
Fæddur 8. maí 1961 í Reykjavík.
Maki: Anna Líndal myndlistarmaður.
Börn: Rögnvaldur (f. 1989) og Katla Sigríður (f. 1993).



Born on 8 May 1961 in Reykjavík.
Spouse: Anna Líndal, artist.
Children: Rögnvaldur (b. 1989) and Katla Sigríður (b. 1993).

1986-1990 University College London, framhaldsnám í jarðeðlisfræði. Doktorspróf (Ph.D) 1992. Doktorsritgerð: Crustal structure of the subglacial Grímsvötn volcano, Vatnajökull, Iceland, from multiparameter geophysical surveys.
1982-1986 Háskóli Íslands - B.S. í jarðeðlisfræði.
1977-1981 Menntaskólinn við Sund, Reykjavík (eðlisfræðideild) 

1986-1990 University College London, graduate studies in geophysics. Ph.D. in geophysics 1992. Title of thesis: Crustal structure of the subglacial Grímsvötn volcano, Vatnajökull, Iceland, from multiparameter geophysical surveys.
1982-1986 University of Iceland - B.S. in geophysics.


2008- Prófessor í jarðeðlisfræði, jarðvísindadeild HÍ
2002-2007 Prófessor í jarðeðlisfræði, raunvísindadeild HÍ
1995-2001 Dósent í jarðeðlisfræði, eðlisfræðiskor HÍ
1994 Lektor í hálfu starfi, eðlisfræðiskor HÍ
1991-1994 Verkefnisráðinn sérfræðingur á Raunvísindastofnun Háskólans
1988-1989 Jarðeðlisfræðilegar mælingar fyrir Orkustofnun vegna mannvirkjagerðar.
1988-1989 Aðstoðarkennari við University College London
1985-1986 Aðstoðarmaður við jöklarannsóknir á Raunvísindastofnun
1982-1983 Stundakennari í stærðfræði við Menntaskólann við Sund
1981-1982 Aðstoðarmaður á Vatnsorkudeild Orkustofnunar
1980-1984 Sumarstörf á Orkustofnun: Vatnsorkudeild og Jarðhitadeild
1981-1982 Skrifaði bókina Fjallamennska (útg. Örn og Örlygur) í samvinnu við Ara Trausta Guðmundsson.

2008- Professor of Geophysics at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland.
2002-2007 Professor of Geophysics at the Department of Physics, University of Iceland.
1995-2001 Associate Professor of Geophysics at the Department of Physics, University of Iceland.
1991-1994 Reasearch associate at the Science Institute, Unversity of Iceland.
1985-1986 Reasearch assistant at the Science Institute, Unversity of Iceland.
1985-1986 Reasearch assistant at the National Energy Authority, Iceland.


Leiðbeining framhaldsnema
Núverandi framhaldsnemendur

(see publication list at:
1. Author and coauthor of about 100 reviewed papers in scientific journals and books.
2. Author and coauthor of about 40 lightly or non-reviewed popular articles on scientific matters.
3. Author and coauthor of about 30 scientific reports.
4. Author of text in four photographic books on Iceland. 

2016-2020      Head, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Univ. Iceland
2014-present  Faculty Selection Committee
2008-2014      Head, Faculty of Earth Sciences
2008-2013      Board, University of Iceland University Park, Univ. Iceland
2008-2012      Director, Institute of Earth Sciences
2007-2008      Institute of Earth Sciences, Executive Committee
2005-2007      Department Chair, Department of Physics, University of Iceland
1996-present  Science Advisory Board, Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police
1998-present  President, Iceland Glaciological Society
2009-present  NORDFORSK  -  Panel on Researcher network and Research training courses.
2009             Ex Officio Chair, Commission on Volcano-Ice Interactions
2008             IAVCEI General Assembly, local organizing committee
2008             Chair, joint IAVCEI and IACS Commission on Volcano-Ice Interactions
2006-2007     IAVCEI Working Group on Volcano-Ice Interactions.  2007:  Vice-Chair; 2006: Secretary

Editorial experience
1. Journal of Glaciology, Scientific Editor, 2005 - 2008
2. Annals of Glaciology, 48, 2008. Associate Editor.
3. Journal of Geodynamics, 43 (1), 2007. Special Issue: Hotspot Iceland. (with W. Jacoby).
4. Hættumat vegna eldgosa og hlaupa frá vestanverðum Mýrdalsjökli og Eyjafjallajökli (in Icelandic: Eruptions in the western part of Mýrdalsjökull and Eyjafjallajökull: a risk assessment)(with Á.G. Gylfason). The Icelandic Police Commissioner and the University of Iceland Press. 210 pages. 2005. 

Professional societies
Iceland Glaciological Society (JÖRFI)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Geoscience Society of Iceland (JFI)
International Glaciological Society (IGS)

IAVCEI-International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior
Societas Scientarium Islandica

President of the Iceland Glaciological Society 1998-.
Member of the board of the Iceland Glaciological Society 1996-1998.
Member of the board of the Geoscience Society of Iceland 1994-1998.