Dr. Vidar Halldorsson Photo: ©Kristinn Ingvarsson
Hi, and welcome to my professional webpage. My name is Vidar Halldorsson and I am a Professor of Sociology at the University of Iceland, sport consultant and international speaker.
My main paradigms of sociological inquiry are within sociology of knowledge, sociology of culture, and performance studies.
In my research I am especially interested in social atmosphere. I for instance focus on: sports; excellence, success and achievement; culture and traditions; national identity; small groups and teamwork; symbolic communication; elite sports and youth sports; positive development through sport; talent development in sport; youth and adolescents; substance use; popular culture; and visual sociology.
I have applied various quantitative and qualitative methods in my research such as; questionnaire surveys and inferential statistics, questionnaire survey based on experimental methods, content analysis, case studies, interviews and field work, visual analysis, autoethnography, and theoretical construction.
This page provides information of my work. Here you can read some my research articles, watch selected presentations and find an overview of my previous and current projects as well as media coverage related to my work. Here you can also find examples of my collection of sociology photographs.
Feel free to contact me for further information: vidarh@hi.is
Vidar Halldorsson