

Pampoulie C, Brix S, Randhawa HS (2024) The Greenland-Scotland Ridge in a changing ocean: Time to act? Marine Ecology e12830. (Link)

Lee B, Skeljo F, Randhawa HS, Brownscombe W, Arkhipkin AI (2024) Early life-history patterns in Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides from the Patagonian Shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series 726: 131-148. (Link)



Beer A, Burns E, Randhawa HS (2023) Natural history collection: an important source of information on parasite biodiversity in New Zealand waters. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 50: 351-367. (Link)

Chosson V, Randhawa HS, Sigurðsson GM, Halldórsson SD, Björnsson ÞÞ, Svansson V, Granquist SM, Gunnarsson K, Samarra FIP, Pampoulie C (2023) First record of Risso’s dolphin Grampus griseus (Cuvier, 1812) in Icelandic waters. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10477. (Link)

West D, Pointing S, Randhawa HS, Mastin A, Rogan MT (2023) Current status of cystic echinococcosis control in the Falkland Islands: has elimination been achieved? Parasitology 150: 416-425. (Link)



Lee B, Skeljo F, Randhawa HS, Arkhipkin AI (2022) Deep-sea movement patterns of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt 1898, in the Southwest Atlantic. Marine and Freshwater Research 73: 833-845. (Link)



Brickle P, Randhawa HS, Reid MR, Lee B, Shcherbich Z, Arkhipkin AI (2021) Otolith trace element analyses and parasites provide useful tools for the stock discrimination of Patagonotothen ramsayi (Regan, 1913) (Nototheniidae) on the Patagonian Shelf. Fisheries Research 244: 106129. (Link)

Lee B, Arkhipkin AI, Randhawa HS (2021) Environmental drivers of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) spatial-temporal patterns during an ontogenetic migration on the Patagonian Shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 259: 107473. (Link)



Randhawa HS, Poulin R (2020) Tapeworm discovery in elasmobranch fishes: quantifying patterns and identifying correlates. Marine & Freshwater Research. 71: 78–88. (Link)



Beer A, Ingram T, Randhawa HS (2019) Role of ecology and phylogeny in determining tapeworm assemblages in Rajiformes (skates). Journal of Helminthology. 93: 738–751. (Link)

Lee B, Cockroft K, Arkhipkin AI, Wing SR, Randhawa HS (2019) Age, growth and mortality estimates for the ridged-scale grenadier Macrourus carinatus (Günther, 1878) in the south-western Atlantic. Fisheries Research. 218: 174-185. (Link)

Benmeslem K, Randhawa HS, Tazerouti F (2019) Description of a new species of rhinebothriidean tapeworm from the skate Dipturus batis in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Helminthology. 93: 589–600. (Link)

Bennett J, Jorge F, Poulin R, Randhawa HS (2019) Revealing trophic transmission pathways of marine tapeworms. Parasitology Research. 118: 1435–1444. (Link)

Bennett J, Randhawa HS (2019) Diet composition of New Zealand’s endemic rough skate, Zearaja nasuta. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 53: 162–168. (Link)



Rasmussen TK, Randhawa HS (2018) The influence of host diet on parasite diversity: a case study looking at tapeworm diversity among sharks. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 605: 1–16. – Feature article

Lee B, Brewin P, Brickle P, Randhawa HS (2018) Use of otolith shape to inform structure in Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Southwest Atlantic. Marine and Freshwater Research. 69: 1238 – 1247. (Link)

Pérez-Ponce de Léon G, Anglade T, Randhawa HS (2018) A new species of Steringotrema Odhner, 1911 (Trematoda: Fellodistomidae) from the New Zealand sole Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae Günther off Kaka Point in the Catlins, South Island, New Zealand. Systematic Parasitology. 95: 213–222. (Link)

Anglade T, Randhawa HS (2018) Gaining insights into the ecological role of the New Zealand sole (Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae) through parasites. Journal of Helminthology. 92: 187–196. (Link)



Lehnert K, Randhawa HS, Poulin R (2017) Metazoan parasites from odontocetes off New Zealand: new records. Parasitology Research. 116: 2861–2868. (Link)

Harland T, Wald N, Randhawa HS (2017) Student peer review: enhancing formative feedback with a rebuttal. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 42: 801–811. (Link)



Poulin R, Blasco-Costa I, Randhawa HS (2016) Integrating parasitology and marine ecology: seven challenges towards greater synergy. Journal of Sea Research. 113: 3–10. (Link)

Brickle P, Schuchert PC, Arkhipkin A, Reid MR, Randhawa HS (2016) Otolith trace elemental analyses of South American austral hake, Merluccius australis (Hutton, 1872) indicates complex salinity structuring on their spawning grounds. PLoS One. 11: e0145479. (Link)

Poulin R, Besson A, Bélanger Morin M, Randhawa HS (2016) Missing links: testing the completeness of host-parasite checklists. Parasitology. 143: 114–122. (Link)



Rasmussen TK, Randhawa HS (2015) Factors influencing spatial variation of a mermithid parasite in sand hoppers. Parasitology Research. 114: 895–901. (Link)

Poulin R, Randhawa HS (2015) Evolution of parasitism along convergent lines: from ecology to genomics. Parasitology. 142: S6–S15. (Link)

Randhawa HS, Poulin, R, Krkosek, M (2015) Unprecedented rate of species discovery in sharks coincides with rapid population declines: implications for biodiversity. Ecography. 38: 96–107. (Link)



Koprivnikar J, Randhawa HS (2013) Benefits of fidelity: does host specialization impact nematode parasite life history and fecundity? Parasitology. 140: 587–597. (Link)



Presswell B, Melville, DS, Randhawa HS (2012) Tapeworm bolus expelled from New Zealand variable oystercatchers (Haematopus unicolor) during handling: first record of this phenomenon in wild birds, and a global checklist of Haematopus cestode parasites. Parasitology Research. 111: 2455–2460. (Link)

Presswell B, Poulin, R, Randhawa HS (2012) First report of a gryporhynchid tapeworm (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from New Zealand and eleotrid fish, described from metacestodes and in vitro-grown worms. Journal of Helminthology. 86: 453–464. (Link)

Randhawa HS (2012) Numerical and functional responses of intestinal helminths in three rajid skates: evidence for competition between parasites? Parasitology. 139: 1784–1793. (Link)

Peoples RC, Randhawa HS, Poulin R (2012) Parasitism and its impact in an intertidal polychaete community. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK. 92: 449–455. (Link)

Koehler AV, Springer YP, Randhawa HS, Leung TLF, Keeney DB, Poulin R (2012) Genetic and phenotypic correlates of clone-level success and host specialization in a generalist parasite. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25: 66–79. (Link)



Munoz G, Randhawa HS (2011) Monthly variation in the parasite communities of the intertidal fish Scartichthys viridis (Blenniidae) from central Chile: are there seasonal patterns? Parasitology Research, 109: 53–62. (Link)

Randhawa HS, Brickle P (2011) Larval parasite gene sequence data reveal cryptic trophic links in life cycles of porbeagle shark tapeworms. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 431: 215–222. (Link)

Randhawa HS (2011) Insights into the lifecycle of a tapeworm infecting great white sharks using a molecular approach. Journal of Parasitology, 97: 275–280. (Link)

Poulin R, Guilhaumon F, Randhawa HS, Luque JL, Mouillot D (2011). Identifying hotspots of parasite diversity from species-area relationships: host phylogeny versus host ecology. Oikos, 120: 740–747. (Link)



Randhawa HS, Poulin R (2010). Determinants of tapeworm species richness in elasmobranch fishes: untangling environmental and phylogenetic influences. Ecography, 33: 866–877. (Link)

Randhawa HS, Poulin R (2010). Evolution of interspecific variation in size of attachment structures in the large tapeworm genus Acanthobothrium (Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae). Parasitology, 137: 1707–1720. (Link)



Randhawa HS, Poulin R (2009). Determinants and consequences of interspecific body size variation in tetraphyllidean tapeworms. Oecologia, 161: 759–769. (Link)



Randhawa HS, Burt MDB (2008) Determinants of the host specificity and comments on attachment-site specificity of tetraphyllidean cestodes infecting rajid skates from the Northwest Atlantic. Journal of Parasitology, 94: 436–461. (Link)

Randhawa HS, Saunders GW, Scott ME, Burt MDB (2008) Redescription of Pseudanthobothrium hanseni Baer, 1956 and description of purtoni n. sp. (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea) from different pairs of rajid skates, with comments on the host specificity of the genus in the northwest Atlantic. Systematic Parasitology, 70: 41–60. (Link)



Randhawa HS, Saunders GW, Burt MDB (2007) Establishment of the onset of host specificity in four phyllobothriid tapeworm species (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea) using a molecular approach. Parasitology, 134: 1291–1300. (Link)