodal Model of Language. B. Bédi. In Book of Abstracts. 48th Poznan Linguistic Meeting "Language and evolution: Issues and perspectives", 13-15 September 2018, Poznan, Poland.

Poster: Multimodal Clarification Requests in Human-Agent Interaction. B. Bédi. Poster at Hugvísindaþing 2018 - an annual conference of the School of Humanities at University of Iceland, 9 March 2018, Reykjavík, Iceland.


Learners' Expectations and Experiences in Virtual Reykjavik. B. Bédi, B. Arnbjörnsdóttir, H. Vilhjálmsson. In Proceedings of CALL in Context, University of California in Berkeley,  7-9 July 2017, Berkeley, CA, USA.

Poster: Virtual Cambridge. K. Hes, B. Bédi, A. Caines, P. Buttery. Poster at the Cambridge Language Sciences Symposium, 21 November 2017, Magdalene College, Cambridge, UK.


Learning Icelandic Language and Culture in Virtual Reykjavik: Starting to Talk. B. Bédi, B. Arnbjörnsdóttir, H. Vilhjálmsson, H. Helgadóttir, S. Ólafsson, E. Björgvinsson. In Proceedings of 23rd EUROCALL Conference, 24-27 August 2016, Limassol, Cyprus.


Starting a Conversation with Strangers: Explicit Announcement of Presence. S. Ólafsson, B. Bédi, H. Helgadóttir, H. Vilhjálmsson, B. Arnbjörnsdóttir. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Symposium on Multimodal Communication, 17-18 September 2015, Dublin, Ireland.


Poster: Social Gatherings in Virtual Reykjavik. H. Vilhjálmsson, E. Björgvinsson, H. Helgadóttir, K. Kristinsson, S. Ólafsson, A. Cafaro, N. Krämer, J. Braier, P. Wegge, S. Youn, C. Pedica, B. Arnbjörnsdóttir, B. Bédi. Demo and Poster at the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 27-29 August 2014, Boston, MA, USA.