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―. 2021. Towards modelling past and present effects of prescriptivism in Icelandic 19th- and 21st-century student essays. 6th Prescriptivism Conference: Modelling Prescriptivism: Language, Literature, and Speech Communities. 23-25 September 2021. Preliminary programme:

―. [submitted]. Sögulegar breytingar á orðaröð með tveggja andlaga sögnum í íslensku [Historical word order changes in ditransitive constructions in Icelandic]. Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði.

―. [in prep.]. Contact-induced grammatical change in Early Modern Icelandic: The loss of the pronominal dual. (Joint work with Thórhallur Eythórsson.)

―. [in prep.]. On the grammaticalization of ‘promise’ across Germanic languages. (Joint work with ‪Łukasz Jędrzejowski‬.)



―. [to appear]. From Old to Modern Icelandic: Dative Applicatives in Diachrony. Functional heads across time: syntactic reanalysis and change. Veronika Hegedűs and Barbara Egedi (eds). Oxford University Press.

―. [to appear]. „Það varst þú sem vantaði“: Persónuleg skrif á mörkum talaðs máls og ritaðs Í: Veðurskeyti frá Ásgarði. Margrét Elísabet Ólafsdóttir (ritstj.). Listaháskóli Íslands.

―. 2020.  Doktorsvörn Heimis F. Viðarssonar: Reifun á helstu rannsóknarefnum / Svör við andmælum Höskuldar Þráinssonar / Replies to Caroline Heycock’s questions [Doctoral defence of Heimir F. Viðarsson: General outline and replies]. Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði 41-42:239-307 (239-242; 267-286; 294-301; (joint) references: 301-307).

―. 2020. Frá skiptisögn til ósamhverfrar aukafallssagnar: Um líka í fornu máli. Orð og tunga 22:39-68. (Joint work with Einar Freyr Sigurðsson.)

―. 2019. Socio-Syntactic Variation and Change in Nineteenth-Century Icelandic: The Emergence and Implementation of a National Standard Language. Doctoral dissertation. Reykjavík: University of Iceland/School of Humanities.

―. 2017. Tilbrigði til forna. In: Tilbrigði í íslenskri setningagerð, III. Sérathuganir, pp. 139-179. Höskuldur Þráinsson, Ásgrímur Angantýsson and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson (eds.). Reykjavík: Málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands. [English abstract]

―. 2017. Grimm’s “floating” datives: Applicatives and NP/DP configurationality in Icelandic from a diachronic perspective. Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 99:30-53.

―. 2017. Málnotkun sem mælikvarði á stöðlun máls: Skólaritgerðir úr Lærða skólanum í Reykjavík (1846-1904). Orð og tunga 19:129-153. [English abstract]

―. 2016. The Syntax of Others: ‘Un-Icelandic’ Verb Placement in 19th- and Early 20th-Century Icelandic. In: Prescription and Tradition in Language: Establishing Standards across Time and Space, pp. 152-167. Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade and Carol Percy (eds.). Multilingual Matters 165. Bristol/Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters.

―. 2015. Kjarnafærsla, stílfærsla, leppsetningar og frumlagseyða. In: Tilbrigði í íslenskri setningagerð, II. Helstu niðurstöður. Tölfræðilegt yfirlit með skýringum. Höskuldur Þráinsson, Ásgrímur Angantýsson and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson (eds.). Reykjavík: Málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands. (Joint work with Höskuldur Þráinsson, Ásgrímur Angantýsson.)

―. 2014. Þáttur málstöðlunar í afstöðu sagnar til neitunar í 19. aldar íslensku: „málsgreinir sem mjer fannst eitthvert danskt óbragð að“. Orð og tunga 16:1-24.

―. 2009. Tilbrigði í fallmörkun aukafallsfrumlaga. Þágufallshneigð í forníslensku? Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði 31:15-66.


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―. 2021. Towards modelling past and present effects of prescriptivism in Icelandic 19th- and 21st-century student essays. 6th Prescriptivism Conference: Modelling Prescriptivism: Language, Literature, and Speech Communities. 23-25 September 2021. Preliminary programme:

―. 2019. Frá skiptisögn til aukafallssagnar: Saga sagnarinnar „líka“. Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindaþing, 9. mars. (Joint work with Einar Freyr Sigurðsson.)

―. 2018.  Violating V2 with two heads (or more): evidence from a polycephalous variety of insular Scandinavian. Syntax Interface Lectures Utrecht. Utrecht University, Netherlands, 8 October 2018.

―. 2017. Tilbrigði í setningagerð 19. aldar íslensku, samræmi og jaðarþættir. Málvísindakaffi, Íslenska málfræðifélagið og Málvísindastofnun HÍ. 15 September 2017.

―. 2017. „Svo verða þeir sýðustu sem hinir firstu“ – Málstöðlun og áhrif hennar á lausan greini í ólíkum textategundum á 19. öld. The annual meeting of the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies. Gamla bíó, Reykjavík, 14 September 2017.

―. 2016. Taalgebruik als maatstaf voor standaardisatie: Studentenessays van het Reykjavík Gymnasium (1846-1904). Leiden University, 3 November 2016.

―. 2016. A peek inside the norm factory: Reykjavík grammar school student essays (1846-1904). HiSoN Conference, Finland, Helsinki, 10-12 March 2016.

―. 2016. Re-challenging the Rich Agreeent Hypothesis: Problematisation of structural and social aspects in 19th-century Icelandic. 38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (AG10: Morphological effects on word order from a typological and a diachronic perspective), Konstanz, Germany, 24-26 February 2016.

―. 2016. „Fjarskaleg óheppni að hann ekki fjekk meir í íslensku“: Félagsmálfræðilegar hliðar á stöðu persónubeygðrar sagnar á 19. öld. 30. Rask-ráðstefnan um íslenskt mál og almenna málfræði, Íslenska málfræðifélagið and Málvísindastofnun HÍ, Reykjavík, Iceland, 29-30 January 2016.

―. 2016. Issues in language prescriptivism in 19th-century Iceland: A constructional multi-genre approach. The Effects of Prescriptivism in Language History, University of Leiden, Netherlands, 21-22 January 2016.

―. 2015. Sögn í þriðja og nítjándu aldar íslenska. Málvísindakaffi, Málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 20 November 2015.

―. 2015. Taalverandering ongedaan gemaakt? Het geval van het IJslands in de 19de eeuw. University of Leiden, guest class lecture, 15 October 2015.

―. 2015. From Old to Modern Icelandic: A Real Dichotomy. Penn Linguistics Conference 39, 22 March 2015.

―. 2015. Þróun fastrar orðaraðar í íslensku. Málvísindakaffi, Málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 6 March 2015.

―. 2015. Skólastílar Lærða skólans sem vitnisburður um tilurð nýs málstaðals á 19. öld. Málstofa Stofnunar Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík, Iceland, 13 February 2015.

―. 2015. (Ó)stöðugleiki íslensku í aldanna rás. Paper presented at 29. Rask-ráðstefnan um íslenskt mál og almenna málfræði, Íslenska málfræðifélagið and Málvísindastofnun HÍ, Reykjavík, Iceland, 31 January 2015.

―. 2014. Syntactic (in)stability where least expected: (Old) Icelandic vs. (Middle) Dutch. Uiltjesdagen seminar, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, Netherlands, 15 December 2014.

―. 2014. Verb movement in 19th-century Icelandic — Exploring the possibilities. PhD syntax crew meeting, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, Netherlands, 10 November 2014.

―. 2014. Oblique subjects and dative applicatives in North Germanic: Reconciling two extremes. Paper presented at 16th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS), Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 3 July 2014.

―. 2014. (Violation of) obligatory V-to-I movement in 19th-century Icelandic. A poster presented during the LOT Summer School 2014, Radboud University, Nijmegen, 23 June 2014.

―. 2014. A case against ‘historical stability’ in Icelandic. Paper presented at Sociolinguistics Circle, University of Groningen, 28 March 2014.

―. 2013. Erasing syntactic variation in 19th-century Icelandic — a great success or complete and utter failure? Project meeting of LCLV19, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic studies, 27 September 2013.

―. 2013. Málviðhorf og -dómar á 19. öld: fegurð, forneskja, fals. Íslenskt mál á 19. öld, class lecture, University of Iceland, 4 October 2013.

―. 2013. Subject-initial embedded V2/V3 in 19th-century Icelandic. Presentation given at the 7th HiSoN summer school in Mitochi, Lesbos, Greece, 3-10 August 2013.

―. 2013. The rise of standard Icelandic syntax in the 19th century: rewriting history. Paper presented at the Prescriptivism Conference 2013. University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 12-14 June 2013.

―. 2013. Variation in embedded verb-adverb placement as a mirror to 19th century standardisation. Paper presented at the Foundations of Language Standardization workshop during the 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics (25-SCL), held in Reykjavík, 13-15 May.

―. 2013. New perspectives on word order variation in Icelandic ditransitives: a diachronic corpus study. Paper presented at the  Morphosyntactic Variation and Change in Germanic workshop during the 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics (25-SCL), held in Reykjavík, 13-15 May.

―. 2013. Sagnfærsla á tímum tilfærslu í viðmiðum og málnotkun á 19. öld. Hugvísindaþing 2013, 16 March, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.

―. 2013. Mál í skorðum (eður sprok í spelkum): stöðlun íslenskrar setningafræði á 19. öld. Málvísindakaffi, 21 February, Institute of Linguistics, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.

―. 2011. Case, Flexibility and Transparency in Old(er) Icelandic. TIN-dag, 5 February, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

―. 2010. Syntactic effects of morphological case. NAP-dag, 15 October, ACLC & ILLC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

―. 2010. Case or no case: variation in double object constructions [I-III]. A series of talks given at Málvísindakaffi, 30 July, Institute of Linguistics, University of Iceland; research group Grammar and cognition, 27th August, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; T-lezing of the research group Variatielinguïstiek, 6 September, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

―. 2009. „Sól gerði eigi skína“: gjörðarstoð í forníslensku. Málvísindakaffi 10 July, Institute of Linguistics, Reykjavik, University of Iceland.

―. 2008. Do-support in Old Norse. Grand Meeting for the Network for Scandinavian Dialect Syntax, 24-28 August, Sandbjerg, Denmark.

―. 2008. Tilbrigði til forna. Hugvísindaþing 2008, 4-5 April, Reykjavik, University of Iceland.

―. 2008. Þágufallssýki í forníslensku? Mímisþing 2008, 16 February, Reykjavik Academy.

―. 2006. „Klæjar mér þar mjök“. Þágufallssýki í forníslensku. Poster at Hugvísindaþing 2006, 3-4 November, Reykjavik, University of Iceland.

―. 2006. Getur Jón skammast hans á íslensku? Athugun á tilbrigðum í skammdrægri afturbeygingu. MA Symposium, Tilbrigði í setningagerð, 15 December, Reykjavik, University of Iceland. (Joint work with Jolanda van der Feest.)


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Unpublished work

―. 2018. Socio-Syntactic Variation and Change in Nineteenth-Century Icelandic: Three linguistic variables viewed ‘from above’ and ‘from below’,from student essays and newspapers to private letters. Ms., 10 July, 309 pp., University of Iceland. [Datasets available here (R data code and data (post)scripts will be available soon); see here, here, here and here for access to the corpora.]

―. 2014. Nafnliðagerð nítjándu aldar íslensku frá samnorrænu sjónarmiði. Ms., 15 December, University of Iceland.

―. 2012. Case-marking and ditransitive constructions in Dutch and Icelandic. Ms., 8 January, University of Amsterdam & Meertens Institute.

―. 2011. Icelandic double objects: goals and benefactives. Ms., 26 July, University of Amsterdam & Meertens Institute.

―. 2011. Changes in the Icelandic case system. Ms., 29 March, University of Amsterdam & Meertens Institute.

―. 2010. Syntactic effects of morphological case: variation in double object constructions. Ms., 23 November, University of Amsterdam & Meertens Institute.

―. 2009. „Sól gerði eigi skína“: stoðsagnir með nafnhætti í fornnorrænu. M.A. thesis, University of Iceland. [Available at]

―. 2008. Kuhns-lögmál í tveimur eddukvæðum: athugun á stöðu persónubeygðra sagna í Atlakviðu og Völuspá. Ms., 22 May, University of Iceland.

―. 2007. „Þat uar langr time siþan hann hafdi messu heyrt“. Lítil athugun á samspili þriggja málbreytinga í Miðaldaævintýrum. Ms., 19 December, University of Iceland.

― & Jolanda van der Feest. 2007. Getur Jón skammast hans á íslensku? Athugun á tilbrigðum í skammdrægri afturbeygingu. Ms., 1 January, University of Iceland.

―. 2006. Breytilegt frumlagsfall í forníslensku: athugun á breytileika í fallmörkun skynjandafrumlaga. B.A. thesis, University of Iceland. [Available at]