
Ég varði meistararitgerðina mína við Háskólann í Ósló haustið 2006. Hægt er að ná í rafræna útgáfu af ritgerðinni hjá Háskólanum í Ósló með því að smella hér. Prentaða útgáfu er hægt að nálgast á bókasafni Menntavísindasviðs.


The main purpose of this thesis is to give stakeholders in science education access to information that might help improve school science for future learners, especially by focusing on results that might be helpful to increase the willingness to engage in science related issues as reflective citizen. This terminology is explained in Chapter 2.4.

The research has both an explanatory and an exploratory part. The explanatory part includes a review of some previous research in the area of willingness to engage in science and the adaptation of a framework that is used in the context of Icelandic learners. The exploratory part includes the gathering of new information in the area of learner willingness to engage in science related issues in an Icelandic context.

In short the research question can be summed up in this manner: How do learner perceptions of science related issues relate to their willingness to engage in those issues and what do we know about these perceptions in the context of Icelandic learners?