Various academic and personal highlights. More photos from specific events can be found under the photo tab.

My inaugural lecture as a professor on December 12th, 2016. Photo © Kristinn Ingvarsson

With Bernice A. Pesocosolido, my sociological mentor and role model. Photo ©Jason Beckfield

The 2019-2023 Acta Sociological Editorial Team. Photo ©Kristinn Ingvarsson

The hosts of the Icelandic sociology podcast, Samtal við Samfélagið. Photo ©Kristinn Ingvarsson

Honorary member of the Icelandic Sociological Association on February 8th, 2019. Photo ©Sunna Símonardóttir

Serving as an opponent at the Doctoral Defense of Elvar Smári Sævarsson, January 14th, 2019. Photo ©Kristinn Ingvarsson