Flóttamenn og félagsmálaráðherra

Karl Benediktsson, August 28, 2015

I watched news on TV yesterday, about refugees and the awful things that happen every day now on our continent. Among other things, we were told that Iceland has agreed to receive no fewer than 25 refugees per year for the next two years!

The Minister of Social Affairs was, quite understandably, asked whether it wouldn't be possible for Iceland to accept a higher number of refugees. As politicians all too often do, she responded with a substantial number of words but completely dodged the question. She explained that those refugees that were picked out for coming to Iceland - mostly from groups that face severe discrimination elsewhere. That is all well and good - but was the minister implying that there are simply not much more people belonging to these groups, among the hundreds of thousands that now seek refuge in Europe? It really gets on my nerves when people in power get away with not answering important questions.

Icelanders as a whole have got away very lightly from shouldering their responsibilities as one of the richest nations on earth. The notorious Dublin Agreement for instance guarantees that by far most of those who ask for asylum here are swiftly chucked back to other European countries. This must change.