International projects

The Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network (COBEREN) is a network developed to analyze consumption culture, consumer behaviour and the linkage among them in 30 countries in Europe. It was supported by the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union between the years 2009 and 2012. The main output of this collaboration was the book Consumption Culture in Europe: Insight into the Beverage Industry published by IGI Global in January 2013. Further information regarding the COBEREN network and its project can be found in a final report by clicking here.


CONSIDconsiderER was an Intensive Program for master's students granted by the European Union within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Program. Participants were from various countries in Europe working together in a multicultural environment focusing on marketing issues. In 2013 the CONSIDER IP was held in Annecy in France and in 2014 the IP was held in Trento in Italy.


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MARCIEE is a three year project funded by the European Union through Erasmus+ focusing on entrepreneurs and marketing communications. There are ten partners working on the project from various countries within Europe. The project started in 2014. Further information regarding MARCIEE can be found by clicking here.


PrimeFish_logoLaunched in 2015, PrimeFish is a four year research project funded by the European Union through Horizon 2020. The project is led by Matís but participants are from various countries in Europe along with Vietnam and Canada. The overall objective of PrimeFish is to enhance the economic sustainability and competitiveness of European fisheries and aquaculture sectors. PrimeFish will study and analyze the European seafood market in general and five specific seafood supply-chains in particular. The goal is to develop simulation and prediction models enabling production planning, forecasting of potential product success as well as for insights on market trends and new developments. Further information regarding PrimeFish can be found on PrimeFish website by clicking here.