Þorgerður Jennýjardóttir Einarsdóttir
Thorgerdur Jennyardottir Einarsdottir

Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Iceland. Background in the social sciences; received PhD in sociology from the University of Göteborg in 1997.

Has taught at the University of Iceland since 1999, appointed as Assistant Professor of gender studies at the University of Iceland and has led the gender studies program from 2000. Has published widely on a broad range of gender issues (see CV).
Email: the@hi.is


Most recent publications


2019: "Structural Hindrances or Less Driven Women? Managers’ Views on Corporate Quotas" with Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir and Margrét Valdimarsdóttir. Politics and Gender, Published online: 01 April 2019.

2019: "New managerialism in the academy: Gender bias and precarity" with Finnborg S. Steinþórsdóttir, Thomas Brorsen Smidt, Gyða M. Pétursdóttir and and Nicky Le Feuvre. Gender, Work and Organization, 3/2019, pp.124-139.

2018: "Expanding gendered sites of resistance in the neoliberal academy" with Thomas Brorsen Smidt, Fredrik Bondestam and Gyda M. Pétursdóttir, European Journal of Higher Education, september 2018.

2018: "Hún reyndi ekki að kalla á hjálp …" Greining á niðurstöðum Hæstaréttar í nauðgunarmálum" with Þórhildur Sæmundsdóttir, Ritið tímarit Hugvísindastofnunar, 3/2018, pp. 67–96.

2018: “Sisterhood at all costs? Challenges of plurality in the Icelandic women’s movement” labrys, études féministes/ estudos feministas, julho/ 2017- junho 2018 /juillet 2017-juin 2018, (Issue 21).

Last update February 28, 2020



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