

  • „Danish in the West-Nordic Region.“ The conference Langugage and Culture Contact in the West-Nordic Region. Reykholt, 23- 24 May.
  • „Danske minder i Island på nettet.“The conference Á mótum danskrar og íslenskrar menningar held by Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages. National Museum, 9 April.
  • „Brevene og islændingenes møde med dansk sprog og kultur.“The conference Skjöl landsnefndarinnar 1770-1771 held by National Archives of Iceland, 8 November.


  • „The Role of the Danish Language in Iceland: Past and Present.“ The conference „Dansk og tysk i stereotyper: Stereotypeuniverser og deres sproglig-kulturelle konstituteringsformer“. University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark. 25-27 February. Keynote speaker.
  • „At kaste lys over fraserne.“ Humanities Conference, University of Iceland, 13-14 March.
  • „Teaching Danish as a foreign language in Iceland  ̶  Students’ needs and teachersʼ strategies.“ The conference „Changes and Challenges in Language Teacher Education: Ninth International Conference om Language Education“. CARLA, University of Minnesota, 15 May. Invited lecturer
  • „Selvstændighedskampen og islændingenes holdninger til dansk sprog.“ Seminar on King Christian X og the Icelanders‘ struggle for independency. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages and Institute of History, University of Iceland, 14 November.


  • „At begå sig adækvat på et fremmedsprog.“ The conference Nordic Intercultural Communication: Language, Culture and Communication, University of Iceland, 27 November.
  • „Hvorfor Taleboble?“ Seminar about the Research and Innovative Project www.taleboblen.hi.is, National and University Library of Iceland, 8 November.
  • „A World Language Centre.“ International Expert Meeting on Improving Access to Multilingual Cyberspace, UNESCO, Paris, 29 October.
  • „Sambúð dönsku og íslensku og viðhorf Dana til íslensku.“ Humanities Conference, University of Iceland, 15 March
  • „Dönskukunnátta Íslendinga og viðhorf til gagnsemi dönskunnar.“ The seminar Nytsemi skóladönskunnar, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Language and The Norden Association, Nordic House, 4 February.


  • “Dansk sprog og kultur i Island i det attende og nittende århundrede”. Seminar on Danish language and culture in Greenland and Iceland. The Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages and Reykjavík Literary Festival. September 15th.
  • “Mötet mellan dansk och isländsk kultur. Om projektet ‘Danskar på Island 1900-1970ʼ”. Department of Scandinavian Languages. University of Uppsala, May 8th. Invited lecturer.
  • “Höja rösten/hæve stemmen/brýna raustina. Om idiomer og andre fraser i nærbesläktade språk”. The Department of Linguistics and Philology. University of Uppsala, May 7th.
  • “Dansk nøglen til verden”. Dansk-Island Samfund. The Embassy of Iceland in Copenhagen, April 24th.
  • “Center for verdens sprog i Island”. Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use. University of Copenhagen, April 8th.
  • “Faste ordforbindelser i et kontrastivt og indlæringsmæssigt perspektiv”. Centre for Inter-nationalisation and Parallel Language Use. University of Copenhagen, April 4th.
  • “At være på næste høj eller på trapperne. Idiomer i et kontrastivt perspektiv”. Department of Swedish. University of Gothenburg, March 18th. Invited lecturer.
  • “Fraser, fraseindlæring og fraseværktøj”. A seminar on phrases and expressions organized at Språkbanken, (http://spraakbanken.gu.se/swe/flerordsworkshop). University of Gothenburg, March 19th.


  • “‘Det islandske sprog passer sig bedst i en islandsk købstadʼ: Dansk i Island i et historisk og aktuelt perspektiv”. Official lecture at the University of Greenland, Nuuk, September 26th. The lecture was broadcast on the Greenlandic National Radio on October 4th.
  • “Fraser anskuet kontrastivt”. The conference Lingua Nordica – Lingua Franca. University of Iceland, October 8-10.
  • “Lexical Phrases from a Cross-Cultural Perspective”. The conference Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication. 19th Conference on Intercultural Communication. University of Århus, November 23-25.


  • “Sproghjælp og fraser på dansk og islandsk”. Annual colloquium of The Centre for Research in the Humanities of the University of Iceland, March 26th.
  • “Um dönskukunnáttu íslenskra stúdenta á átjándu og nítjándu öld”. The seminar Íslendingar við erlenda háskóla á átjándu og nítjándu öld. The Icelandic Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. The National and University Library of Iceland conference hall, April 9th.
  • “Receptiv og produktiv beherskelse af leksikalske fraser på dansk – Sprogværktøjet www.frasar.net”. The conference: NORDAND 10. University of Iceland, May 25-28.
  • “Nordisk sprogforståelse eller internordisk kommunikation. Hvad nytter og for hvem?” The conference Minst 4 mál til øll. Ráðstevna um fleirmæli í Norðurlondum. University of the Faroe Islands, August 22-24.
  • “Språk, kultur og identitet, kva vil dette bety i framtida?” The conference VAKN-2011. Nordfjordeid Opera House, Norway, October 4-5. Invited lecturer.
  • “Læsning gør forskel. Om forskning i dansk som fremmedsprog i Island”. A seminar orga-nized by Fremmedspråkssentret. Nasjonalt center for fremmedspråk i opplæringen, (Østfold University College, Norway). Trondheim, Norway, October 11th.  Invited lecturer.
  • “Fraser og fraseindlæring i et kontrastivt perspektiv”. The conference Milepæl i nordisk forskning på sprog- og kulturområdet. The Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages. The National Museum of Iceland, October 27-28.
  • “Hvordan klarer islandske studerende sig på dansk under videreuddannelse i Danmark?” CIP symposium. Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use. University of Copen-hagen, November 10th. Invited lecturer.
  • “Hvabehar – hvad er problemet?” The conference SJUSK 2011 – Nordisk symposium om naturligt talesprog. Copenhagen Business School, November 23-24.
  • “Men hvad er tingenes tilstand? – nabosprog i undervisningen”. The conference Hvorfor er dansk så svært? The Danish Ministry of Culture and the Danish Language Committee. Nordatlantens Brygge, Copenhagen, November 30th. Invited lecturer.


  • “Mødet mellem dansk og islandsk sprog og kultur”. The conference Vestnordisk språkkontakt gjennom 1200 år, organized by the Univerity of Bergen. Fleischer Hotel, Voss, Norway, November 27-28.
  • “I never realized then that Nordic languages would be so important for my future”. A confer-ence organized by the Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture, Reykjavík, October 28-29.
  • “At købe katten eller grisen i säcken. Om idiomer og idomatik i et kontrastivt perspektiv”. The Department of Linguistics and Philology, University of Uppsala, September 12th. Invited lecturer.
  • “Danske og islandske fraser på nettet”. The conference Preserving the Future Sustainability of Language, Culture and Nature. University of Iceland, April 16th.
  • “Ísland í augum Dana”. Annual colloquium of The Centre for Research in the Humanities of the University of Iceland, March 5-6.