Category: Publications

(English) DNA methylation differences during development distinguish sympatric morphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)

Arnar Pálsson, 25/07/2022

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(English) Acceptable ants and Atg7 on a run

Arnar Pálsson, 13/06/2022

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(English) DNA methylation differences during development distinguish sympatric morphs of Arctic charr

Arnar Pálsson, 25/03/2022

From the abstract.

  • The data revealed strong differences between developmental timepoints and between morphs (mainly along the benthic – limnetic axis), both at single CpG sites and in 1000bp-regions. Genes located close to differentially methylated CpG sites were involved in nucleosome assembly, TGF-β regulation, and cell matrix adhesion.

From the abstract.

  • The data revealed strong differences between developmental timepoints and between morphs (mainly along the benthic – limnetic axis), both at single CpG sites and in 1000bp-regions. Genes located close to differentially methylated CpG sites were involved in nucleosome assembly, TGF-β regulation, and cell matrix adhesion.


(English) Extensive genetic differentiation between recently evolved sympatric Arctic charr morphs

Arnar Pálsson, 15/07/2019

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(English) Talks and posters at Evolution and core processes in gene expression

Arnar Pálsson, 23/05/2019

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(English) Extensive genetic divergence between recently evolved sympatric Arctic charr morphs

Arnar Pálsson, 09/12/2018

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(English) Differential gene expression during early development in recently evolved and sympatric Arctic charr morphs

Arnar Pálsson, 29/01/2018

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(English) Differential gene expression during early development in recently evolved and sympatric Arctic charr morphs

Arnar Pálsson, 29/09/2017

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(English) Maedi-visna virus persistence: Antigenic variation and latency.

Arnar Pálsson, 11/04/2017

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(English) Fungal and cyanobacterial gene expression in a lichen symbiosis: Acclimatization and adaptation to temperature and habitat

Arnar Pálsson, 29/08/2016

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