External engagement and impact
Professional committees and conference organising
2020 - current President of the Icelandic Ecological Society
2021-2022 Professional council member for Landvernd - Icelandic Environment Association NGO
2021 Professional council member for the Icelandic Museum of Natural History
2018-2021 President of the Icelandic Association for Women in Science since 2018, on the board since 2017
2019 President of the scientific committee for the Icelandic Ecological Society Conference
2021 Board member for the Icelandic Seafood congress (since 2018)
2019 Board member for the Icelandic Ecological Society since 2018
2017 Icelandic Pelagic Environment: Organizer of themed Seminar at Icelandic Biological Conference
2017 Arctic Circle Assembly - Pacific Island Fisheries Exchange: Host and organizer of visitors program
2017 Institute of Biology Friday Lunch Seminars: Host and organizer of speakers
2017 BirdLife Iceland Seminar on IUCN Red list and protection of Birds: Host and organizer
2017 Migration Workshop, University of Exeter: Invited workshop member
2017 North Atlantic International Seabird Workshop, Reykjavik: Host and steering group member
2017 Board member for the Icelandic Association for Women in Science
2013 BOU conference committee, Leicester UK: Audio and Visual control
2011 Seabird Group 11th International Conference, Plymouth UK: Field trip coordinator
2011 BOU Early Career Researcher ECR Workshop, York UK: invited committee member
2010 Centre of Ecol & Evol CEEC UEA Rebellion Conference committee: Scientific program
2011 Centre of Ecol & Evol CEEC UEA Rebellion Conference committee: Committee chair
2009 CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna) Seabird working group meeting, Iceland
2007 Workshop on Nordic seabirds in a changing environment, Faroe Islands: invited member
Public and media engagement activities 2003 – 2019
>10 Invited talks and open meetings for the public, including:
2019 Presentation on bird life and nature of Grótta og Seltjarnanes for Seltjarnanes Rotary club
2015 Presentation on Arctic Tern research at Seltjarnanes Golf course in April 2015
2008 Presentation on Puffin harvest records for puffin hunters in Vestmannaeyjar in 2008
2009 Presentation on Arctic Tern and seabird crisis for Snæfellsbær community in 2009
>25 Radio and TV interviews, including:
2021 RÚV, national radio, morning show: interview on urban birds and seagulls
2019 RÚV, national radio, morning show: interview on climate change and seabird wrecks
2018 RÚV news report interview on importance of education in nature resource related studies
2018 KrakkaRúv, kids-radio: Two 30 min interviews on fish evolution and fish biology
2017 RÚV-Spotlight, live-TV (2x), and RUV Samfélagið Radio: discussion marine and seabird research
2016 Bylgjan - Í Bítið: 30 min discussion on marine pollution and plastics in the environment
2013 BBC Radio 4 - one hour interview on Arctic Tern research in Iceland
2008, 2010 RÚV Samfélagið, 60 min live broadcast inteview: 2 appearances to discuss seabird research
2010 Nature documentary appearance in Fjársjóður Framtíðar: 15 min interview
2009 Appearance and script writing for Krían 60 min nature documentary by Páll Steingrímsson
>25 Newspapers and online interviews, including:
2008-2019 Multiple interviews annually with Morgunblaðið, Fréttablaðið and RUV online on Seabirds
2013 Interview in National Geographic on Arctic Tern research and seabird crisis in Iceland
2004 Interview in Wall Street Journal on Rabbits and Puffins in Vestmannaeyjar: Cute vs. cuter
Nature documentary filming and photography:
2016 Photography award for best pictures on University of Exeter Field course fortnight
2014 Filming in Canadian Arctic, Iceland and Ireland for Wild Doc Society: Wild Goose Chase documentary
2014 Filming in Iceland for Fjársjóður Framtíðar on scientific work on long distance migratory birds