
Lars-Göran Johansson, 20. January 2020

Diploma Programme in Swedish Studies (60 ECTS)

This Diploma programme in Swedish studies is designed for students who wish to improve their skills in the Swedish language and are interested in working and living in Sweden. Previous knowledge in a Scandinavian language is needed.

Students make significant progress in spoken and written Swedish, acquire an academic knowledge of the Swedish tongue and society as well as Swedish literature and culture. Students learn academic methods which gives them an excellent foundation for continued related studies.

Historically, Icelanders have had close contact with Sweden and today, we see a vibrant connection in culture and business.

It is not difficult to learn Swedish – both Icelandic and Swedish are Nordic languages with common origin. We were actually speaking the same language a thousand years ago!

The whole Diploma programme and all its courses are also offered as Distance learning.


Obs! Du kan också anmäla dig till att enbart läsa en enstaka kurs om du så önskar!


Visste du att...

  • Studenter får gratis bibliotekskort i Nordens hus
  • Alla kursböcker finns till gratis utlåning
  • Kursen Practical Swedish/Hagnýt sænska är en kurs som ger övergripande övning i grundläggande svenska.