

2018: Calendar of Women Philosophers 2019. World Congress of Philosophy.
Ed. by Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir.





2013: Dagbók 2014 – Árið með heimspekingum. (Women Philosophers from Past to Present - Calender 2014), University of Iceland Press.










2011: Hannah Arendt. Af ást til heimsins: Um heimspeki, stjórnmál, alræði og illsku, (translations of selected texts by Arendt, edited and with and introduction). University of Iceland Press.







2001: Kvenna megin. Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag (collection of essays in feminist philosophy).







1996: Vis creativa. Kunst und Wahrheit in der Philosophie Nietzsches, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1996.






Co-editor of books:

2020: Methodological Reflections on Women in the History of Philosophy.
Co-ed. with Ruth Hagengruber. London/New York: Springer.









2016: Nietzsche als Kritiker und Denker der Transformation, co-edited with Helmut Heit. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.








2015: Erla Karlsdóttir, Eyja Margrét Brynjarsdóttir, Nanna Hlín Halldórsdóttir og Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir (ritstj.), Dagbók 2016 – Árið með heimspekingum (Women Philosophers from Past to Present - Calender 2016, vol. 2), University of Iceland Press.






2010: Birth, Death, and Femininity: Philosophies of Embodiment (with R.M. Schott (ed.), V. Songe-Möller, S. Heinamaa), Bloomington: Indiana University Press.










2010: Marius Timman Mjaaland, Ola Sigurdson and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (eds.), The Body Unbound: Philosophical Perspectives on Religion, Embodiment, and Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.






1999: Irma Erlingsdóttir og Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir (eds.), Simone de Beauvoir. Heimspekingur, rithöfundur, femínisti, Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press. (Collection of essays on the work of S. de Beauvoir).







1997: Magnús D. Baldursson, Jón Á. Kalmansson og Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir (eds.), Fjölskyldan og réttlætið, Reykjavik: University of Iceland Press. (Collection of essays on The Family and Justice).






2020: “Nature, Culture and Sexuate Difference: Luce Irigaray´s Pluralist and Processual Model of Embodied Life”, co-authored with Erla Karlsdóttir, in Gail M. Schwab (ed.), Thinking Life with Luce Irigaray. Language, Art, Love, ed. Gail M. Schwab, Albany: SUNY Press, 99-118.
2020: „Absprung vom Trittbrett: Verkörperte situtuerte Nachdenklichkeit“, co-authored with Donata Schöller, in Christine Abbt, Donata Schoeller and Hartmund von Sass (eds.), Nachdenklichkeit, Berlin: Diaphanes, 153-166.
2020: “The Torn Robe of Philosophy: Philosophy as a Woman in The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius“, in S. Thorgeirsdottir and R. Hagengruber (eds.), Methodological Reflections on Women´s Contribution and Influence in the History of Philosophy, London/New York, Springer, 2020, 83-96.
2020: „Vom Krieg zur Liebe. Nietzsches Philosophieren über Männlichkeiten im Lichte von Gegenwartsdebatten“, Nietzsche Studien 49/1, 52-70.
2020: “Shame, Vulnerability and Philosophical Thinking”, Sophia. International Journal for Philosophy and Traditions, 1-13.
2020: Hvað er heimspekilegt við að vera á skjön? Um skömm, varnarleysi og heimspekilega hugsun”, (Icelandic translation of “Shame, Vulnerability and Philosophical Thinking”), Hugur  31:2020, 74-90.
2019: Að draga fólk í dilka: Ritdómur um bók Ástu, Categories we live by”, Hugur 30:2019, 183-188.
2019: Donata Schoeller and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, “Líkamleg gagnrýnin hugsun: Hvarfið að reynslunni og umbreytingarmáttur þess”, (Icelandic translation of “Embodied Critical Thinking”), Hugur 30:2019, 148-164.
2019: Donata Schoeller and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, „Embodied Critical Thinking“, PhiloSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism, 9:1, 92-109.
2017: “Love of the Sexes in in Nietzsche´s Philosophy: From Opposition to transformative Interaction“, Nietzsche Studien 46/2017, 105-114.
2017: Ég er stormurinn. Um reiðina, sorgina og ástina”, Leikrá um Medeu, Borgarleikhúsið, 2017.
2017: “Emancipatory and Eroticist Philosophies of Women: Magnús Eiríksson´s and Søren Kierkegaard´s Positions in the Controversy about Mathilde Fiebiger´s Letters to Clara Raphael“, Gerhard Schreiber and Jon Stewart (eds.), Magnús Eiríksson. A Forgotten Contemporary of Kierkegaard, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press (Danish Golden Age Studies, vol. 10), 2016, 215-231.
2017: „Rifin klæði Soffíu: Að lesa yfir Heimspeki eða að hlusta á visku hennar“, Hugur 2016/2017 (forthcoming)
2016: „Hvers vegna umverfissiðfræði er róttæk grein hugvísinda“, („Why Environmental Ethics is a Radical Field within the Humanities“), Björn Þorsteinsson (ed.), Náttúran í ljósaskiptunum. University of Iceland Press. 55-74.
2017: „Love of the Sexes in Nietzsche’s Philosophy:From Opposition to Transformative Interaction“, Nietzsche Studien 46 (2017), 105-113.
2016: “Nietzsches Philosophie der Schuld/en als transformierende Kritik derSchuldenökonomie der Gegenwart“, H. Heit & S. Thorgeirsdottir (eds.), Nietzsche als Kritiker und Denker der Transformation, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2016, 189-205.
2016: ”Velka, huolenpito ja anteliaisuus” (“Care and Generosity”), in Toimittaneet et al (ed.): Talous ja Moraali, Helsinki University Press, 91-106.
2016: „Reclaiming Nature by Reclaiming the Body“, co-author Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir. Balkan Journal of Philosopy, vol. 8:1, 39-48.
2016: „Die Philosophie im Leib“, Benjamin Alberts, Andrea Bertino, Ekaterina Poljakova, Andreas Rupschus (Eds.). Zur Philosophie der Orientierung. Berlin: de Gruyter, 71-82.
2016: „Emancipatory and Eroticist Philosophies of Women: Magnús Eiríksson´s and Søren Kierkegaard´s Positions in the Controversy about Mathilde Fiebiger´s Letters to Clara Raphael“, Gerhard Schreiber and Jon Stewart (eds.), Magnús Eiríksson. A Forgotten Contemporary of Kierkegaard, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press (Danish Golden Age Studies, vol. 10), 2016, 215-231.
2016: Guðbjorg R. Johannesdottir and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, „Proclaiming the End of Nature. Only by Forgetting the Body“, Balkan Journal of Philosophy,
2015: 2015: „Dependency and Emancipation in the Debt-Economy: Care-Ethical Critique of Contractarian Conceptions of the Debtor–Creditor Relation“,  Hypatia 30 (3) 2015, 564-579.
2015: „Heimspeki líkamans, heimspeki í líkamanum og hvers vegan hugsun er ekki kynlaus” (Philosophy of the Body, Philosophy in the Body and why Thinking is not Neuter”), Hugur 2015, 65-80.
2015: „Understanding our Place in the Natural World. Coming to our Senses through Embodied Experiences of Ecophilosophical and Posthumanist Art“ (with Gudbjorg R. Johannesdottir), Peter Kemp and Sune Frølund (eds), Nature in Education, Wien: LIT Verlag, 109-119.
2014: Nietzsches Zukunft in der Gegenwart. Grundfragen der Nietzscheforschung.“ Diskussion of scientific board of Nietzsche Studien, Nietzsche Studien 2014, vol. 43, 3-131.
2013: „Hver er Díótíma?“ („Who is Diotima?“), Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson (ed.), Hugsað með Platoni, University of Iceland Press, 167-186.
2013: „Philosophical Pathos and Spirituality“, Existenz 8/1, Spanish translation by Gladys L. Portuondo,
2013: „Transnationale Dialoge am Beispiel des Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme in Island (GEST)“, Querelles - Jahrbuch für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Berlin.
2012: Von Peripherie zu Peripherie und zurück ins Zentrum. Transnationale Geschlechterstudien“, Hilge Landweer & Catharine Newmark (Eds.), Philosophie und die Potenziale der Geschlechterforschung. Peripherie und Zentrum im Feld der Theorie, Bielefeld, 255-272.
2012: „Baubo: Laughter, Eroticism and Science to Come“, Renate Reschke (Ed.), Frauen: Ein Nietzschethema? - Nietzsche: Ein Frauenthema?, (Nietzscheforschung Vol. 19 - Jahrbuch der Nietzschegesellschaft), Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 65 - 73.
2012: „Die Philosophie Nietzsches im Spiegel von Philosophinnen im 20. Jahrhundert (Arendt, Beauvoir, Irigaray und Butler)“, Renate Reschke und Marco Brusotti (Eds.), „Einige werden posthum geboren“ - Friedrich Nietzsches Wirkungen, Berlin, Boston: Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 97-115.
2011: „Við erum stödd í flækju veruleikans. Kristian Guttesen ræðir við Sigríði Þorgeirsdóttur“ (Interview with SÞ about philosophy), Hugur 23/2011,  11-24.
2011: „Endurheimt fegurðarinnar á tímum náttúrunnar“ (Reclaiming Beauty in Times of Nature), with co-author Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir, Hugur 23/2011, 89-104.
2011: „Hver var Simone de Beauvoir og hvert var framlag hennar til heimspekinnar?“ (Simone de Beauvoir and her Contribution to Philosophy), Vísindavefurinn,
2011: „Hefur siðfræðin eitthvað að segja um samfélagið?“ (Does Ethics have something to say about Society?), Salvör Nordal og Vilhjálmur Árnason (eds.), Siðfræði og samfélag, University of Iceland Press, 27-48.
2010: „Conversations with Ourselves in Metaphysical Experiences of Nature“, Karl Benediktsson and Katrín Anna Lund (eds.), Conversations with Landscapes, Farnham: Ashgate, 13-26.
2010: „Nietzsche um líkamann sem náttúru“ (Nietzsche on the Body as Nature), Hugur 22/2010, 104-118.
2010: „Warum Moby Dick nicht lediglich ein Männerroman ist“, Martin Mühleis (ed.), Ahab, Stuttgart: Sagas Produktionen, 13-16.
2010: „The Sacred, the Body and Biopolitics in Kristeva´s and Irigaray´s Mariologies“, Marius Timman Mjaaland, Ola Sigurdson and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (eds.), The Body Unbound: Philosophical Perspectives on Religion, Embodiment, and Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 167-182.
2010: „Friedrich Nietzsches dionysiske döds- och livsfilosofi”, Lisa Käll & Ulrika Björk (eds.), Kön, stil, andrahet. Tolv essäer i feministisk filosofi, Stockholm: Daidalos, 249-266.
2010: „Áfram Laugaveginn – Um uppgjör og ábyrgð“, Harpa Björnsdóttir (ed.), Laugavegurinn, Start Art/Smekkleysa, 168-173.
2009: „Um femíníska gagnrýni á kanónu og menningu heimspekinnar“ („Feminist Critique of the Canon and Culture of Philosophy“), Hugur 21, 2009, 14-29.
2009: „Frauen im Leben Nietzsches“/“Women in the Life of Nietzsche“, Nietzsche Studien 38, 2009, 410-419.
2008: „Heild, framandleiki og neind í upplifunum af náttúrunni“ („Wholeness, Otherness and Nothingness in Experiences of Nature“), Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir (ed.), Draumar um ægifegurð í íslenskri samtímalist, Listasafn Reykjavíkur, 2008, 61-72.
2008: „Skynheimar“, sýningarskrá gefin út í tilefni sýningar Haraldar Jónssonar „Myrkurlampi“, Listasafn ASÍ, 2008, 2-15.
2008: „Tréð í höll blekkinganna“, sýningarskrá gefin út í tilefni sýningar Eirúnar Sigurðardóttur Höll blekkinganna“, Gallerý Suðsuðvestur, Reykjanesbæ.
2007:”Nietzsche ruumiista luontona” („Nietzsche´s Conception of the Body as Nature“), Krista Johansson (trans.), Sami Pihlström (ed.), Ajatus, Suomen Filosofisen Yhdistyksen vuosikirja 64, Vammala: Suomen Filosofinen Yhdistys.
2007: „Er Mill róttækur femínisti?” („Is Mill a Radical Feminist?“, Róbert Haraldsson, Salvör Nordal og Vilhjálmur Árnason (eds.), Hugsað með Mill, University of Iceland Press, 103-114.
2007: „Nature’s Otherness and the Limits of Visual Representations of Nature”, Ólafur Páll Jónsson and Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir (eds.), Art, Ethics and Environment: A Free Inquiry Into the Vulgarly Received Notion of Nature, Cambridge Scholars Press, 112-124.
2007: „Nature’s wholeness and nature’s otherness: Aesthetical aspects of Sustainability“, Carl-Henric Grenholm and Normunds Kamergrauzis (eds.), Sustainable Development and Global Ethics. Acta Universatis Uppsaliensis. Uppsala Studies in Social Ethics 32, 112-124.
2007: „Eru Freud og frönsk heimspeki frat?”, Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, April 14, 2007.
2006, „Nietzsche um fæðingu og dauða” („Nietzsche on Birth and Death“), Erlendur Jónsson, Guðmundur H. Frímannson, Hannes H. Gissurarson, (eds.), Þekking – engin blekking, Til heiðurs dr. Arnóri Hannibalssyni, University of Iceland Press, 233-246.
2006: „Að blindast af ljósi sólar”, Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, December 23, 2006, 7.
2006: „Að þurfa skuggan af honum til að ljóminn af henni njóti sín betur”, Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, November 25, 2006, 8.
2006: „Í bleiku ljósi”, Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, October 28, 2006, 16.
2006: „Sköpun og eyðilegging. Um Virkjunina eftir Elfriede Jelinek“, 4ði veggurinn. Tímarit Þjóðleikhússins, 1/2006, 14-15.
2005: „Breast Augmentation Surgery: Empowerment in Times of Pornography“, Örn D. Jónsson and Edward H. Huijbens (eds.), Technology in Society and Society in Technology, Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 2005, 323-342.
2005: „Heild sem gerir mann heilan: Um siðfræði náttúrufegurðar“ („Wholeness: On the Ethics of Natural Beauty“), Róbert Haraldsson, Salvör Nordal og Vilhjálmur Árnason (eds.), Hugsað með Páli, (Festschrift for Páll Skúlason), Reykjavik: The University of Iceland Press, 2005, 163-179.
2005: „Der enge Blick auf das Individuelle“, Digma. Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit, 5/3, September 2005, 101.
2004: co author Kristín Björnsdóttir, „Velferðarþjónusta á tímamótum. Siðfræðilegar hugleiðingar um mörkin á milli ábyrgðar einstaklinga og hins opinbera í ummönnun sjúkra á heimilum“ („Wellfareservices at Crossroads: Ethical Deliberations about Private and Public Responsibilites in Home Health Nursing“) , Irma Erlingsdóttir (ed.), Fléttur II. Kynjafræði - Kortlagningar, Center for Gender Studies/University of Iceland Press, 273-291.
2004: „Nietzsche´s Feminization of Metaphysics and its Significance for Theories of Gender Difference“, L. Alanen and C. Witt (eds.), Feminist Reflections on the History of Philosophy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 51-68.
2004: „Gagnrýni Nietzsches á platonska frumspekihefð í ljósi tvíhyggju kynjanna“ („Nietzsches Critique of Platonic Metaphysics from the Perspective of Gender Dualities“), Hugur, 1:2004, 89-107.
2004: „Valdsmannastjórnmál, samræðustjórnmál og framtíðarsýn“ („Authoritative Politics, Discourse Politics and a Vision for the Future“), Ritið, 1:2004, 165-169.
2004: „The Controversy on Consent in the Icelandic Database Case and Narrow Bioethics“, G. Árnason, S. Nordal and V. Árnason (eds.), Blood and Data. Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Human genetic Databases, 67-78.
2004: „Genes of a Nation. The Promotion of Iceland´s Genetic Information“, TRAMES. Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Human Genetic Databases, 8 (1/2): 178-191.
2004: „Meginlandsheimspeki og rökgreiningarheimspeki. Um Continental Philosophy eftir Simon Critchley“ (Rewiev of Continental Philosophy by S. Critchley), Hugur 2004, 216-224.
2003: „Hvað er ég að gera sem heimspekingur?“ Introduction to Framfaragoðsögnin (The Myth of Progress) by Georg Henrik von Wright, Reykjavík, Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 9-42.
2003: Gunnar Örn Sigvaldason og Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, „Ástralir áttuðu sig“. Heimspekivefurinn.
Short version published in Morgunblaðið, February 27, 2003.
2003: Review of Rosi Braidotti´s Metamorphosis. Towards a Materialist Theory of Becoming (Cambridge: Polity, 2002). Acta Sociologica  46/2.
2003: Hæstaréttardómur um bann við einkadansi í siðferðislegu samhengi“ („Ethical Context of a Supreme Court Verdict on Private Dancers“), Skírnir 1/2003, 163-169.
2002: Margrét Jónsdóttir, Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir and Þorgerður Einarsdóttir, „Hlutfall kvenna í háskóla Íslands, hættumerki - eða hvað?“, Fréttabréf Háskóla Íslands, 2/2002, 13-14.
2002: Irma Erlingsdóttir, Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir and Þorgerður Einarsdóttur, „Ekki bara jafnréttisspursmál heldur nauðsyn“, Fréttabréf Háskóla Íslands, 1/2002, 4-5.
2003: Pétur Hauksson and Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, „Hoffmann-La Roche afneitar íslenska gagnagrunninum“, Læknablaðið 1/2003 (Icelandic Medical Journal).
2002: „Hverjar eru hugmyndir Platons um eðli og hlutverk karla og kvenna?“ („Plato´s Ideas about Gender Roles“), Þorsteinn Vilhjálmsson and Jón Gunnar Þorsteinsson (eds.), Af hverju er himininn blár?, Mál og menning, 2003, 132-135.
2002: „Að koma Björgu á kortið. Heimspeki Bjargar C. Þorláksson í evrópsku samhengi“ („The Philosophy of B.C. Þorláksson in a European Context“), Sigríður Dúna Kristmundsdóttir (ed.), Björg. Verk Bjargar C. Þorláksson, JPV, 2002, 159-182.
2002: „Um meintan dauða femínismans“ („On the alleged Death of Feminism“), Ritið 2/2002, 77-101.
2002: „Hvað varð um stóru spurningarnar? Um afdrif frumspekinnar á 20. öld og framtíð hennar“, Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, Spril 27, 2002, 10-11.
2002: „Draumsýn eða nauðsyn? Hugmyndir Jürgens Habermas um framtíð Evrópu“ („Utopian or Necessary? Habermas on the Future of Europe“), Skírnir 1/2002, 113-132.
2000: „Metaphysik“, Henning Ottmann (ed.): Nietzsche Handbuch, Stuttgart: Metzler Verlag, 281-283.
2000: „Die Kritik essentialistischer Bilder der Frauen in Nietzsches Spätphilosophie und ihre Bedeutung für philosophische Theorien der Geschlechterdifferenz“, Nietzsche Jahrbuch 5/6, 487-499.
1999: „Langir og stuttir skuggar. The Truman Show sem heimspekileg hugleiðing um raunveruleika og sýndarveruleika“, Guðni Elísson (ed.), Heimur kvikmyndanna, Reykjavík: Mál og menning 1999, 269-278.
1999: „Konur og líkaminn: Frá Beauvoir til Butler“ („Feminine Embodiment from Beauvoir to Butler“), Irma Erlingsdóttir og Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir (ed.), Simone de Beauvoir. Heimspekingur, rithöfundur, femínisti, University of Iceland Press, 101-121.
1999: Irma Erlingsdóttir og Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, Inngangur að Simone de Beauvoir. Heimspekingur, rithöfundur, femínisti, Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 7-24.
1999: „Móðir femínismans. Simone de Beauvoir”, Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, March 13, 1999, 14-15.
1999: „Erfðir og atlæti. Um mannskilninginn í fræðum Bjargar C. Þorláksson“, Tímarit Máls og menningar, 4/1999, 6-13.
1999: „Simone de Beauvoirs ‘Das zweite Geschlecht’: Jenseits von Essentialismus und Konstruktivismus“, Zukunft des Wissens (XVIII Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie), Konstanz, 1051-1056.
1999: „Siðfræðikennsla í skólum“, Jón Á. Kalmansson (rtistj.), Hvers er siðfræðin megnug?, Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 71-92.
1999: „Heimspekingar um eðli kvenna: frá Aristótelesi til Gunnars Dal“ („Philosophers on Women´s Essence: From Aristotle to Gunnar Dal“), Hugur 1999/2000, 7-22.
1998: „Póstmódernismi sem heimspekilegt hugtak“ („Postmodernism as a philosophical Concept“), Tímarit Máls og menningar 3/98, 128-140.
1997: „Jafnrétti, mismunur og fjölskyldan. Um mismun(un) og jafnrétti kynjanna í ljósi mótunarhyggju Judith Butler“ („On Equality and Difference in Judith Butler´s Philosophy“), Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, Magnús D. Baldursson, Jón Á. Kalmansson (eds.), Fjölskyldan og réttlætið, Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 73-98.
1997: „Lygin um sannleikann og sannleikurinn um lygina“, Tímarit Máls og menningar 3/97, 38-50.
1997: „Die Moral persönlicher Beziehungen“, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 2/1997, 305-309.
1997: „Kunst, Wahrheit und Frauenbilder in Nietzsches Philosophie“, Gisela Völger (ed.), Sie und Er. Frauenmacht und Männerherrschaft im Kulturvergleich (2 volumes), Köln: Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum für Völkerkunde, ( 2. vol.) 179-184.
1996: Introduction to Svo mælti Zaraþústra by Friedrich Nietzsche, Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 9-34.
1994: „Er til kvennasiðfræði? Hugleiðingar um hugmyndir Carol Gilligan um kvennasiðfræði og þýðingu þeirra fyrir siðfræði Kvennalistans“ („Feminist Ethics: On Gilligan´s Ethics of Care and Ethics of the Icelandic Women´s Movement“), Þórunn Sigurðardóttir og Ragnhildur Richter (eds.), Fléttur. Rit Rannsóknastofu í kvennafræðum, Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 9-32.
1994: „Feminist Ethics and Feminist Politics“, Beihefte zur Rechststheorie, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
1994: „Freedom, Community and the Family. Feminist critique, Liberalism and Communitarism“, M. Karlsson et al. (eds.), Rechtstheorie, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 399-408. (Icelandic translation „Frelsi, samfélag og fjölskylda“ published in Hugur 1993/1994, 35-46.)



2011: Hannah Arendt, „Skilyrðing mannsins“, (first chapter of Vita activa/The Human Condition), with Davíð Kristinsson. In Hannah Arendt. Af ást til heimsins, University of Iceland Press, 2011, 71-88.

2011: Hannah Arendt, „Flækjur mannréttinda“, („The Perplexities of the Rights of Man“), with Hlynur Orri Stefánsson and Hólmfríður Þórisdóttir. In Hannah Arendt. Af ást til heimsins, University of Iceland Press, 2011, 229-247.

2003: Michael Theunissen, „Nærvera dauðans í lífinu“ („Die Gegenwart des Todes im Leben“), (with Magnúsi D. Baldurssyni), Ritið 3:2003, 163-182.

2002: „Evrópa fæst ekki gefins“ (interview with Joschka Fischer), (with Magnús D. Baldursson),

2002: Slavoj Zizek: „Einungis sameinuð Evrópa getur staðið heimsveldum Bandaríkjanna og Kína á sporði“, (with Magnúsi D. Baldursson),

2002: Ernst Tugendhat: „Þurfa Bandaríkin nýja grýlu, þurfa þau stríð?”, (with Magnús D. Baldursson),

2000: Avishai Margalit, „Eins og maður við mann“ („Von Mensch zu Mensch“), Hjálmar Sveinsson og Irma Erlingsdóttir (eds.), Framtíð lýðræðis á tímum hnattvæðingar, Reykjavíkurakademían, 2000, 83-91.

1993: Jürgen Habermas: „Ör í hjarta samtímans, („Pfeil ins Herz der Gegenwart“), Skírnir, 2/1993, (with Magnús D. Baldursson), 406-412.

1993: Friedrich Nietzsche: „Um sannleika og lygi í siðrænum skilningi“ („Über Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischem Sinne“), (with a postscript by the translators), Skírnir, 1/1993 (with Magnús D. Baldursson), 15-33.


Posters 2011

„Gender, Power and Violence: Interdisciplinary and philosophical inquiries into War, Conflict and Crisis.“ International Anniversary Conference of The Centre for Women´s and Gender Research, University of Iceland, November 4-5.

Dissertation supervision

Gabriel Malenfant: „Relations to Others, Relations to Nature. Discovering Allocentrism with Emmanuel Levinas“ (defended February 10, 2012).

Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir: „Aesthetic Values and Natural Landscapes“ (defended February 20,  2015).

Nanna Hlín Halldórsdóttir: Vulnerable in a Job Interview: Butler's Relational Ontology of Vulnerability as a Response to (Neo)liberalism" (defended September 28, 2018)

Ole Sandberg, "Life in Solitary: Anthropological Assumptions as Self-Fulfilling Prophecies" (defended June 28, 2021)

Steinunn Hreinsdóttir, "In Search of a New Saying: Embodied Critical Thinking in the Philosophy of Luce Irigaray".


Conference organisation

Surviving the Anthropocene. Towards elemental literacy and inter-disciplinary partnerships to be held online, May 24–26, 2021.


Feminist Utopias: Transforming the Present of Philosophy. University of Iceland, March 30-April 2.


Debt: Philosophical, Cultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Exchange Relations (Jane and Aatos Erkko Professor Seminar), April 13–15, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies,

Women in the History of Philosophy: Methodological Reflections on Women´s Contributions and Influence, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studes, June 15-16,


Has feminist philosophy changed philosophy? Conference of the Nordic Network for Women in Philosophy at the University of Iceland, September 7 and 8, 2012.


International conference on the philosophy of Hannah Arendt, University of Iceland, April 27-28,


Biannual conference of Nordic Society for Religion, University of Iceland, June 26-28.


Interviews/Media articles

Redezeit mit Sígridur Thorgeirsdóttir :Aus Island in die Welt, WDR5, Germany, March 24,


„Likestilling i et globalt perspektiv“, interview with Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, chair of board of GEST, in Kilden, informasjonssenter for kjönnsforskning:

„A panel discussion: Whence and Wither?”, in: Bulletine 2/11, publication of Center of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Oslo, pp. 32-33:


„Ég er ekki maður, ég er dýnamít“. Radiofeature on Friedrich Nietzsche’s 150th birthday. Channel 1, October, 1994.


Various articles and interviews in the media not listed here.