Teaching and supervision
I have supervised number of students, both on undergraduate and graduate level. In addition, I have advised various masters’ and doctorate students. All supervised students have worked on marine ecology or biology projects. I have acted as an external examiner for a number of masters’ thesis examinations.
Alumni students’ thesis:
- Marine Protected Areas in Iceland: Status, societal value and future vision. Evelin Bunter. 60 ECTS MSc project, due 2022, Environment and Natural resources Masters' program, University of Iceland. Defended and passed with minor corrections in May 2022.
- Between ice and ocean: effects of Great Skuas and Arctic Skuas on primary succession at retreating Breidarmerkurjokull glacier, SE-Iceland. Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir. 60 ECTS MSc project, due 2021, Environment and Natural resources Masters' program, University of Iceland. Defended and passed with minor corrections in May 2022.
- Farming for Conservation: How Eiderdown Farmers’ Practices and Perspectives Impact Breeding Arctic Terns in Iceland. Eliza-Jane Morin. 30 ECTS MS project at University of the Westfjords. Defended and passed with minor corrections in May 2020.
- Length at age of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) around the coast of Iceland over the period 1985 – 2016. Katrín Hulda Gunnarsdóttir. 12 ECTS Research Project in Biology (BSc) 2017. Co-supervised with Steven Campana.
- Using core samples of a Nordic seabird nest to infer pelagic fish stock around Iceland. Brynja Cassandra Onus. 12 ECTS Research Project in Biology (BSc) 2016. Co-supervised with Steven Campana.
- Drivers of productivity failures of kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) on Snæfellsnes peninsula. Hákon Ásgeirsson. Final year BSc research project at The Agricultural University of Iceland (LBHÍ) 2010.
Alumni summer-students' projects:
- Arctic Tern migration and movement - Iceland, Angola and Namibia.Victor Wendulika Agostinho. Summer Research project funded by RANNIS Student Innovation Fund 2020.
- The value of Arctic Tern colonies for Eiders and Eiderfarming. Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir og Hjörleifur Finnsson. Summer Research project funded by RANNIS Student Innovation Fund 2020.
- Kríuvarp á Seltjarnarnesi - ásamt öðru fuglalífi 2019. Unnið fyrir Umhverfisnefnd Seltjarnarness. Nemendur: Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir og Elísa Skúladóttir.
- Sjófugl í borginni: Lífsbarátta borgarkríunnar og samlífi með mennskum nágrönnum. Nemi: Hrafnhildur Vala Friðriksdóttir. Summer Research project funded by RANNIS Student Innovation Fund , 2018.
- Úr hafi að jökli: gildi hafræns næringarefnaflutnings fyrir þróun landvistkerfa við hopandi jökla. Nemi: Elísa Skúladóttir. Summer Research project funded by RANNIS Student Innovation Fund , 2018.
- Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea as indicator of mairne conditions - diet and productivity of Arctic Terns on Snæfellsnes. Steinunn Guðmundsdóttir. Summer Research project funded by RANNIS Student Innovation Fund 2010.
- Impact of weather on attendance of breeding guillemots in seabird cliffs. Dóra G. Þórarinsdóttir student at The Icelandic Teaching College (KHÍ) Summer Research project funded by RANNIS Student Innovation Fund 2006.
Lectures and practical classes
Since 2006, I have taught in 30 different courses (>3000 hours) at Universities in Iceland and UK, mostly in marine themed courses, both at undergraduate and masters’ levels. I have supervised number of students and been an opponent/examiner of master’s thesis defense.
Table with marine themed teaching 2015-2025
Full list of teaching and teaching development
- 2024
- Guest lecturer in The interaction of organism and environment at University of Iceland
- Guest lecturer in Teaching and learning science in the local environment at University of Iceland
- Guest lecturer in Icelandic nature at University of Iceland
- Guest lecturer in Marine Protected Areas at University of Iceland
- 2023
- Teaching development for Ocean sustainability at University of Iceland.
- Guest lecturer in Marine Protected Areas at University of Iceland
- 2022
- Guest lecturer in Marine environment and fisheries at University of Iceland.
- Guest lecturer in Marine Protected Areas at University of Iceland
- 2021
- Guest lecturer in Urban Ecology at The Agricultural University of Iceland
- Supervisory Teacher of Marine environment and fisheries at University of Iceland.
- Supervisory teacher of Marine Protected Areas at University of Iceland
- Guest lecturer in Marine Ecology at international masters program at University Centre of the Westfjords.
- Guest lecturer in Ecology (undergraduate) School of Engineering and Natural Sciences at University of Iceland
- 2018 – 2021
- Lead developer of specialization in Marine Resource Management in Environment and Natural Resources international master’s program
- Supervisory Teacher of Marine environment and fisheries at University of Iceland.
- Supervisory teacher of Marine Protected Areas at University of Iceland
- Supervisory teacher of The interaction of organism and environment at School of Education at University of Iceland
- Primary supervisor of a masters student in Environment and Resource Management at University of Iceland
- Lecturer in following undergraduate courses at School of Engineering and Natural Sciences at University of Iceland:
- Lecturer in following undergraduate courses at School of Education at University of Iceland:
- Lecturer in Marine Ecology at international masters program at University Centre of the Westfjords.
- 2017
- University of Akureyri: Marine Ecology Lecturer for the Fisheries Management Program.
- 2016 – 2017
- University of Iceland: Primary supervisor of two BSc dissertations in marine ecology.
- 2014 – 2016
- University of Exeter: Lecturer on marine biology Bahamas field course and on terrestrial biology Scotland field course. Teaching assistant in vertebrate practical in 2014 and 2015. Advisor of two MSc dissertation completed in September 2015 and 2016.
- 2013 – 2015
- University of Iceland: Lecturer in Fish Biology (supervisory teacher), Vertebrate Zoology (taught 1/3 of the course on fish), Environmental Issues, Tourism and Environment, Ornithology, Behavioural Ecology, and lab demonstrator for Invertebrate Zoology.
- 2011
- University of East Anglia: Demonstrator on MSc statistics modules, and on MSc field course on estuarine ecology.
- 2010
- University of East Anglia: Demonstrator on 1st year Biodiversity module.
- 2009, 2010
- University of Iceland: Teaching Assistant on Ornithology 3rd year field course.
- 2009
- Co-supervisor of BSc dissertation research at the Agricultural University of Iceland.
- 2006
- University of Iceland: Demonstrator in Entomology Lab and Zoology Field course.
- 2006
- Co-supervisor of BA dissertation research at The Teaching College of Iceland.
- 2004
- Centre of Schooling and Continuous Education, Vestmannaeyjar: Two-day lectures on the Fishing Industry and the Environment for people in Fishing Industry.