Kynningar og ráðstefnuerindi

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2019

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2018

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2018). Developing practical assessment methods for Entrepreneurship Education. 46th Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Congress, NERA 2018 - Boundaries, Breaches and Bridges University of Oslo March 8-10, 2018.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir & Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2018). Self-study of teacher educators developing learning communities with practicing teachers. 46th Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Congress, NERA 2018 - Boundaries, Breaches and Bridges University of Oslo March 8-10, 2018.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2018). Gildi list- og verkmenntunar: Að mennta til mennsku. Kynning og pallborð á málþinginu Nema hvað? Efling list- og verkgreina, haldið af KÍ og Félagi list og verkgreinaennara að Nauthóli Reykjavík  22. mars 2018.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2018). Skapandi íslensk skólabörn: Nýsköpunarmennt til eflingar hugvits og athafna. Á viðurkenningarathöfn Menntavísindasviðs fyrir kennara: Hafðu áhrif , 6. júní 2018

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2018). Enacting ethical frameworks in self-study: Dancing on the line between student agency and institutional demands. Castle Conference 12. Pushing boundaries and crossing borders: Self-study as a means for researching pedagogy. July 14—19 2018, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2018).„Við erum að læra aðallega að gera heiminn betri og búa til nýja hluti“ Að rækta hæfni til nýsköpunar og framtakssemi. Presentation at the University of Iceland seminar: Fullveldið, háskólinn og framtíðin: Gildi háskóla fyrir íslenskt samfélag. Hátíðarsalur Háskóla Íslands og Veröld – hús Vigdísar, 7.-8. september 2018.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2018). Emancipatory pedagogy: The pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education. Kynning fyrir doktorsnema ítt University of Wales Trinity Saint David,  21. september 2018.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2018). Ethical challenges in supervision: Finding a constructive balance between empowering masters students and supporting them passing the examination. SERA 2018 annual conference, Critical understanding of education systems: what matters internationally? University of Glasgow, November 21-23. 2018.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. (2018) Self-study on the role of the research leadership: Teacher educators working with practicing teachers doing action research. SERA 2018 annual conference, Critical understanding of education systems: what matters internationally? University of Glasgow, November 21-23. 2018.

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2017

Tidwell & Jónsdóttir. (2017). Analyzing visual representation as data. online presentation at the Invisible College for Research on Teaching April 26. in San Antonio, Texas. Pre-conference for American Educational Research Association (AERA) April 27.–May 1. in San Antonio, Texas. Autors and presenters Deb Tidwell, University of Northern Iowa & Svanborg Jónsdóttir, University of Iceland.

Jónsdóttir, S.R., Guðjónsdóttir, H.G. & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Becoming a teacher educator: Developing pedagogy in teacher education. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu NERA: 45th Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Congress, Learning and education – material conditions and consequences Copenhagen, 23-25 March 2017

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir and Svava Pétursdóttir. Námssvið í mótun: Nýsköpunarmennt og notkun upplýsinga og samskiptatækni. Erindi á Menntakviku, Menntavísindasvið HÍ, 6. oktober  2017.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir og Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. Námssamfélag nemenda og kennara: Að vinna meistaraprófsverkefni. At the Educational Conference of the School of Education, University of Iceland Menntakvika 6.okt. 2017. Menntavísindasviði, HÍ.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Sameiginleg leiðsögn við vinnu meistaraprófsverkefna. Erindi á Kennsluþróunarráðstefnu Kennslumiðstöðvar HÍ 13.okt. 2017. Við kynntum allar þrjár Slóð á dagskrá ráðstefnunnar og á útdrátt erindisins

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. MakEY – Innovation and entrepreneurial education in Iceland: Presentation – workshop. Kynning og örnámskeið í framsæknum grunnskóla í Búkarest fyrir hóp kennara og skólastjóra, með áherslu á grunnskólastigið. Haldin 27.september í Romano Finlandeza School.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir, 21.sept. 2017. Innovation and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. Kynning um MakEY verkefnið og nýsköpunar og frumkvöðlamennt á íslandi fyrir kennara og nemendur í framhaldsskólanum Scoala Superioara Comerciala Nicolae Kretzulescu og fulltrúa menntamálaráðuneytis Rúmeníu.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2017). Action competence in a changing world: Teachers´ perceptions of collective efficacy in working with emerging curriculum areas. Role of case study in the research – IEE section. Erindi á ráðstefnu SERA í Ayr Skotlandi nóvember 22.-24.2017.

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2016

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir and Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Inclusive education meets innovation education: Self-study in teacher education. FUM conference in Reykjavík May 12-13th 2016. Haldin í samstarfi við SERA (skosku menntarannsóknasamtökin).

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. Developing pedagogy for inclusive practices: Self-study in teacher education. Ráðstefna NERA Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity in Education. Helsinki, 9-11 March 2016.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. Emancipatory pedagogy for inclusive practices, enacting self-study as methodology. Castle Conference 11, Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry. July 31—August 4, 2016. Wednesday August 3th

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Strengthening teacher identity through development of professional working theory. Castle Conference 11, Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry. July 31—August 4, 2016

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Understanding creative thinking and creative action. Erindi á SERA, ráðstefnu Scottish Educational Research Association, University of Dundee, Scotland.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Að halda utan um starfendarannsókn átta kennara á fjórum skólastigum. Educational Conference of the School of Education, University of Iceland,: Menntakvika. Rannsóknir, nýbreytni og þróun. 7.okt. 2016

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Skapandi hugsun og skapandi framkvæmd. 17.mars 2016. Á ráðstefnu RASK Sköpun skiptir enn sköpum.

Lena Sólborg Valgarðsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Tími og rými fyrir leik og sköpun. At the Educational Conference of the School of Education, University of Iceland Menntakvika. Rannsóknir, nýbreytni og þróun. 7.okt. 2016.


Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2015

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Emancipatory pedagogy: The pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education. Paper presented at the 1st European Networking Conference on Entrepreneurship Education, January 29 – 30, 2015 Horsens Denmark.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir, Svanborg R Jónsdóttir, Edda Óskarsdóttir and Jónína Vala Kristinsdóttir. Teacher educators develop a discourse about self-study of practice. The AERA 2015 Annual Meeting: Toward Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis April 19, 2015 Chicago, Illinois USA.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Innovation and entrepreneurial education across three school levels. Paper presented at the NERA 2015, 43rd Confernece Marketisation and Differentiation in Education, March 4 – 6, 2015. Gothenburgh, Sweden.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, (2015). Creating an intermediate space in education: Innovation- and entrepreneurial education. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice: Education in multicultural societies. October 15.-17. 2015 at Menntavísindasviði.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Þórunn Blöndal, Edda Kjartansdóttir, Elsa Lyng Magnúsdóttir, Halldóra Pálmarsdóttir, Jóna S. Þorvaldsdóttir, Sverrir Árnason and Sigríður Einarsdóttir . (2015). Working with creativity in teaching and learning: Eight teachers on four school levels. The AERA 2015 Annual Meeting: Toward Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis April 19, 2015 Chicago, Illinois USA.

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Creating meaningful online learning in teacher education. The Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2015, Education as (if) the whole Earth mattered, 18-20 November 2015, University of Aberdeen November 18.-20. 2015.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Crossing boundaries with Innovation and entrepreneurial education. The Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2015, Education as (if) the whole Earth mattered, 18-20 November 2015, University of Aberdeen November 18.-20. 2015.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir ofl. (2015). RASKA (rannsókn um skapandi skólastarf): Átta kennarar á fjórum skólastigum vinna með sköpun í námi og kennslu. Erindi á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika: Efst á baugi fyrr og nú: Hvað hefur áorkast í menntavísindum á þeirri öld sem liðin er frá því konur hlutu kosningarétt á Íslandi? Haldin 2.október 2015 á Menntavísindasviði.

Karen R. Gísladóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. (2015). Námsrými á netinu fyrir fjölbreytt nám og skapandi útfærslur verkefna. Erindi á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika: Efst á baugi fyrr og nú: Hvað hefur áorkast í menntavísindum á þeirri öld sem liðin er frá því konur hlutu kosningarétt á Íslandi? Haldin 2.október 2015 á Menntavísindasviði.

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2015). Creating a Learning Community for Master Students: Collaborative Supervision. Paper presented at the NERA 2015, 43rd Confernece Marketisation and Differentiation in Education, March 4 – 6, 2015. Gothenburgh, Sweden.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2015). Modern education and the reluctance to change. Kick-off meeting – CRISTAL project. Húsavík Sept.7th 2015.

Jónsdóttir. S. R. (2015). Innovation and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. And an example across three school levels. Presentation for the Visit of Danish politicians from Helsingør Kommune. University of Iceland, School of Education October 22, 2015.

Guðjónsdóttir, Gísladóttir & Jónsdóttir. (2015). Creating a Learning Community for Master Students: Collaborative Supervision. RannUng and Rannsóknarstofa um starfendarannsóknir. Seminar on collaborative supervision. May 22. 2015

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar 2014

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2014). What do you mean by creative teaching and learning? Action research by eight teachers on four school levels. Paper at The SERA Annual Conference Edinburgh 2014.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir and Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2014). Collaborative supervision of master‘s projects: a self-study by three university-based teachereducators. Presentation at The Tenth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, Uk, 2-7 August 2014.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2014). RASKA rannsókn um skapandi skólastarf. Erindi á Ráðstefna Menntavísindasviðs 3.október 2014, Menntakvika: rannsóknir, nýbreytni og þróun.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2014). "It was just related to everything”Innovation and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. A presentation at A symposium at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary on 10 Sept 2014 Queensland University of Technology, School of Early Childhood, Faculty of Education.

Svanborg R . Jónsdóttir. (2014). Innovation and entrepreneurialeducation in Iceland: A cross-curricular subject. Presentation at Northgate State School, Brisbane, Australia. September 15.

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar 2013

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Creating spaces for learning and action competence between school and local society. Kynning á ráðstefnunni NERA 41st Congress, Disruptions and eruptions as opportunities for transforming education.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Development of intermediate spaces for innovation and entrepreneurial education: Collective teacher efficacy and action competence in a rural Icelandic school. Kynning á ráðstefnunni “Widening Horizons: Scottish Research in a Global Context” the 38th InternationalScottish Educational Research Association Conference.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Sýn stjórnenda framhaldsskóla á stöðu nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar. Erindi flutt á Menntakviku ráðstefnu Menntavísindasviðs 27.september 2013

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Teymisvinna í leiðsögn meistaranema: Fagleg starfsrýni í kennaramenntun (Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices). Erindi flutt á Menntakviku, Menntavísindasviðs 27. september 2013.

Karen Rut Gísladóttir, Svanborg R Jónsdóttir og Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. (2013). Collaborative supervision of masters´ projects. Self-study by three university teachers in teacher education.Kynning á ráðstefnu SERA , Glasgow, nóvember 2013.

Erla Dís Arnardóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir.. (2013) . Viðhorf og væntingar nemenda á unglingastigi til námsgreinarinnar textílmennt. Veggspjald á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika 27.september 2013.

Kristín Garðarsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Reynsla kennara af samþættingu námsgreina, samvinnu og skapandi kennsluháttum. Veggspjald á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika 27.september 2013.

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar 2012

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir (2012). Kennsla í fjölbreyttum nemendahópi á háskólastigi. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika; rannsóknir, nýbreytni, þróun. Haldin á Menntavísindasviði 5.október 2012.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir , Auður Pálsdóttir og Svava Pétursdóttir. (2012). Kröfur um kennslu nýrra námssviða. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu Félags um menntarannsóknir haldin á Menntavísindasviði 17. mars 2012.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. Preparing teachers for teaching a diverse group of learners in a changing world. Paper at The Ninth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. Extending Inquiry Communities: Illuminating Teacher Education Through Self-Study haldin 15.-19. ágúst 2012 í Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, Englandi.

Rósa Gunnarsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2012). Nýsköpunarmennt sem nálgun í menntun til sjálfbærni. Erindi á ráðstefnu Menntakvika: rannsóknir, nýbreytni, þróun. Haldin á Mennntavísindasviði 5.október 2012.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2012). Leiðin að takmarkinu: Áskoranir og ávinningar í doktorsnámi. Erindi flutt að beiðni stjórnar Félags doktorsnema við Menntavísindasvið á ráðstefnu félagsins 6.júní 2012.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2012). Connecting the dots: a journey through multiple sources of data. Ráðstefna Skosku menntarannsóknasamtakanna SERA, haldin í Ayr Skotlandi 21.-23.nóvember 2012.

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar 2011

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011a). A non-dominant activity within a non-dominant school structure influenced by historical structures of dominant practices. Paper presented at the ISCAR conference 2011. Enhancing the cultural and the activity approach for the new generation development in a global world, Rome.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011b). Recontextualisation of innovation into education. Ráðstefna Þjóðarspegils, XII, University of Iceland.

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar  2010

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Didriksen, R. (2010). Skref fyrir skref. Dæmi um fyrirmyndarstarf í nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt. Erindi flutt á  Ráðstefnu Félags um menntarannsóknir.

Erindi og kynningar 2009

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2009a). The social ecology of innovation education – modelling zones of feasible development. Paper presented at the School of Education Doctoral Seminar, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2008a). “It was just related to everything ...” Perceptions of teachers and students of innovation education in Icelandic compulsory schools. Paper presented at the The Bera Annual Conference 2008.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2008). Tæknimennt í grunnskólum á Íslandi – mikilvægur en óvelkominn gestur ? [Technology education in Icelandic compulsory schools - an important yet an unwelcome guest?]. Paper presented at the Málþing um náttúrufræðimenntun [Conference on science education].

Erindi og kynningar 2004-2008

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, M. A. (2008). The silence of innovation education in Icelandic science classes. Paper presented at the Planning science instruction: from insight to learning to pedagogical practices, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2006b). The role of the teacher in innovation education. Paper presented at the SERA conference.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2006a). The emergence of a new school subject: innovation education in compulsory schools. Paper presented at the BERA conference. Retrieved from

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2020

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2019

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2018

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2018). Developing practical assessment methods for Entrepreneurship Education. 46th Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Congress, NERA 2018 - Boundaries, Breaches and Bridges University of Oslo March 8-10, 2018.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir & Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2018). Self-study of teacher educators developing learning communities with practicing teachers. 46th Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Congress, NERA 2018 - Boundaries, Breaches and Bridges University of Oslo March 8-10, 2018.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2018). Gildi list- og verkmenntunar: Að mennta til mennsku. Kynning og pallborð á málþinginu Nema hvað? Efling list- og verkgreina, haldið af KÍ og Félagi list og verkgreinaennara að Nauthóli Reykjavík  22. mars 2018.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2018). Skapandi íslensk skólabörn: Nýsköpunarmennt til eflingar hugvits og athafna. Á viðurkenningarathöfn Menntavísindasviðs fyrir kennara: Hafðu áhrif , 6. júní 2018

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2018). Enacting ethical frameworks in self-study: Dancing on the line between student agency and institutional demands. Castle Conference 12. Pushing boundaries and crossing borders: Self-study as a means for researching pedagogy. July 14—19 2018, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2018).„Við erum að læra aðallega að gera heiminn betri og búa til nýja hluti“ Að rækta hæfni til nýsköpunar og framtakssemi. Presentation at the University of Iceland seminar: Fullveldið, háskólinn og framtíðin: Gildi háskóla fyrir íslenskt samfélag. Hátíðarsalur Háskóla Íslands og Veröld – hús Vigdísar, 7.-8. september 2018.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2018). Emancipatory pedagogy: The pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education. Kynning fyrir doktorsnema ítt University of Wales Trinity Saint David,  21. september 2018.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2018). Ethical challenges in supervision: Finding a constructive balance between empowering masters students and supporting them passing the examination. SERA 2018 annual conference, Critical understanding of education systems: what matters internationally? University of Glasgow, November 21-23. 2018.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. (2018) Self-study on the role of the research leadership: Teacher educators working with practicing teachers doing action research. SERA 2018 annual conference, Critical understanding of education systems: what matters internationally? University of Glasgow, November 21-23. 2018.

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2017

Tidwell & Jónsdóttir. (2017). Analyzing visual representation as data. online presentation at the Invisible College for Research on Teaching April 26. in San Antonio, Texas. Pre-conference for American Educational Research Association (AERA) April 27.–May 1. in San Antonio, Texas. Autors and presenters Deb Tidwell, University of Northern Iowa & Svanborg Jónsdóttir, University of Iceland.

Jónsdóttir, S.R., Guðjónsdóttir, H.G. & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Becoming a teacher educator: Developing pedagogy in teacher education. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu NERA: 45th Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Congress, Learning and education – material conditions and consequences Copenhagen, 23-25 March 2017

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir and Svava Pétursdóttir. Námssvið í mótun: Nýsköpunarmennt og notkun upplýsinga og samskiptatækni. Erindi á Menntakviku, Menntavísindasvið HÍ, 6. oktober  2017.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir og Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. Námssamfélag nemenda og kennara: Að vinna meistaraprófsverkefni. At the Educational Conference of the School of Education, University of Iceland Menntakvika 6.okt. 2017. Menntavísindasviði, HÍ.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Sameiginleg leiðsögn við vinnu meistaraprófsverkefna. Erindi á Kennsluþróunarráðstefnu Kennslumiðstöðvar HÍ 13.okt. 2017. Við kynntum allar þrjár Slóð á dagskrá ráðstefnunnar og á útdrátt erindisins

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. MakEY – Innovation and entrepreneurial education in Iceland: Presentation – workshop. Kynning og örnámskeið í framsæknum grunnskóla í Búkarest fyrir hóp kennara og skólastjóra, með áherslu á grunnskólastigið. Haldin 27.september í Romano Finlandeza School.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir, 21.sept. 2017. Innovation and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. Kynning um MakEY verkefnið og nýsköpunar og frumkvöðlamennt á íslandi fyrir kennara og nemendur í framhaldsskólanum Scoala Superioara Comerciala Nicolae Kretzulescu og fulltrúa menntamálaráðuneytis Rúmeníu.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2017). Action competence in a changing world: Teachers´ perceptions of collective efficacy in working with emerging curriculum areas. Role of case study in the research – IEE section. Erindi á ráðstefnu SERA í Ayr Skotlandi nóvember 22.-24.2017.

Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2016

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir and Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Inclusive education meets innovation education: Self-study in teacher education. FUM conference in Reykjavík May 12-13th 2016. Haldin í samstarfi við SERA (skosku menntarannsóknasamtökin).

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. Developing pedagogy for inclusive practices: Self-study in teacher education. Ráðstefna NERA Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity in Education. Helsinki, 9-11 March 2016.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. Emancipatory pedagogy for inclusive practices, enacting self-study as methodology. Castle Conference 11, Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry. July 31—August 4, 2016. Wednesday August 3th

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Strengthening teacher identity through development of professional working theory. Castle Conference 11, Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry. July 31—August 4, 2016

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Understanding creative thinking and creative action. Erindi á SERA, ráðstefnu Scottish Educational Research Association, University of Dundee, Scotland.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Að halda utan um starfendarannsókn átta kennara á fjórum skólastigum. Educational Conference of the School of Education, University of Iceland,: Menntakvika. Rannsóknir, nýbreytni og þróun. 7.okt. 2016

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Skapandi hugsun og skapandi framkvæmd. 17.mars 2016. Á ráðstefnu RASK Sköpun skiptir enn sköpum.

Lena Sólborg Valgarðsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Tími og rými fyrir leik og sköpun. At the Educational Conference of the School of Education, University of Iceland Menntakvika. Rannsóknir, nýbreytni og þróun. 7.okt. 2016.


Ráðstefnukynningar og erindi 2015

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Emancipatory pedagogy: The pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education. Paper presented at the 1st European Networking Conference on Entrepreneurship Education, January 29 – 30, 2015 Horsens Denmark.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir, Svanborg R Jónsdóttir, Edda Óskarsdóttir and Jónína Vala Kristinsdóttir. Teacher educators develop a discourse about self-study of practice. The AERA 2015 Annual Meeting: Toward Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis April 19, 2015 Chicago, Illinois USA.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Innovation and entrepreneurial education across three school levels. Paper presented at the NERA 2015, 43rd Confernece Marketisation and Differentiation in Education, March 4 – 6, 2015. Gothenburgh, Sweden.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, (2015). Creating an intermediate space in education: Innovation- and entrepreneurial education. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice: Education in multicultural societies. October 15.-17. 2015 at Menntavísindasviði.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Þórunn Blöndal, Edda Kjartansdóttir, Elsa Lyng Magnúsdóttir, Halldóra Pálmarsdóttir, Jóna S. Þorvaldsdóttir, Sverrir Árnason and Sigríður Einarsdóttir . (2015). Working with creativity in teaching and learning: Eight teachers on four school levels. The AERA 2015 Annual Meeting: Toward Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis April 19, 2015 Chicago, Illinois USA.

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Creating meaningful online learning in teacher education. The Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2015, Education as (if) the whole Earth mattered, 18-20 November 2015, University of Aberdeen November 18.-20. 2015.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Crossing boundaries with Innovation and entrepreneurial education. The Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2015, Education as (if) the whole Earth mattered, 18-20 November 2015, University of Aberdeen November 18.-20. 2015.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir ofl. (2015). RASKA (rannsókn um skapandi skólastarf): Átta kennarar á fjórum skólastigum vinna með sköpun í námi og kennslu. Erindi á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika: Efst á baugi fyrr og nú: Hvað hefur áorkast í menntavísindum á þeirri öld sem liðin er frá því konur hlutu kosningarétt á Íslandi? Haldin 2.október 2015 á Menntavísindasviði.

Karen R. Gísladóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. (2015). Námsrými á netinu fyrir fjölbreytt nám og skapandi útfærslur verkefna. Erindi á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika: Efst á baugi fyrr og nú: Hvað hefur áorkast í menntavísindum á þeirri öld sem liðin er frá því konur hlutu kosningarétt á Íslandi? Haldin 2.október 2015 á Menntavísindasviði.

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2015). Creating a Learning Community for Master Students: Collaborative Supervision. Paper presented at the NERA 2015, 43rd Confernece Marketisation and Differentiation in Education, March 4 – 6, 2015. Gothenburgh, Sweden.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2015). Modern education and the reluctance to change. Kick-off meeting – CRISTAL project. Húsavík Sept.7th 2015.

Jónsdóttir. S. R. (2015). Innovation and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. And an example across three school levels. Presentation for the Visit of Danish politicians from Helsingør Kommune. University of Iceland, School of Education October 22, 2015.

Guðjónsdóttir, Gísladóttir & Jónsdóttir. (2015). Creating a Learning Community for Master Students: Collaborative Supervision. RannUng and Rannsóknarstofa um starfendarannsóknir. Seminar on collaborative supervision. May 22. 2015

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar 2014

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2014). What do you mean by creative teaching and learning? Action research by eight teachers on four school levels. Paper at The SERA Annual Conference Edinburgh 2014.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir and Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2014). Collaborative supervision of master‘s projects: a self-study by three university-based teachereducators. Presentation at The Tenth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, Uk, 2-7 August 2014.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2014). RASKA rannsókn um skapandi skólastarf. Erindi á Ráðstefna Menntavísindasviðs 3.október 2014, Menntakvika: rannsóknir, nýbreytni og þróun.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2014). "It was just related to everything”Innovation and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. A presentation at A symposium at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary on 10 Sept 2014 Queensland University of Technology, School of Early Childhood, Faculty of Education.

Svanborg R . Jónsdóttir. (2014). Innovation and entrepreneurialeducation in Iceland: A cross-curricular subject. Presentation at Northgate State School, Brisbane, Australia. September 15.

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar 2013

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Creating spaces for learning and action competence between school and local society. Kynning á ráðstefnunni NERA 41st Congress, Disruptions and eruptions as opportunities for transforming education.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Development of intermediate spaces for innovation and entrepreneurial education: Collective teacher efficacy and action competence in a rural Icelandic school. Kynning á ráðstefnunni “Widening Horizons: Scottish Research in a Global Context” the 38th InternationalScottish Educational Research Association Conference.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Sýn stjórnenda framhaldsskóla á stöðu nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar. Erindi flutt á Menntakviku ráðstefnu Menntavísindasviðs 27.september 2013

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Teymisvinna í leiðsögn meistaranema: Fagleg starfsrýni í kennaramenntun (Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices). Erindi flutt á Menntakviku, Menntavísindasviðs 27. september 2013.

Karen Rut Gísladóttir, Svanborg R Jónsdóttir og Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. (2013). Collaborative supervision of masters´ projects. Self-study by three university teachers in teacher education.Kynning á ráðstefnu SERA , Glasgow, nóvember 2013.

Erla Dís Arnardóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir.. (2013) . Viðhorf og væntingar nemenda á unglingastigi til námsgreinarinnar textílmennt. Veggspjald á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika 27.september 2013.

Kristín Garðarsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Reynsla kennara af samþættingu námsgreina, samvinnu og skapandi kennsluháttum. Veggspjald á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika 27.september 2013.

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar 2012

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir (2012). Kennsla í fjölbreyttum nemendahópi á háskólastigi. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika; rannsóknir, nýbreytni, þróun. Haldin á Menntavísindasviði 5.október 2012.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir , Auður Pálsdóttir og Svava Pétursdóttir. (2012). Kröfur um kennslu nýrra námssviða. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu Félags um menntarannsóknir haldin á Menntavísindasviði 17. mars 2012.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. Preparing teachers for teaching a diverse group of learners in a changing world. Paper at The Ninth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. Extending Inquiry Communities: Illuminating Teacher Education Through Self-Study haldin 15.-19. ágúst 2012 í Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, Englandi.

Rósa Gunnarsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2012). Nýsköpunarmennt sem nálgun í menntun til sjálfbærni. Erindi á ráðstefnu Menntakvika: rannsóknir, nýbreytni, þróun. Haldin á Mennntavísindasviði 5.október 2012.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2012). Leiðin að takmarkinu: Áskoranir og ávinningar í doktorsnámi. Erindi flutt að beiðni stjórnar Félags doktorsnema við Menntavísindasvið á ráðstefnu félagsins 6.júní 2012.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2012). Connecting the dots: a journey through multiple sources of data. Ráðstefna Skosku menntarannsóknasamtakanna SERA, haldin í Ayr Skotlandi 21.-23.nóvember 2012.

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar 2011

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011a). A non-dominant activity within a non-dominant school structure influenced by historical structures of dominant practices. Paper presented at the ISCAR conference 2011. Enhancing the cultural and the activity approach for the new generation development in a global world, Rome.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011b). Recontextualisation of innovation into education. Ráðstefna Þjóðarspegils, XII, University of Iceland.

Erindi og ráðstefnukynningar  2010

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Didriksen, R. (2010). Skref fyrir skref. Dæmi um fyrirmyndarstarf í nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt. Erindi flutt á  Ráðstefnu Félags um menntarannsóknir.

Erindi og kynningar 2009

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2009a). The social ecology of innovation education – modelling zones of feasible development. Paper presented at the School of Education Doctoral Seminar, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2008a). “It was just related to everything ...” Perceptions of teachers and students of innovation education in Icelandic compulsory schools. Paper presented at the The Bera Annual Conference 2008.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2008). Tæknimennt í grunnskólum á Íslandi – mikilvægur en óvelkominn gestur ? [Technology education in Icelandic compulsory schools - an important yet an unwelcome guest?]. Paper presented at the Málþing um náttúrufræðimenntun [Conference on science education].

Erindi og kynningar 2004-2008

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, M. A. (2008). The silence of innovation education in Icelandic science classes. Paper presented at the Planning science instruction: from insight to learning to pedagogical practices, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2006b). The role of the teacher in innovation education. Paper presented at the SERA conference.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2006a). The emergence of a new school subject: innovation education in compulsory schools. Paper presented at the BERA conference. Retrieved from