Professor of Sociology at the University of Iceland

Sigrún Ólafsdóttir, Professor of Sociology. Photo ©Kristinn Ingvarsson
My work is at the intersection of medical, political and cultural sociology. I am particularly interested in understanding how institutional arrangements, cultural traditions and historical trajectories impact individual lives, often but not exclusively with a focus on health-related outcomes, behaviors and attitudes. My research has been published in various journals, including the American Journal of Sociology, Annual Review of Sociology, European Sociological Review, Journal of Health and Social Behavior and Social Science & Medicine. My work has been funded by several funding agencies in Europe and the U.S., including the Icelandic Centre for Research and the National Institutes of Health. I serve as the Icelandic team leader for several international surveys, including the European Social Survey (ESS), European Values Survey (EVS) and the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). From 2019-2023, I am co-editor in chief of Acta Sociologica with Jón Gunnar Bernburg.
Curriculum vitae:
Feel free to contact me: sigruno [hjá]