Publications in English

Most of my publications are in Icelandic and they are listed on my Icelandic homepage. Below is a list of papers written in English and published in academic books and journals.

Harðarson, A. (2023). Education for Self-Control: Some Similarities Between Dewey’s Experience and Education and Locke’s Theory of Rational Agency. Education and Culture, 38(2), 47–65. 

Harðarson, A. (2023). Can attempts to make schools more reliable render them less trustworthy? Educational Philosophy and Theory, published online 6 March 2023. 

Harðarson, A. and Magos, K. (2022). Learning through life and the ethics of teaching: a story told in fifteen voices. Journal of Education for Teaching, 48(5), 609–621.

Harðarson, A. and Magos, K. (2022). Emotional Demands and Moral Rewards: A Story Told by Fifteen Teachers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 66(7), 1194–1203.

Harðarson, A. (2020). The Paradox of Moral Education and Locke’s Second Perfection. In Patricia Hanna (Ed.), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies: Volume 14 (pp. 49–61). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research. (pdf)

Harðarson, A. (2019). Teachers’ Professionalism, Trust, and Autonomy. In Michael A. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Singapore: Springer. (pdf)

Harðarson, A. (2019). Aristotle’s conception of practical wisdom and what it means for moral education in schools. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51(14), 1518–1527.

Jónsson, Ó.P., Harðarson, A., Jack, R., Jóelsdóttir, S.S., and Sigurðardóttir, Þ.B. (2019). Young People, Old Literature and Character Education in Icelandic Schools. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 65(2), 212–225..

Harðarson, A. (2018) In Defence of Constructivism: A Comment on the Philosophical Foundations of Qualitative Research In Patricia Hanna (Ed.), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies: Volume 12 (pp. 67–80). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research. (pdf)

Harðarson, A. (2018) The School as a Democratic Workplace: The Political Dimension of Dewey’s Democracy and Education. Education and Culture, 34(1), 3–18.

Harðarson, A. (2018). The teacher is a learner: Dewey on aims in education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(5), 538–547.

Harðarson, A. (2017). Rational Self-Control. In Patricia Hanna (Ed.), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies: Volume 11 (pp. 11–21). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research. (pdf)

Harðarson, A. (2017). Aims of Education: How to Resist the Temptation of Technocratic Models. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 51(1), 59–72.

Harðarson, A. (2014). Education and Enlightenment: The Philosophy of Kristján Kristjánsson. In Gabriel Malenfant (Ed.), Inquiring into Contemporary Icelandic Philosophy (pp. 151–166). Reykjavík: Heimspekistofnun Háskóla Íslands. (pdf)

Harðarson, A. (2013). Equality and academic subjects. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 45(2), 119–131.

Harðarson, A. (2012). Why the Aims of Education Cannot Be Settled. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 46(2), 223–235.