Photo ©Kristinn Ingvarsson
- Name: Vidar Halldorsson
- Nationality: Icelandic
- Date of birth: 22 August, 1970
- Occupation: Professor of Sociology at the University of Iceland & Sport consultant
- E-mail address:
- PhD. in sociology from University of Iceland (June 1st 2012). “No man is his own creation”: The social context of excellence in sports. Advisor Dr. Thorolfur Thorlindsson, professor from Univerisity of Iceland. Doctoral committee: Dr. Jon Gunnar Bernburg, professor from University of Iceland and Dr. Stephen G. Wieting, professor from University of Iowa, USA. Opponents were Dr. John Allegrante, professor from Columbia University, New York, USA and Dr. Michael Katovich, professor from Texas Christian University, Texas, USA.
- M.A. in sociology from University of Iceland (2002).
- A. Diploma in sociology of sport from University of Leicester, England (2000).
- B.A. in sociology from University of Iceland (1998).
University positions:
- University of Iceland – Professor of Sociology (06/2019 -)
- associate professor of sociology in the department of social sciences (05/2017 -05/2019 )
- assistant professor of sociology (01/2014 -05/2017)
- adjunct position (08/2011 -12/2013).
- CIES (International Centre for Sport Studies) - Guest lecturer in the CIES/FIFA Masters Program (08/2018-)
- Reykjavik University – assistant professor of sport sociology and head of the department of sport sciences (01/2005-01/2008).
- part-time lecturer (2008 - 2014).
- Iceland University of Education - assistant professor of sport sociology in the department of Sport Sciences (08/2003-07/2005).
Research positions:
- Research and Analysis (Rannsóknir & greining ehf.) – research analyst (1999 - ).
- The Social Science Research Institute (Félagsvísindastofnun) – project manager (01/2011-10/2011).
- Working on PhD. thesis – research grant from The Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannis) (2008-2009).
- The Institute for Research on Youth and Adolescents (Rannsóknastofnun uppeldis- og menntamála/RUM) – research analyst (05/1997-09/1998).
- Melar Sport ehf. (Sport Consultancy) (2009-) - Consultant for sport organizations, sport clubs and teams.