Missing the Felt Sense: When Correct Political Arguments Go Wrong

The Psychology and Philosophy of Eugene Gendlin : Making Sense of Contemporary Experience book coverI have a chapter in the forthcoming (april 2023) book The Psychology and Philosophy of Eugene Gendlin: Making Sense of Contemporary Experience. The chapter is called "Missing the Felt Sense: When Correct Political Arguments Go Wrong" and is about contemporary political debates and how people  are often missing each other's (and their own) points. It discusses the benefits but also the dangers of politics based on "gut feelings" - rather than arguing that people need to be more "rational" I say there is great value in listening to your body but also that it requires actual (and critical) listening which is the opposite of just acting "from the gut" without hesitation or reflection. In other words, it requires paying attention to what Eugene Gendlin calls "the felt sense".


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