
©Kristinn Ingvarsson

Dr Freydis Vigfusdottir

I am an ecologist and my research interests lie in the field of spatial and trophic ecology of animals. Current research is focused on foraging ecology of marine animals and influences of marine resource limitations on arctic and subarctic ecosystems. 



PhD in Animal Ecology, University of East Anglia (UEA) UK 2013

MSc in Biology (Ecology and Evolution), University of Iceland 2007

BSc in Biology, University of Iceland 2004


Current post     

Head of division at Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate, Department of Climate and Nature

Part-time teacher at University of Iceland, Environment and Natural resources master's program

President of the Icelandic Ecological Society


Former posts

Special Advisor at Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Department of Sustainability and Environment

Affiliated project manager (part-time) at Institute for sustainability studies at University of Iceland

Head of division at Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate

Adjunct Lecturer at University of Iceland

Project manager at Reykjavik city, Department of Nature and Parks

Email: freydisv@hi.is

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