
(Open access papers linked)


Heinonen, J.; Kuittinen, M.; Bjånesøy (2024): Carbon storage in the built environment, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 4 040201.

Heinonen, J.; Czepkiewicz, M. (2021): Cities, Long-Distance Travel, and Climate Impacts, Urban Planning,  6 (2).

Heinonen, Jukka; Horvath, Arpad; Junnila, Seppo (2015): Environmental assessments in the built environment: crucial yet underdeveloped, Environmental Research Letters, 10, 035003Focus on Environmental Assessments in the Built Environment.

Book chapters

Heinonen, Jukka; Ottelin, Juudit (2021): Carbon Accounting for Regenerative Cities, in Rethinking Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy, Eds. Andreucci, M. et al., Springer, Switzerland.

Heinonen, Jukka; Jóhannesson, S. (2019): More Consumption, Less Production: The Low-Carbon Illusion of Cities, in Sustainable Consumption, Promise or Myth? Case Studies from the Field, Eds. Jean Léon Boucher and Jukka Heinonen, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.

Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2019): Polarizing Evidence of the Relationship between Compact City and the Carbon Footprint of City Residents, in Sustainable Consumption, Promise or Myth? Case Studies from the Field, Eds. Jean Léon Boucher and Jukka Heinonen, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.

Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2017): Rebound effects for reduced car ownership and driving, Chapter in a book: Nordic Experiences of Sustainable Planning: Policy and Practice, Publisher: Routledge, Editors: Sigríður Kristjánsdóttir.

Journal articles

Raudsepp, J.; Thorbjörnsson, K.; Hasanzadeh, K.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Heinonen, J. (2025): Activity spaces and leisure travel emissions: A case study in Reykjavík, Iceland, Travel Behaviour and Society, 38, 100896.

Dillman, K. J.; Heinonen, J.; Davíðsdóttir, B.; Levänen, J. (2025): A longitudinal analysis of the strong social and ecological sustainability of Icelandic mobility provisioning, European Transport Studies 2, 100009.

Dillman, K.; Heinonen, J.; Davíðsdóttir, B. (2024): Safe and just housing for all–Towards establishing a sustainable consumption corridor for housing, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 51, 79-91.

Ottelin, J.; Olson, S.; Ballal, V.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Heinonen, J. (2024): Rebound effects flatten differences in carbon footprints between car-free households, minimal drivers, and green car owners, Environmental Research Communications, 6 (12), 125008.

Raudsepp, J.; Hasanzadeh, K.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Heinonen, J.; Czepkiewicz, M. (2024): Does Higher Exposure to Green Spaces Lead to Higher Life Satisfaction and Less Leisure Travel? A Case Study of Reykjavík, Iceland, Urban Science, 8 (4), 236.

Raudsepp, J.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J.; Árnadóttir, Á. (2024): Travel footprints in the nordics, Environmental Research Communications, 6 (9), 095002.

Dillman, K. J.; Heinonen, J.; Davíðsdóttir, B. (2024): Safe and just housing for all–Towards establishing a sustainable consumption corridor for housing, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 51, 79-91.

Olson, S.; Szafraniec, M.; Heinonen, J.; Árnadóttir, Á. (2024): Concerned about Climate Change and Ready to Take Action? An Analysis of the Pro-Climate Actions Individuals Are Motivated to Take to Lower Their Carbon Footprints, Sustainability, 16 (16), 6755.

Einarsdóttir, A.; tho Pesch, G.; Dillman, K.; Karlsdóttir, M.; Heinonen, J. (2024): Consumption-Based Energy Footprints in Iceland: High and Equally Distributed, Energies, 17 (10), 2375.

Stefansdottir, H.; Næss, P.; Heinonen, J.; Czepkiewicz, M. (2024): The role of aesthetic quality in urban spaces to influence use of active transport modes. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 1–26.

Árnadóttir, Á.; Abdirova, T.; Olson, S.; Heinonen, J.; Czepkiewicz, M. (2024): Does higher climate concern lead to a smaller carbon footprint? A study among the Nordic country residents, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 205, 107543.

Olson, S.; Heinonen, J.; Ottelin, J.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Árnadóttir, Á.; (2024): The impact of low-carbon consumption options on carbon footprints in the Nordic region, Consumption and Society, 1-28.

Jack, T.; Bååth, J.; Heinonen, J.T.; Gram-Hanssen, K. (2023): How individuals make sense of their climate impacts in the capitalocene: mixed methods insights from calculating carbon footprints. Sustainability Science, 19, 777–791.

Bjånesøy, S.; Kinnunen, A.; Einarsdóttir, H.; Heinonen, J. (2023): Carbon storage in the built environment: a review, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 3 (4), 042003.

Maczionsek, M.; Dillman, K.; Heinonen, J. (2023): Linking perception and reality: Climate-sustainability perception and carbon footprints in the Nordic countries, Journal of Cleaner Production, 430, 139750.

Anttonen, H.; Kinnunen, A.; Heinonen, J.; Ottelin, J.; Junnila, S. (2023): The spatial distribution of carbon footprints and engagement in pro-climate behaviors – Trends across urban-rural gradients in the Nordics, Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 100139.

Þórólfsdóttir, E.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Heinonen, J. (2023): Net zero emission buildings: a review of academic literature and national roadmaps, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 3 (4), 042002.

tho Pesch, G.; Einarsdóttir, A.; Dillman, K.; Heinonen, J. (2023): Energy Consumption and Human Well-Being: A Systematic Review, Energies, 16 (18), 6494.

Leferink, E.; Heinonen, J.; Ala-Mantila, S.; Árnadóttir, Á. (2023): Climate concern elasticity of carbon footprint, Environmental Research Communications, 5, 075003.

Dillman, K.; Heinonen, J.; Davíðsdóttir, B. (2023): Of booms, busts, and sustainability: A socio-technical transition study of Iceland's mobility regime and its proximity to strong sustainability, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 48, 100755.

Dillman, K.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J.; Davíðsdóttir, B. (2023): Ecological intensity of social provisioning in mobility systems: A global analysis, Energy Research & Social Science, 104, 103242.

Lylykangas, K.; Cachia, R.; Cerrone, D.; Kriiska, K.; Norbisrath, U.; Walke, P.; Joutsiniemi, A.; Heinonen, J. (2023): Territorial and Consumption-Based Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessments: Implications for Spatial Planning Policies, Land, 12 (6), 1144.

Gunnarsdóttir, I.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Heinonen, J. Davíðsdóttir, B. (2023): Decarbonization of passenger transport in Reykjavík, Iceland–A stakeholder analysis, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 12, 101019.

Schmidt, F.; Sidders, A.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Heinonen, J. (2023): ‘I am not a typical flyer’: narratives about the justified or excessive character of international flights in a highly mobile society, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 32 (6), 1217-1240.

Vilbergsson, K.; Dillman, K.; Emami, N.; Ásbjörnsson, N.; Heinonen, J.; Finger, D. (2023): Can remote green hydrogen production play a key role in decarbonizing Europe in the future? A cradle-to-gate LCA of hydrogen production in Austria, Belgium, and Iceland, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48 (46), 17711-17728.

Dillman, K.; Heinonen, J.; Davíðsdóttir, B. (2023): A development of intergenerational sustainability indicators and thresholds for mobility system provisioning: A socio-ecological framework in the context of strong sustainability, Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 100240.

Sigurðardóttir, H.; Heinonen, J.; Ögmundarson, Ó.; Árnadóttir, Á. (2023): Neighborhood-Level LCA and Hotspot Analysis of Embodied Emissions of a New Urban Area in Reykjavík, Sustainability, 15 (6), 5327.

Rasbash, D.; Dillman, K.; Heinonen, J.; Ásgeirsson, E. (2023): A National and Regional Greenhouse Gas Breakeven Assessment of EVs across North America, Sustainability 2023, 15(3), 2181.

Dillman, K.; Heinonen, J. (2023): Towards a Safe Hydrogen Economy: An Absolute Climate Sustainability Assessment of Hydrogen Production, Climate 11 (1), 25.

Ala-Mantila, S.; Heinonen, J.; Clarke, J.; Ottelin, J. (2023): Consumption-based view on national and regional per capita carbon footprint trajectories and planetary pressures-adjusted human development, Environmental Research Letters, 18 024035.

Heinonen, J.; Olson, S.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Ottelin, J. (2022): Too much consumption or too high emissions intensities? Explaining the high consumption-based carbon footprints in the Nordic countries, Environmental Research Communications 4 (12), 125007.

Bjånesøy, S.; Heinonen, J.; Ögmundarson, Ó.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Marteinsson, B. (2022): Fiberglass as a Novel Building Material: A Life Cycle Assessment of a Pilot House, Architecture 2 (4), 690-710.

Villamor, E.; Akizu-Gardoki, O.; Heinonen, J.; Bueno, G. (2022): Global Multi-Regional Input-Output methodology reveals lower energy footprint in an alternative community project, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 34, 65-77.

Kinnunen, A.; Talvitie, I.; Ottelin, J.; Heinonen, J.; Junnila, S. (2022): Carbon sequestration and storage potential of urban residential environment–A review, Sustainable Cities and Society, 84, 104027.

Dillman, K.; Heinonen, J. (2022): A ‘just’ hydrogen economy: A normative energy justice assessment of the hydrogen economy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 167, 112648.

Heinonen, J.; Ottelin, J.; Guddisardottir, A.; Junnila, S. (2022): Spatial consumption-based carbon footprints: two definitions, two different outcomes, Environmental Research Communications, 4 (2), 025006.

Dillman, K.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J.; Davíðsdóttir, B. (2021): A Safe and Just Space for Urban Mobility - A Framework for Sector-Based Sustainable Consumption Corridor Development. Global Sustainability, 1-42.

Joensuu, T.; Leino, R.; Heinonen, J.; Saari A. (2021): Developing Buildings’ Life Cycle Assessment in Circular Economy-Comparing methods for assessing carbon footprint of reusable components, Sustainable Cities and Society, 103499.

Næss, P.; Stefansdottir, H.; Peters, S.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J. (2021): Residential Location and Travel in the Reykjavik Capital Region, Sustainability, 13, 6714.

Raudsepp, J.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J. (2021), Long‐Distance Travel and the Urban Environment: Results from a Qualitative Study in Reykjavik, Urban Planning, 6 (2), 257–270.

Árnadóttir, Á.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J. (2021): Climate change concern and the desire to travel: How do I justify my flights?, Travel Behaviour and Society, 24, 282-290.

Amiri, A.; Emami, N.; Ottelin, J.; Sorvari, J.; Marteinsson, B.; Heinonen, J.; Junnila, S. (2021): Embodied emissions of buildings - A forgotten factor in green building certificates, Energy & Buildings, 241, 110962.

Heinonen, J.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Ottelin, J. (2021): Drivers of Car Ownership in a Car-Oriented City: A Mixed-Method Study, Sustainability, 13(2), 619. 

Dillman, K.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J.; Fazeli, R.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Davíðsdóttir, B.; Shafiei, E. (2021): Decarbonization scenarios for Reykjavik’s passenger transport: The combined effects of behavioural changes and technological developments, Sustainable Cities & Society, 65, 102614.

Dillman, K.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Heinonen, J.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Davíðsdóttir, B. (2020): Review and Meta-Analysis of EVs: Embodied Emissions and Environmental Breakeven. Sustainability, 12, 9390.

Kalaniemi, S.; Ottelin, J.; Heinonen, J.; Junnila, S. (2020): Downscaling consumption to universal basic income level falls short of sustainable carbon footprint in Finland, Environmental Science & Policy, 114, 377-383.

Czepkiewicz, M.; Klaas, V.; Heinonen, J. (2020): Compensation or cosmopolitan attitudes: Explaining leisure travel of Nordic urbanites, Travel Behaviour and Society, 21, 167-187.

Dabaieh, Marwa; Heinonen, Jukka; El-Mahdy, Deena; Hassan, Dalya (2020): A comparative study of life cycle carbon emissions and embodied energy between sun-dried bricks and fired clay bricks, Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 122998.

Dabaieh, Marwa; Emami, Nargessadat; Marteinsson, Björn; Heinonen, Jukka (2020): A life cycle assessment of a ‘minus carbon’ refugee house: global warming potential and sensitivity analysis, Archnet-IJAR, online first version,

Karlsdottir, M.R.; Heinonen, J.; Palsson, H.; Palsson, O.P. (2020): High-Temperature Geothermal Utilization in the Context of European Energy Policy—Implications and Limitations, Energies, 13, 3187.

Laine, Jani; Kontu, Kaisa; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2020): Uncertain Greenhouse Gas Implication in Waste Heat Utilization – A Case Study with a Data Center, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 8 (2), 360-372.

Laine, Jani; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2020): Pathways to Carbon-Neutral Cities Prior to a National Policy, Sustainability, 12(6), 2445.

Heinonen, J.; Ottelin, J.; Ala-Mantila, S.; Wiedmann, T.; Clarke, J.; Junnila, S. (2020): Spatial consumption-based carbon footprint assessments - A review of recent developments in the field, Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120335.

Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J.; Næss, P.; Stefansdóttir, H. (2020): Who travels more, and why? A mixed-method study of urban dwellers’ leisure travel, Travel Behaviour and Society, 19, 67-81.

Jóhannesson, S.; Heinonen, J.; Davíðsdóttir, B. (2020): Data accuracy in Ecological Footprint’s carbon footprint, Ecological Indicators, 111, 105983.

Karlsdottir, MR.; Heinonen, J.; Palsson, H.; Palsson, OP. (2020): Life cycle assessment of a geothermal combined heat and power plant based on high temperature utilization, Geothermics, 84, 101727.

Czepkiewicz, M.; Árnadóttir, Á.; Heinonen, J. (2019): Flights Dominate Travel Emissions of Young Urbanites, Sustainability, 11 (22), 6340.

Ottelin, J.; Heinonen, J.; Nässen, J.; Junnila, S. (2019): Household carbon footprint patterns by the degree of urbanisation in Europe, Environmental Research Letters, 14, 114016.

Ottelin, J.; Ala-Mantila, S.; Heinonen, J.; Wiedmann, T.; Clarke, J.; Junnila, S. (2019): What can we learn from consumption-based carbon footprints at different spatial scales? Review of policy implications, Environmental Research Letters, 14 (9), 093001.

Árnadóttir, Á.; Czepkiewicz, M.; Heinonen, J. (2019): The Geographical Distribution and Correlates of Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors in an Urban Region, Energies, 12 (8), 1540.

Hasanzadeh, Kamyar; Czepkiewicz, Michal; Heinonen, Jukka; Kyttä, Marketta; Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Ottelin, Juudit (2019): Beyond geometries of activity spaces: A holistic study of daily travel patterns, individual characteristics, and perceived wellbeing in Helsinki metropolitan area, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 12 (1).

Emami, Nargessadat; Heinonen, Jukka; Marteinsson, Björn; Säynäjoki, Antti; Junnonen, Juha-Matti; Junnila, Seppo; Laine, Jani (2019): A Life Cycle Assessment of Two Residential Buildings Using Two Different LCA Database-Software Combinations: Recognizing Uniformities and Inconsistencies, Buildings, 9 (1), 20.

Jóhannesson, Sigurdur; Heinonen, Jukka; Davíðsdóttir, Brynhildur (2019): Increasing the accuracy of marine footprint calculations, Ecological Indicators, 99, 153-158.

Czepkiewicz, Michal; Heinonen, Jukka; Ottelin, Juudit (2018): Why do urbanites travel more than do others? A review of associations between urban form and long-distance leisure travel, Environmental Research Letters, 13, 073001.

Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2018): Carbon and material footprints of a welfare state: why and how governments should enhance green investments, Environmental Science and Policy, 86, 1-10.

Czepkiewicz, Michal; Ottelin, Juudit; Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Heinonen, Jukka; Hasanzadeh, Kamyar; Kyttä, Marketta (2018): Urban structural and socioeconomic effects on local, national and international travel patterns and greenhouse gas emissions of young adults, Journal of Transport Geography, 68, 130–141.

Jóhannesson, Sigurdur; Davíðsdóttir, Brynhildur; Heinonen, Jukka (2018): Standard Ecological Footprint Method for Small, Highly Specialized Economies, Ecological Economics, 146, 370-380.

Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2018): Carbon footprint trends of metropolitan residents in Finland: how strong mitigation policies affect different urban zones, Journal of Cleaner Production, 170 (1), 1523-1535.

Keskisaari, Ville; Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka (2017): Greenhouse gas impacts of different modality style classes using latent class travel behavior model, Journal of Transport Geography, 65, 155-164.

Laine, Jani; Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2017): Consequential Implications of Municipal Energy System on City Carbon Footprints, Sustainability, 9(10), 1801.

Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo; Saarsalmi, Perttu  (2017): Spatial nature of urban well-being, Regional Studies,

Clarke, Jack; Heinonen, Jukka; Ottelin, Juudit (2017): Emissions in a decarbonised economy? Global lessons from a carbon footprint analysis of Iceland, Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, 1175-1186.

Viktorsson, Ludvik; Heinonen, Jukka; Skulason, Jon Bjorn; Unnthorsson, Runar (2017): A Step towards the Hydrogen Economy—A Life Cycle Cost Analysis of A Hydrogen Refueling Station, Energies, 10(6), 763.

Säynäjoki, Antti; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnonen, Juha-Matti; Junnila, Seppo (2017): Input–output and process LCAs in the building sector: are the results compatible with each other?, Carbon Management, 8 (2), 155-166.

Säynäjoki, Antti; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo; Horvath, Arpad (2017): Can life-cycle assessment produce reliable policy guidelines in the building sector?, Environmental Research Letters, 12 (1), 013001.

Heinonen, Jukka (2016); A Consumption-Based Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon Footprints in California: High Footprints in Small Urban Households, International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering, 10 (9), 916-923.

Sharp, Hannah; Grundius, Josefine; Heinonen, Jukka (2016): Carbon Footprint of Inbound Tourism to Iceland: A Consumption-Based Life-Cycle Assessment including Direct and Indirect Emissions, Sustainability, 8 (11), 1147.

Emami, Nargessadat; Marteinsson, Björn; Heinonen, Jukka (2016): Environmental Impact Assessment of a School Building in Iceland Using LCA-Including the Effect of Long Distance Transport of Materials, Buildings, 6 (4), 46.

Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2016): To each their own? The greenhouse gas impacts of intra-household sharing in different urban zones, Journal of Cleaner Production, 135 (1), 356–367.

Heinonen, Jukka; Säynäjoki, Antti; Junnonen, Juha-Matti; Pöyry, Amalia.; Junnila, Seppo (2016): Pre-use phase LCA of a multi-story residential building: Can greenhouse gas emissions be used as a more general environmental performance indicator?, Building and Environment, 95, 116-125.

Säynäjoki, Eeva; Heinonen, Jukka; Säynäjoki, Antti (2015): A consumption-based approach to climate change mitigation and urban environmental sustainability, Kart og Plan, 4, 300-308.

Heinonen, Jukka; Laine, Jani; Pluuman, Karoliina; Säynäjoki, Eeva-Sofia; Soukka, Risto; Junnila, Seppo (2015): Planning for a Low Carbon Future? Comparing Heat Pumps and Cogeneration as the Energy System Options for a New Residential Area, Energies, 8, 9137-9154.

Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2015): New energy efficient housing has reduced carbon footprints in outer but not in inner urban areas, Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 9574-9583.

Säynäjoki, Eeva-Sofia; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2015): Role of Urban Planning in Encouraging More Sustainable Lifestyles, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 141(1), 04014011.

Säynäjoki, Eeva-Sofia; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2014): The Power of Urban Planning on Environmental Sustainability: A Focus Group Study in Finland, Sustainability, 6 (10), 6622-6643.

Ottelin, Juudit; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2014): Greenhouse gas emissions from flying can offset the gain from reduced driving in dense urban areas, Journal of Transport Geography, 41 (2014) 1–9.

Säynäjoki, Eeva; Inkeri, Ville; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2014): How central business district developments facilitate environmental sustainability - a multiple case study in Finland, Cities, 41 (2014) 101–113.

Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2014): Relationship between urbanization, direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, and household expenditures: a multivariate analysis, Ecological Economics, 104, 129-139.

Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2014): Residential energy consumption patterns and the overall housing energy requirements of urban and rural households in Finland, Energy and Buildings, 76, 295- 303.

Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2013): The greenhouse gas implications of urban sprawl in Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Sustainability, 5, 4461-4478.

Ristimäki, Miro; Säynäjoki, Antti; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2013): Combining Life Cycle Costing and Life Cycle Assessment for an Analysis of a New Residential District Energy System Design, Energy, 63, 168-179.

Heinonen, Jukka; Jalas, Mikko; Juntunen, Jouni; Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Junnila, Seppo (2013): Situated Lifestyles II: The impacts of urban density, housing type and motorization on the greenhouse gas emissions of the middle income consumers in Finland, Environmental Research Letters, 8 (3), 035050.

Heinonen, Jukka; Jalas, Mikko; Juntunen, Jouni; Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Junnila, Seppo (2013): Situated lifestyles I: How lifestyles change along with the level of urbanization and what are the greenhouse gas implications, a study of Finland, Environmental Research Letters, 8 (2), 025003.

Sivunen, Matti; Pulkka, Lauri; Heinonen, Jukka; Kajander, Juho-Kusti; Junnila, Seppo (2013): Service- Dominant Innovation in the Built Environment, Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 13 (2).

Säynäjoki , Antti; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2012): A scenario analysis of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of a new residential area, Environmental Research Letters, 7 (3), 034037.

Heinonen, Jukka; Säynäjoki, Antti-Juhani; Kuronen, Matti; Junnila, Seppo (2012): Are the Greenhouse Gas Implications of New Residential Developments Understood Wrongly?, Energies, 5 (8), 2874-2893.

Kyrö, Riikka; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2012): Housing managers key to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of multi-family housing companies? A mixed method approach, Building and Environment, 56, 203–210.

Säynäjoki, Eeva; Kyrö, Riikka; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2012): An assessment of the applicability of three international neighbourhood sustainability rating systems to diverse local conditions, with a focus on Nordic case areas, International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 3 (2), 92-100.

Kyrö, Riikka; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2012): Assessing the Potential of Climate Change Mitigation Actions in Three Different City Types in Finland, Sustainability, 4(7), 1510-1524.

Heinonen, Jukka; Kyrö, Riikka; Junnila, Seppo (2012): City level carbon mitigation strategies: What are their true impacts?, International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 3 (1), 54-59.

Kyrö, Riikka; Heinonen, Jukka; Säynäjoki, Antti; Junnila, Seppo (2011): Occupants have little influence on the overall energy consumption in district heated apartment buildings, Energy and Buildings, 43 (12), 3484-3490.

Heinonen, Jukka; Kyrö, Riikka; Junnila, Seppo (2011): Dense downtown living more carbon intense due to higher consumption: a case study of Helsinki, Environmental Research Letters, 6, 034034.

Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2011): Case study on the carbon consumption of two metropolitan cities, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 16, 569-579.

Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2011): Implications of Urban Structure on Carbon Consumption in Metropolitan Areas, Environmental Research Letters, 6, 014018.

Heinonen, Jukka; Säynäjoki, Antti; Junnila, Seppo (2011): A Longitudinal Study on the Carbon Emissions of a New Residential Development, Sustainability, 3 (8), 1170-1189.

Heinonen Jukka; Junnila Seppo (2011): Carbon Consumption Comparison of Rural and Urban Lifestyles, Sustainability, 3 (8), 1234-1249.

Säynäjoki, Antti; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo (2011): Carbon Footprint Assessment of a Residential Development Project, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2 (2).