20 February 2025
Haseeb has been awarded a Sóknarstyrkur grant of ISK 450,000 from the University of Iceland to support his research.
20-24 January 2025
Haseeb attended the 11th International Symposium on Fish Parasites in Mérida, Mexico and presents a talk titled: "Parasite communities: Casting a bright light on fish ecology and management."
19 January 2025
Knut Albrecht joins our lab as a new MSc student to work on the taxonomy and ecology of Apristurus aphyodes, a deep water catsharks in Icelandic waters (co-supervised with Klara Jakobsdóttir of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute).
15 January 2025
Hrefna Kristín Rúnarsdóttir joins our lab as a new BSc student to work on a project titled: "Possible difference in macroparasite fauna in tusk (Brosme brosme) from the South and North of Iceland".
Konný Íris Káradóttir joins our lab as a new BSc student to work on a project titled: "Parasitofauna of golden redfish (Sebastes norvegicus) on the north and south side of Iceland".
Magnús Máni Dagsson joins our lab as a new BSc student to work on a project titled: "Parasite abundance in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) around north and south Iceland".
Ragnar Blær Þorgeirsson joins our lab as a new BSc student to work on a project titled: "The parasites of the Atlantic wolffish in Icelandic waters".
Ragnhildur Sara Bergsdóttir joins our lab (co-supervised by Jón Sólmundsson of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute) as a new BSc student to work on a project titled: "Crabs (Brachyura) in Iceland through the lens of predatory fish".
13 January 2025
Elísabet Guðmundsdóttir joins our lab as a new MSc student (co-supervised with Thassya C dos Santos Schmidt of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute) to work on a project investigating stock structure of herring in Icelandic waters using parasites and otolith shape analyses. Furthermore, Elísabet is hired as the part-time lab manager for the Parasitology and Fisheries Ecology Research Lab.
Margot Kulberg joins our lab as a new MSc student to work on a project investigating the interaction between orcas and pilot whales off Vestmannæyjar Islands (co-supervised with Filipa Isabel Pereira Samarra).
10 January 2025
Haseeb has been awarded a grant of ISK 3,450,000 (2025 to 2027) from the University of Iceland Research Fund for a project titled: "Parasites: casting a bright light on the ecology and management of blue whiting".
11 December 2024
Haseeb is invited to present his research and that of the Parasitology and Fisheries Ecology Research Group (University of Iceland) to the demersal division of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute.
10 December 2024
Congratulations!!! Eve-Marine successfully defended her MSc thesis!
6 December 2024
Haseeb presents this week's Biology Department seminar at Askja titled: "Natural history collections: important resources for parasite biodiversity research."
4 December 2024
Haseeb and Prof Arnar Pálsson (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Iceland) are invited to the Marine and Freshwater Research institute to give a workshop on Ethics in Science and Publishing.
15-16 November 2024
Haseeb, Einar, Gabriel, and Kaylin attend the Biology Department Graduate Student Retreat at the University of Iceland Research Centre in Suðurnes.
Einar, Gabriel, and Kaylin presented an overview of their respective research project.
Haseeb and Prof Arnar Pálsson led a discussion on Careers in Biology
04 October 2024
Areeba Abrar joins our lab as a new MSc student to work on a project (co-supervised with Karl Gunnarsson) on the Biodiversity of algal endophytes in red algae.
20 September 2024
Gabriel Ferreira joins our lab as a new PhD student to work on a project (co-supervised with Björn Schäffner) titled: Conservation of ancient relationships: Assessment of skates (Rajiformes: Rajidae) and their parasite fauna in Iceland.
16-20 September 2024
Haseeb & Bylgja attend the 57th European Marine Biology Symposium in Naples (Italy).
Haseeb presented a talk titled: Parasite communities: insights into fish ecology and management.
Bylgja presented a talk titled: Distribution of deep-sea benthos communities around Iceland: their biodiversity and impact factors.
11 September 2024
Congratulations!!! Bylgja successfully defended her MSc thesis!
19 August 2024
Tryggvi Guðmundsson rejoins our lab as a new MSc student to work on a project (co-supervised with Arnar Pálsson) involving parasites in Icelandic freshwater fish.
Zaw Myo Win joins our lab as a new MSc student to work on a project (co-supervised with Pamela Woods) titled: Changes in life-history traits in cod.
Kaylin Nickels joins our lab as a new MSc student to work on a project (co-supervised with Valérie Chosson and Thassya C dos Santos Schmidt) titled: Insight and possible effect of microplastic ingestion in two commercially valuable pelagic fish species in Icelandic waters.
Kristján Friðrik Sveinbjörnsson joins our lab as a new BSc student to work on a project looking at the parasite communities of Arctic charr and brown trout in Lake Hítarvatn.
08 June 2024
Late afternoon meal and drinks at Haseeb's and Stéphanie's to celebrate Urður's graduation. Congratulations Urður!
05 June 2024
Francesco Golin joins our lab as a new PhD student to work on a project (co-supervised with Julian Burgos and Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir) titled: Fish community dynamics in Icelandic waters: Implications for marine conservation and management.
16 May 2024
Urður presented her thesis during Masters Day 2024.
30 April 2024
Urður successfully defended her MSc thesis titled "Maërl Beds in the Arctic: Distribution Analysis in Icelandic Waters". Urður did an incredible job and we are all very proud of her! Congratulations Urður!
10 April 2024
Charlotte Matthews joins our lab as a research assistant for 4 months to process some of our blue whiting samples from our NORA project.
5 April 2024
Haseeb, Brendon, Guðrún, Charlotte, and Elena attended the 2024 Icelandic Ecological Society Conference (Vistís) in Reykjavík, Iceland.
Haseeb presented a talk titled Do parasite micronutrient profiles match those of their hosts?: a case study of elasmobranchs and their tapeworms
Charlotte presented a talk titled Rockling roulette: unveiling cryptic species misidentification
Guðrún presented a poster titled: Hitchhiker of the microplastic ocean: Xenobalanus globicipitis (Steenstrup, 1852)
5 March 2024
Elena Radaelli, PhD student at the University of Bologna (Italy), visits our lab for a 6-month collaboration on gut microbiomes of cod, blue whiting, and other organisms.
11 January 2024
Haseeb is part of a team whose application to Rannís was successful for the project: Conservation of ancient relationships: Assessment of skates (Rajiformes: Rajidae) and their parasite fauna in Iceland (ISK 18.750.000 per year). Haseeb is Project Leader on the proposal and at least 1 PhD student will be based (in part) in the Parasitology and Fisheries Ecology Research Group.
4-6 December 2023
Haseeb participates in dissections of harbour porpoises in collaboration with the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute.
30 November 2023
Haseeb is invited to present a talk at the University of Valencia (Spain) titled: You are what you eat, but what about your parasites?
23 November 2023
Haseeb presented a talk at the open meeting Þorskrannsóknir titled: An integrative approach to stock and ecotype identification in Icelandic cod.
20 October 2023
Haseeb is invited to present a talk at Hólar University (Iceland): Parasite communities: insights into fish ecology and management.
12-14 October 2023
Haseeb, Brendon, Svandís, Bylgja, Eve-Marine, Urður, and Guðrún attend the Líffræðiráðstefnan 2023 (IceBio 2023) at Askja (Reykjavik, Háskolí Íslands).
Haseeb presented a talk titled: Hiding in plain sight: larval tapeworms provide insights into management of a fish species and co-authored two additional posters.
Brendon presented a talk titled: Characterising blue whiting population structure in the northeast Atlantic: implications for sustainable management.
Urður presented a talk titled: Mærl beds in the Arctic: distribution analysis in Icelandic waters.
Svandís presented a poster titled: Otolith shape analysis for stock identification of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) in the Northeast Atlantic.
Haseeb presented a poster titled: Parasites of haddock: identification of parasites for use as biological tags.
Bylgja presented a poster titled: Distribution of deep-sea benthos communities around Iceland, their biodiversity and what factors might affect them.
Eve- Marine presented a poster titled: Surveying the parasite diversity in plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) off the coast of Iceland for stock discrimination purposes.
Guðrún presented a poster titled: Using parasite communities to discriminate between ecotypes of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in Lake Þingvallavatn, Iceland.
27 September 2023
Charlotte Matthews, Research Associate at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI), visits our lab for a 6-month collaboration with the MFRI to work on mesopelagic fishes.
25 September 2023
Giulia Bellon (University of Iceland) joins our research group as an intern for 6 months to complete the project on blue ling parasites (started by Emma and Diego).
12 September 2023
Einar Pétur Jónsson joins our lab as a new PhD student to work on a project co-supervised with Hrönn Egilsdóttir (Marine and Freshwater Research Institute) titled: CAPERS: Climate Adaptation and Performance Evaluation of Capelin in Changing Environments.
11 September 2023
Alexandre Paumier (UALg Faro, Portugal) joins our research group as an intern for 3 months to work on a collaborative project with the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute on the stomach contents and parasites of harbour porpoises.
4-8 September 2023
Haseeb organised the 56th Edition of the European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS 2023) at Hotel Natura in Reykjavík. The meeting was attended by member of the Parasitology and Fisheries Ecology Research Group (Haseeb, Brendon, Einar Pétur, Svandís, Bylgja, Alex, Tryggvi, Guðrún, Urður, Eve-Marine)
Haseeb presented a talk titled: Increasing the taxonomic resolution of larval cestode identifications: key to gaining insights into the ecology and management of fish species, and co-authored 3 additional posters.
Brendon presented a talk titled: Stock structure of Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in the southwest Atlantic: an interdisciplinary approach.
Svandís presented a poster titled: Otolith shape analysis for stock discrimination of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) in the Northeast Atlantic.
Urður presented a poster titled: Maërl beds in the Arctic: Distribution analysis in Icelandic waters.
Alex presented a poster titled: Comparing parasite communities in Atlantic Wolffish Anarhichas lupus around Iceland for stock discrimination.
Tryggvi presented a poster titled: Identification of parasites in haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) for use in stock discrimination.
Bylgja presented a poster titled: Distribution of deep-sea benthos communities around Iceland, their biodiversity and what factors might be affecting them.
Eve-Marine presented a poster titled: Surveying the parasite diversity in plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) off the coast of Iceland for stock discrimination purposes.
Guðrún presented a poster titled: Using parasite communities to discriminate between sympatric morphs of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in lake Þingvallavatn, Iceland.
12-16 June 2023
Haseeb participates in dissections of harbour porpoises and dolphins in collaboration with the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute.
25 May 2023
Both Hólmfríður and Margaret present their respective thesis work during Master Day 2023.
23 May 2023
Brendon Lee returns to the Parasitology and Fisheries Ecology Research Group as a postdoc for 3 years on a Rannís postdoctoral grant.
19 May 2023
Hólmfríður and Margaret attended the 2nd Icelandic Seal Centre Symposium on Nature Research in Hvammstangi.
Hólmfríður presented a talk titled: The effect of wildlife tourism on behaviour and spatial distribution of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) estimated using trail cameras.
Margaret presented a talk titled: Vocal communications among harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) on land.
17 May 2023
Congratulations!!! Hólmfríður and Margaret successfully defend their respective MSc thesis!
16 May 2023
Both Hólmfríður and Margaret share the results from their MSc thesis by each giving a seminar to the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute.
17 April 2023
Elisa Janssen (University Centre of the Westfjords) joins our research group as a new MSc intern who will work on describing the parasite fauna deep-water sharks from Icelandic waters.
11 April 2023
Diego Morice (Rennes, France) joins our research group as a new MSc intern who will work on describing the parasite fauna of blálanga - blue ling (Molva dypterygia) from Icelandic waters.
24-26 March 2023
Haseeb, Alex, Einar, Guðrún, Tryggvi, and Urður attended the 2023 Icelandic Ecological Society Conference (Vistís) in Laugarbakki, Iceland.
Haseeb presented a talk titled Kolmunni stock structure in the NE Atlantic: one or many stocks?
Einar presented his poster titled: How can we assess the impacts of multiple stressors in marine habitats?
23 March 2023
First proper social of the Parasite and Fisheries Ecology Research Group!
10 February 2023
Dom's most recent paper (Current status of cystic echinococcosis control in the Falkland Islands: has elimination been achieved?) is published in Parasitology. Congratulations Dom!.
23 January 2023
Guðrún Ósk Sæmundsdóttir joins our research group as a new BSc student to compare the parasite fauna of three ecotypes of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from Lake Þingvallavatn (Iceland).
Alex Rafn Elfarsson joins our research group as a new BSc student to survey the parasite diversity in Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) off the coast of Iceland for stock discrimination purposes.
Tryggvi Guðmundsson joins our research group as a new BSc student to survey the parasite diversity in Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) off the coast of Iceland and their potential as biological tags for stock discrimination.
10 January 2023
Eve-Marine Pubert joins our research group UALg Faro Portugal as a new MSc student to survey the parasite diversity in plaice off the coast of Iceland for stock discrimination purposes.
06 January 2023
Urður Ýrr Brynjólfsdóttir joins our research group as a new MSc student to research the distribution and conditions of maerl (corraline red algae) around the coast of Iceland (co-supervised with Julian Burgos of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland).
15 December 2022
Haseeb is awarded a ISK 419.000 sóknarstyrkur grant from the Icelandic Research Fund (Rannís).
07 December 2022
A very exciting day for the Parasitology and Fisheries Ecology Research Group as Haseeb (PI) is awarded a DKK 250.000 grant by NORA (Nordic Atlantic Cooperation) to investigate Blue whiting stock structure in the Northeast Atlantic: one or many stocks? This is a collaborative initiative with our partners at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (Iceland), Faroese Marine Research Institute (Faroe Islands), Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (Greenland), Institute of Marine Research (Norway), and Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (Portugal).
06 December 2022
A true example of collaborative research as Haseeb joins a groups of scientists from the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, University of Iceland's Institute of Research Centres (Vestmannæyjar), the Icelandic Institute of Natural History, and the Institute for Experimental Pathology (Keldur) to necropsy two Risso's dolphins stranded on the northern shore of Iceland: Details can be found here.
09 November 2022
Haseeb is awarded a ISK 1.000.000 Eggertsjóður grant by the University of Iceland.
06 September 2022
Svandís Eva Aradóttir joins our research group as a new MSc student to investigate the stock structure in blue whiting using otolith shape analysis (co-supervised with Anna Heiða Ólafsdóttir).
21-26 August 2022
Haseeb attended the 15th International Congress for Parasitology (ICOPA XV) in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Haseeb presented a talk in collaboration with Robert Poulin (Otago University) titled Do parasite micronutrient profiles match those of their hosts?: a case study of elasmobranchs and their tapeworms.
Also, he co-authored a poster titled Current status of Cystic Echinococcosis control in the Falkland Islands: has elimination been achieved?.
24 June 2022
Hólmfriður and Margaret present an update on their respective research projects at the Seal Centre Research Symposium in Hvammstangi.
Hólmfriður's talk was titled: Interactions between seals and tourists based on trail camera observations.
Margaret's talk was titled: Vocal communications among harbour seals.
08 June 2022
Haseeb is promoted to Associate Professor.
09 May 2022
Elisée Ruprecht (Polytech Marseille , France) joins our research lab for the next two months. She will be working on comparing the parasite fauna of two ecotypes of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from Icelandic lakes.
28 April 2022
Haseeb, Francesco, Emma, and Ástrós attend the annual meeting of the Icelandic Ecological Society at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) in Hafnarfjördur.
Francesco presented a poster titled Using parasites for stock discrimination of Icelandic cod (see photo).
Haseeb presented a talk in collaboration with Theódór Kristjánsson (MFRI) titled Hafró and HÍ collaborating to train the next generation of scientists in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries and participated in the ensuing panel discussion on the role of research institutes in graduate student development.
04 April 2022
Helga Mattína Sveinsdóttir joins our research group as a new BSc student to investigate the life history and distribution of the velvet belly lanternshark in Icelandic waters (co-supervised with Steve Campana and Klara Jakobsdóttir).
31 March 2022
Emma Sahi-mir (Polytech Clermont, France) joins our research lab for the next four months. She will be working on describing the parasite fauna of blálanga - blue ling (Molva dypterygia) from Icelandic waters.
21 March 2022
Helena Gylfadóttir joins our research group as a new BSc student to investigate the possible effects of pollution from a luxury hotel resort on reef fish diversity (Great Guana Cay, Bahamas) (co-supervised with Steve Campana).
Hlín Halldórsdóttir joins our research group as a new BSc student to investigate the possible effects of pollution from a luxury hotel resort on coral reef and invertebrate diversity (Great Guana Cay, Bahamas) (co-supervised with Steve Campana).
11 March 2022
Brendon's most recent paper (Deep-sea movement patterns of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt 1898, in the Southwest Atlantic) is accepted in Marine and Freshwater Research. Congratulations Brendon!
08 March 2022
Hólmfríður Jakobsdóttir joins our research group as a new MSc student to investigate the haul-out behaviour and abundance of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) estimated using automatics trail cameras (co-supervised with Sandra Magdalena Granquist).
10 February 2022
Margaret Lawler joins our research group as a new MSc student to investigate Harbour seal vocalizations on land (co-supervised with Marianne Helene Rasmussen and Sandra Magdalena Granquist).
15 January 2022
Ástrós Eva Ársælsdóttir joins our research lab as a new BSc student to investigate the long-term site fidelity of killer whales to a herring spawning ground using photo-identification (co-supervised with Filipa Isabel Pereira Samarra).
13 January 2022
Hlynur Pétursson joins our research lab as a new MSc student to investigate the survivability of spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor post-catch from longliners (co-supervised with Theódór Kristjánsson).
22 December 2021
We have been awarded a grant of ISK 2,400,000 (2022 to 2024) from the University of Iceland Research Fund to investigate the potential of using parasites as biological tags to discriminate between different cod populations and ecotypes in Icelandic waters.
22 October 2021
Haseeb presents this week's Biology Department seminar at Askja titled: "Interannual variability in recruitment of Patagonian toothfish on the Patagonian Shelf: driven by ecology and oceanography."
14-16 October 2021
Haseeb and Francesco attend Líffræðiráðstefnan 2021 (IceBio 2021) at Askja (Reykjavik, Háskolí Íslands).
On the 14th, Haseeb presented a plenary titled: "Research in the Falkland Islands: Jack of all trades, master of none."
On the 16th, Haseeb presented a talk titled: "Host to larval tapeworms of sharks and rays: parasites provide new insights into the ecology of the New Zealand red cod Pseudophycis bachus."
12 October 2021
Francesco Golin joins our research lab for the next six months. He will be working on the parasites of cod from coastal areas and from deeper waters, sampling fish both from the North and South of Iceland.
13 July 2021
Styrkár Þóroddsson joins our research lab as a new MSc student to investigate the co-occurrence of killer whales and pilot whales in Vestmannaeyjar using passive acoustic monitoring (co-supervised with Filipa Isabel Pereira Samarra).
09 July 2021
Bylgja Síf Jónsdóttir joins our research lab as a new MSc student to investigate the distribution of benthic organisms in Icelandic water (co-supervised with Steinunn Hilma Ólafsdóttir).