I am committed to teaching and mentoring, and have served on several committees of students completing their B.A.,-M.A.,- and Ph.D.-thesis. During my stay at Boston University, I was the chair of the doctoral committee of Elyas Bakhtiari who is now an assistant professor at Williams and Mary. We published several articles and book chapter together during and after his doctoral studies.

with Elyas Bakhtiari on the day of his doctoral graduation in 2016
Courses Spring 2019
FÉL 264G: Inequality: Class, Gender and Race (taught in Icelandic)
Syllabus: FÉL264G_Kennsluáaetlun_Vor2019
An undergraduate course on inequality focusing on the classical fault lines of inequality: class, race and gender with an emphasis on newer lines of inquire among inequality scholars, including sexuality and disabilities. Co-taught with Kjartan Sveinsson.
FÉL 099F: Discrimination in the Welfare State (taught in English)
Syllabus: FÉL099F_Kennsluáaetlun_Vor2019
A graduate course on discrimination in the welfare state. I do not regularly teach this course, but do so this semester as the regular instructor is on sabbatical.