Talks and posters at Evolution and core processes in gene expression

Arnar Pálsson, 23/05/2019

Baldur and I attended a meeting on evolution of gene expression arranged by David Arnosti, Shinhan Shiu and colleagues.

Evolution and Core Processes in Gene Expression
May 9–12, 2019
East Lansing, Mich.

Baldur and I ended up pooling our talks into one, as he only got a flash talk and presented a poster.

Thus we presented the data from the transcriptome analyses of Ian Dworkin and Sudarshan Charis wing defect compensation experiment.

BioRxiv preprint: Compensatory evolution via cryptic genetic variation: Distinct trajectories to phenotypic and fitness recovery. Sudarshan Chari, Christian Marier, Cody Porter, Emmalee Northrop, Alexandra Belinky, Ian Dworkin.

The titles of the abstracts Baldur and I submitted were Transcriptome changes after compensatory selection suppressed the phenotypic effects of two antagonizing developmental genes and Overcoming deleterious mutations at transcript level: Full length transcript expression in vg1 mutant flies restored by compensatory selection.

We are still working on the manuscripts.

The figure below is an example from the analyses of net and rhomboid compensatory evolution.