
Articles and book chapters in 2021

Seikkula-Leino, J., Jónsdóttir, S. R., Håkansson-Lindqvist, M., Westerberg, M., & Eriksson-Bergström, S. (2021). Responding to global challenges through education: Entrepreneurial, sustainable, and pro-environmental education in Nordic teacher education curricula. Sustainability, 13(22), 12808. MDPI AG.

Seikkula-Leino, J., Salomaa, M., Jónsdóttir, S. R., McCallum, E., & Israel, H. (2021). EU Policies Driving Entrepreneurial Competences—Reflections from the Case of EntreComp. Sustainability, 13(15), 8178. MDPI AG.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Skúlína H. Kjartansdóttir, Svala Jónsdóttir, Svava Pétursdóttir og Torfi Hjartarson. (2021). Sköpunar- og tæknismiðjur í þremur grunnskólum: Framkvæmd og kennslufræði fyrstu skrefin. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. (2021). Hvernig verður „ríkisbangsinn flippaður“? List- og verkgreinakennarar á þremur skólastigum segja rýnisögur úr starfendarannsóknum sínum. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun

Weicht, R., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2021). Education for social change: The case of teacher education in Wales. Sustainability, 13(15), 8574. MDPI AG.

Tidwell, D., & Jónsdóttir, S. (2021). Visuals as meaning making. In J. Kitchen (Ed.), Writing as a method for the self-study of practice. Springer Nature.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2021). Writing our identities as teacher educators and self-study researchers in two languages. In J. Kitchen (Ed.), Writing as a method for the self-study of practice. Springer Nature.


Book chapter and an article 2020

Tidwell D. L. & Jónsdóttir S. R. (2020). Methods and Tools of Self-Study. In J. Kitchen, A. Berry, S. M. Bullock, A. R. Crowe, M. Taylor, H. Guðjónsdóttir & L. Thomas (Eds.) International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Springer International  Handbooks of Education. Springer, pp 377-426.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2020). Entrepreneurship education at the upper-secondary level in Iceland in 2020. EntreComp360.

Articles and chapters 2019

Jónsdóttir, S.R.& Macdonald, A. (2019). The feasibility of innovation and entrepreneurial education in middle schools. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(2), 255-272.

Jakobsdóttir S., Dýrfjörð K., Kjartansdóttir S. H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Svava Pétursdóttir (2019). Sköpunarsmiðjur í menntun ungra barna: Reynsla og viðhorf starfsfólks skóla, safna og sköpunarsmiðja. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from DOI:

Gísladóttir K.R., Guðjónsdóttir H., Jónsdóttir S.R. (2019) Self-Study as a Pathway to Integrate Research Ethics and Ethics in Practice. In: Brandenburg R., McDonough S. (eds) Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education. Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, vol 20. Springer, Singapore, pp 81-95. DOI 10.1007/978-981-32-9135-5

Dyrfjorð, K., Hjartarson, T., Hreiðarsdottir, A.E., Jakobsdottir, S., Jonsdottir, S.R., Kjartansdottir, S. H., Olafsdottir, M.E., Petursdottir, S. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2019). Makerspaces in formal and non-formal learning contexts in Iceland, pp. 71-92. In the Enhancing Digital Literacy and Creativity. Makerspaces in the Early Years. Edited By Alicia Blum-Ross, Kristiina Kumpulainen, Jackie Marsh. Oxford: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780429243264-6

Guðjónsdóttir. H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2019). Creating a space for teachers to reflect on their learning and become empowered as professionals. In Diana Mihăescu og Daniela Andron (eds.),)"Education beyond the crisis: new skills, children's rights and teaching contexts" Proceedings the 19th biennial conference of international study association on teachers and teaching (ISATT) (bls. 142–146). “Lucian Blaga” University Publishing House. ISBN: 978-606-12-1659-8

Kristinsdóttir J.V., Jónsdóttir S.R., Gísladóttir K.R., Óskarsdóttir E., Guðjónsdóttir H. (2019) Cultivating Self-Study: Developing a Discourse to Better Understand a Particular Culture.  In: Kitchen J., Berry A., Guðjónsdóttir H., Bullock S., Taylor M., Crowe A. (eds) 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore. First Online 14 September 2019. DOI Online ISBN 978-981-13-1710-1

Thorsteinsson, G., & R. Jónsdóttir, S. (2019). Razvoj edukacije za inovacije v islandskem kontekstu. In S. Gaber, & V. Tašner, Misliti socialne inovacije (p. 325-334). Ljubljana: Faculty of Education of University of Ljubljana.

Article 2018

Jónsdóttir, S. R., Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2018). Að vinna meistaraprófsverkefni í námssamfélagi nemenda og leiðbeinenda. Tímarit um uppeldi og menntun. 27(2), 201−223.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2018). Exchanging curriculum ideas for 21st century education: Australian ‘technologies’ and Icelandic ‘innovation education’. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles, book chapters and book 2017

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2017). Collaborative supervision: Using core reflection to understand our supervison of master´s projects. In R. Brandenburg, K. Glasswell, M. Jones & J. Ryan (Eds.), Reflective theory and practice in teacher education (pp. 237-255). Signapore: Springer.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (2017) The road to independence: Emancipatory pedagogy. Series editor Bharath Sriraman. Rotterdam: Sense.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2017). Dveveloping teachers´professional identities: Weaving the tapestry of professional working theory. In M. Dalmau, H. Guðjónsdóttir & D. Tidwell (Eds.), Taking a fresh look at education: Framing professional learning in education through self-study (bls. 149-168). Rotterdam: Sense.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2017). Narratives of creativity: How eight teachers on four school levels integrate creativity into teaching and learning. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 24, bls 127–139.

Ragnarsdóttir, H., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2017). Kreativitet i mångkulturella kontexter i Island: Fall från Reykjavik. Í K. Windell, E. Peurell & G. Myrberg (ritstj.), Vem får vara med? Perspektiv på inkludering och integration i kulturlivet i de nordiska länderna (pp. 228-250). Stockholm: Myndigheten för kulturanalys.

Articles and book chapters 2016

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Emancipatory pedagogy for inclusive practices, enacting self-study as methodology. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Ritstj.) Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 299-304). Aukland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). ISBN:Q 978-0-473-35893-8

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2016). Strengthening teacher identity through development of professional working theory. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (eds.) Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 449-454). Aukland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). ISBN: 978-0-473-35893-8

Lena Sólborg Valgarðsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Leikur og sköpun – samstarfsrannsókn. Chapter 5. Kristín Karlsdóttir og Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (eds.). Leikum, lærum, lifum: Námssvið leikskóla og grunnþættir menntunar (pp. 95-122). Reykjavík: RannUng og Háskólaútgáfan.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Sköpun í skólastarfi. Chapter 4. In Kristín Karlsdóttir & Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (eds.).  Leikum, lærum, lifum: Námssvið leikskóla og grunnþættir menntunar (pp. 77–94). Reykjavík: RannUng og Háskólaútgáfan.

Sara M. Ólafsdóttir, & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Nýsköpunarmennt í leikskólastarfi: Hugmyndir barna um hönnun leikskólalóðar. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles 2015

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Emancipatory pedagogy: The pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education. In A. Kirketerp & A. Doneva (Eds.), 1st European Networking Conference on Entrepreneurship Education, January 29 – 30, 2015 (pp. 69-74). Horsens Denmark: VIA University College.

Jónsdóttir, S. R, Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Using Self-study to develop a third space for collaborative supervision of master´s projects in teacher education. Studying Teacher Education: A Journal of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, 11(1), 32-48.

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R., Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Creating meaningful learning opportunities online. Bank Street Occasional Paper Series 34. Retrieved from:

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2015). A Graduate Course At The School Of Education University Of Iceland. On UNESCO´s website: Inclusive Education in Action: Empowering Teachers: Empowering Learners website. The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education and UNESCO.

Articles 2014

Guðjónsdóttir H., Gísladóttir K. R., Jónsdóttir S. R. (2014). Collaborative supervision of master‘s projects: A self-study by three university-based teacher educators. Changing Practices for Changing Times: Past, Present and Future Possibilities for Self-Study Research. Proceedings of The Tenth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, Uk, 2-7 August 2014. Dawn Garbett and Alan Ovens (Eds.).

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Jóhanna Karlsdóttir og Gunnar E. Finnbogason. (2014). Að uppfæra Ísland - Sýn stjórnenda íslenskra framhaldsskóla á nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt og framkvæmd námssviðsins í námskrárfræðilegu ljósi. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir and Julie Davis. (2014). Designing for a childhood focusing on conservation and sustainability: The Lone Pine Child and Family Centre project in Australia. Ritstýrð grein. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles and reports 2013

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013a). Forewords in Icelandic: ADEPTT kennslulíkanið. Project number: 2011-1-ES1-LEO05-36404. Langreo: European Union.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Staða nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar á framhaldsskólastigi á Íslandi og mat á þörf skóla og vinnumarkaðar fyrir fólk með slíka menntun. Reykjavík: Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt: Grunnskólinn austan Vatna. (Skýrsla). Reykjavík: SamGETA og Menntavísindastofnun.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Pedagogy and settings in innovation education. In L. V. Shavinina (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of innovation education (pp. 273-287). London: Routledge.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Gunnar E. Finnbogason og Jóhanna Karlsdóttir. (2013). Rætur nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar í íslenskum námskrám og skólamálaumræðu. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun: Sérrit 2013 – Fagið og fræðin. Retrieved from

Articles 2012

Guðjónsdóttir, H., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2012). Preparing teachers for teaching a diverse group of learners in a changing world. In J. R. Young, L. B. Erickson & S. Pinnegar (Eds.), The Ninth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. Extending Inquiry Communities: Illuminating Teacher Education Through Self-Study (pp. 151-154). Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2012). Háskólakennarar rýna í starf sitt: Þróun framhaldsnámskeiðs í kennaramenntun. Ráðstefnurit Netlu – Menntakvika 2012. Retrieved from

Thesis and articles 2011

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2011). The location of innovation education in Icelandic compulsory schools. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Iceland, Reykjavík. Retrieved from

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011a). Looking at the pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education with Bernstein. Sérrit Netlu – Menntakvika 2011.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011b). Recontextualisation of innovation into education. Þjóðarspegill, XII, 559-568.

Article 2010

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2010). Two sides of the same coin: Innovation education and entrepreneurship education in Iceland   [In Japaneese translation by Hiroshi Nomura]. Bulletin of Institute of Technology and Vocational Education, 7, 69-75.

Articles 2009

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2009). Using knowledge creatively. Netla [internet journal]. Retrieved from


Pupblications 2004-2008

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2008). Two sides of the same coin: Innovation education and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. Bulletin of Institute of Vocational and Technical Education(5), 109-118.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., Thorsteinsson, G., & Page, T. (2008). The ideology of innovation education and its emergence as a new subject in compulsory schools. Journal on School Educational Technology, 3(4), 75-84.

Jónsdóttir, S., Page, T., Thorsteinsson, G., & Nicolescu, A. (2008). An investigation into the development of innovation education as a new subject in secondary school education Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(4).

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2007a). Analysis of entrepreneurship education  in vocational education and training in Iceland. Reykjavík: Leonardo National Agency, Iceland.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2007b). Nýsköpunarmennt í íslenskum grunnskólum. Uppeldi og menntun, 16(1), 53-71.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2006a). The emergence of a new school subject: innovation education in compulsory schools. Paper presented at the BERA conference. Retrieved from

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2005). Ný námsgrein verður til. Nýsköpunarmennt í grunnskóla [The Emergence of a new School Subject. Innovation Education in Compulsory Schools]. Unpublished M.A., University of Iceland, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2004). Nýsköpun í grunnskóla. Skapandi skóli í tengslum við raunveruleikann [Innovation education in a compulsory school. A creative school in connection with real life]. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun.


Chappell, K., Craft, A., Jonsdottir, S., & Clack, J. (2008). Aspire South West.  Report to Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

Allyson Macdonald og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006) Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 3: Hallormsstaðaskóli. Report on science education in Iceland

Björg Pétursdóttir, Allyson Mcdonald, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafþór Guðjónsson. (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun. Skýrsla um framhaldsskóla: Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti. Report on science education in Iceland

Eggert Lárusson, Elín B Kristinsdóttir, Kristján K. Stefánsson, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Stefán Bergmann og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Snæfellsnesi. Skýrsla 1: Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar: Hellissandur, Ólafsvík og Lýsuhóll Report on science education in Iceland

Hafþór Guðjónsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 8: Grunnskóli Fáskrúðsfjarðar. Report on science education in Iceland.

Kristján Ketill Stefánsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir.. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun í Garðabæ. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 1: Flataskóli. Report on science education in Iceland. Macdonald, A., Pálsdóttir, A., Jónsdóttir, S.R. (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun í Reykjavík: skýrsla 2: Fellaskóli. Report on science education in Iceland

Meyvant Þórólfsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 6: Grunnskólinn á Eskifirði. Report on science education in Iceland

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir,Eggert Lárusson, Stefán Bergmann og Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir Náttúrufræðimenntun í Breiðholti. (2007). Rannsóknarverkefnið Vilji og veruleiki.Skýrsla 1 Hólabrekkurskóli Report on science education in Iceland.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. Nýsköpunarmennt vor 2007. Ingunnarskóli. (2007). Report on innovation education in Ingunnarskóli in Reykjavík.

Stefán Bergmann, Auður Pálsdóttir, Erla Kristjánsdóttir, Eygló Björnsdóttir, Gunnhildur Óskarsdóttir, Kristín Norðdahl, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Þórunn Reykdal. Ritstjórn: Auður Pálsdóttir og Stefán Bergmann. (2008). Teikn um sjálfbærni – menntun byggð á reynslu skóla og samfélags. Skýrsla 2.Book chapter and an article 2020

Deborah L. Tidwell & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2020). Methods and Tools of Self-Study. In J. Kitchen, A. Berry, S. M. Bullock, A. R. Crowe, M. Taylor, H. Guðjónsdóttir & L. Thomas (Eds.) International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Springer International  Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore, pp 377-426.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2020). Entrepreneurship education at the upper-secondary level in Iceland in 2020. EntreComp360.

Articles and chapters 2019

Jónsdóttir, S.R.& Macdonald, A. (2019). The feasibility of innovation and entrepreneurial education in middle schools. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(2), 255-272.

Jakobsdóttir S., Dýrfjörð K., Kjartansdóttir S. H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Svava Pétursdóttir (2019). Sköpunarsmiðjur í menntun ungra barna: Reynsla og viðhorf starfsfólks skóla, safna og sköpunarsmiðja. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from DOI:

Gísladóttir K.R., Guðjónsdóttir H., Jónsdóttir S.R. (2019) Self-Study as a Pathway to Integrate Research Ethics and Ethics in Practice. In: Brandenburg R., McDonough S. (eds) Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education. Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, vol 20. Springer, Singapore, pp 81-95. DOI 10.1007/978-981-32-9135-5

Dyrfjorð, K., Hjartarson, T., Hreiðarsdottir, A.E., Jakobsdottir, S., Jonsdottir, S.R., Kjartansdottir, S. H., Olafsdottir, M.E., Petursdottir, S. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2019). Makerspaces in formal and non-formal learning contexts in Iceland, pp. 71-92. In the Enhancing Digital Literacy and Creativity. Makerspaces in the Early Years. Edited By Alicia Blum-Ross, Kristiina Kumpulainen, Jackie Marsh. Oxford: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780429243264-6

Guðjónsdóttir. H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2019). Creating a space for teachers to reflect on their learning and become empowered as professionals. In Diana Mihăescu og Daniela Andron (eds.),)"Education beyond the crisis: new skills, children's rights and teaching contexts" Proceedings the 19th biennial conference of international study association on teachers and teaching (ISATT) (bls. 142–146). “Lucian Blaga” University Publishing House. ISBN: 978-606-12-1659-8

Kristinsdóttir J.V., Jónsdóttir S.R., Gísladóttir K.R., Óskarsdóttir E., Guðjónsdóttir H. (2019) Cultivating Self-Study: Developing a Discourse to Better Understand a Particular Culture.  In: Kitchen J., Berry A., Guðjónsdóttir H., Bullock S., Taylor M., Crowe A. (eds) 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore. First Online 14 September 2019. DOI Online ISBN 978-981-13-1710-1

Thorsteinsson, G., & R. Jónsdóttir, S. (2019). Razvoj edukacije za inovacije v islandskem kontekstu. In S. Gaber, & V. Tašner, Misliti socialne inovacije (p. 325-334). Ljubljana: Faculty of Education of University of Ljubljana.

Article 2018

Jónsdóttir, S. R., Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2018). Að vinna meistaraprófsverkefni í námssamfélagi nemenda og leiðbeinenda. Tímarit um uppeldi og menntun. 27(2), 201−223.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2018). Exchanging curriculum ideas for 21st century education: Australian ‘technologies’ and Icelandic ‘innovation education’. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles, book chapters and book 2017

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2017). Collaborative supervision: Using core reflection to understand our supervison of master´s projects. In R. Brandenburg, K. Glasswell, M. Jones & J. Ryan (Eds.), Reflective theory and practice in teacher education (pp. 237-255). Signapore: Springer.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (2017) The road to independence: Emancipatory pedagogy. Series editor Bharath Sriraman. Rotterdam: Sense.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2017). Dveveloping teachers´professional identities: Weaving the tapestry of professional working theory. In M. Dalmau, H. Guðjónsdóttir & D. Tidwell (Eds.), Taking a fresh look at education: Framing professional learning in education through self-study (bls. 149-168). Rotterdam: Sense.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2017). Narratives of creativity: How eight teachers on four school levels integrate creativity into teaching and learning. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 24, bls 127–139.

Ragnarsdóttir, H., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2017). Kreativitet i mångkulturella kontexter i Island: Fall från Reykjavik. Í K. Windell, E. Peurell & G. Myrberg (ritstj.), Vem får vara med? Perspektiv på inkludering och integration i kulturlivet i de nordiska länderna (pp. 228-250). Stockholm: Myndigheten för kulturanalys.

Articles and book chapters 2016

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Emancipatory pedagogy for inclusive practices, enacting self-study as methodology. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Ritstj.) Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 299-304). Aukland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). ISBN:Q 978-0-473-35893-8

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2016). Strengthening teacher identity through development of professional working theory. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (eds.) Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 449-454). Aukland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). ISBN: 978-0-473-35893-8

Lena Sólborg Valgarðsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Leikur og sköpun – samstarfsrannsókn. Chapter 5. Kristín Karlsdóttir og Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (eds.). Leikum, lærum, lifum: Námssvið leikskóla og grunnþættir menntunar (pp. 95-122). Reykjavík: RannUng og Háskólaútgáfan.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Sköpun í skólastarfi. Chapter 4. In Kristín Karlsdóttir & Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (eds.).  Leikum, lærum, lifum: Námssvið leikskóla og grunnþættir menntunar (pp. 77–94). Reykjavík: RannUng og Háskólaútgáfan.

Sara M. Ólafsdóttir, & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Nýsköpunarmennt í leikskólastarfi: Hugmyndir barna um hönnun leikskólalóðar. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles 2015

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Emancipatory pedagogy: The pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education. In A. Kirketerp & A. Doneva (Eds.), 1st European Networking Conference on Entrepreneurship Education, January 29 – 30, 2015 (pp. 69-74). Horsens Denmark: VIA University College.

Jónsdóttir, S. R, Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Using Self-study to develop a third space for collaborative supervision of master´s projects in teacher education. Studying Teacher Education: A Journal of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, 11(1), 32-48.

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R., Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Creating meaningful learning opportunities online. Bank Street Occasional Paper Series 34. Retrieved from:

Articles 2014

Guðjónsdóttir H., Gísladóttir K. R., Jónsdóttir S. R. (2014). Collaborative supervision of master‘s projects: A self-study by three university-based teacher educators. Changing Practices for Changing Times: Past, Present and Future Possibilities for Self-Study Research. Proceedings of The Tenth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, Uk, 2-7 August 2014. Dawn Garbett and Alan Ovens (Eds.).

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Jóhanna Karlsdóttir og Gunnar E. Finnbogason. (2014). Að uppfæra Ísland - Sýn stjórnenda íslenskra framhaldsskóla á nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt og framkvæmd námssviðsins í námskrárfræðilegu ljósi. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir and Julie Davis. (2014). Designing for a childhood focusing on conservation and sustainability: The Lone Pine Child and Family Centre project in Australia. Ritstýrð grein. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles and reports 2013

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013a). Forewords in Icelandic: ADEPTT kennslulíkanið. Project number: 2011-1-ES1-LEO05-36404. Langreo: European Union.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Staða nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar á framhaldsskólastigi á Íslandi og mat á þörf skóla og vinnumarkaðar fyrir fólk með slíka menntun. Reykjavík: Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt: Grunnskólinn austan Vatna. (Skýrsla). Reykjavík: SamGETA og Menntavísindastofnun.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Pedagogy and settings in innovation education. In L. V. Shavinina (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of innovation education (pp. 273-287). London: Routledge.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Gunnar E. Finnbogason og Jóhanna Karlsdóttir. (2013). Rætur nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar í íslenskum námskrám og skólamálaumræðu. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun: Sérrit 2013 – Fagið og fræðin. Retrieved from

Articles 2012

Guðjónsdóttir, H., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2012). Preparing teachers for teaching a diverse group of learners in a changing world. In J. R. Young, L. B. Erickson & S. Pinnegar (Eds.), The Ninth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. Extending Inquiry Communities: Illuminating Teacher Education Through Self-Study (pp. 151-154). Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2012). Háskólakennarar rýna í starf sitt: Þróun framhaldsnámskeiðs í kennaramenntun. Ráðstefnurit Netlu – Menntakvika 2012. Retrieved from

Thesis and articles 2011

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2011). The location of innovation education in Icelandic compulsory schools. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Iceland, Reykjavík. Retrieved from

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011a). Looking at the pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education with Bernstein. Sérrit Netlu – Menntakvika 2011.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011b). Recontextualisation of innovation into education. Þjóðarspegill, XII, 559-568.

Article 2010

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2010). Two sides of the same coin: Innovation education and entrepreneurship education in Iceland   [In Japaneese translation by Hiroshi Nomura]. Bulletin of Institute of Technology and Vocational Education, 7, 69-75.

Articles 2009

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2009). Using knowledge creatively. Netla [internet journal]. Retrieved from


Pupblications 2004-2008

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2008). Two sides of the same coin: Innovation education and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. Bulletin of Institute of Vocational and Technical Education(5), 109-118.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., Thorsteinsson, G., & Page, T. (2008). The ideology of innovation education and its emergence as a new subject in compulsory schools. Journal on School Educational Technology, 3(4), 75-84.

Jónsdóttir, S., Page, T., Thorsteinsson, G., & Nicolescu, A. (2008). An investigation into the development of innovation education as a new subject in secondary school education Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(4).

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2007a). Analysis of entrepreneurship education  in vocational education and training in Iceland. Reykjavík: Leonardo National Agency, Iceland.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2007b). Nýsköpunarmennt í íslenskum grunnskólum. Uppeldi og menntun, 16(1), 53-71.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2006a). The emergence of a new school subject: innovation education in compulsory schools. Paper presented at the BERA conference. Retrieved from

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2005). Ný námsgrein verður til. Nýsköpunarmennt í grunnskóla [The Emergence of a new School Subject. Innovation Education in Compulsory Schools]. Unpublished M.A., University of Iceland, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2004). Nýsköpun í grunnskóla. Skapandi skóli í tengslum við raunveruleikann [Innovation education in a compulsory school. A creative school in connection with real life]. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun.


Chappell, K., Craft, A., Jonsdottir, S., & Clack, J. (2008). Aspire South West.  Report to Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

Allyson Macdonald og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006) Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 3: Hallormsstaðaskóli. Report on science education in Iceland

Björg Pétursdóttir, Allyson Mcdonald, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafþór Guðjónsson. (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun. Skýrsla um framhaldsskóla: Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti. Report on science education in Iceland

Eggert Lárusson, Elín B Kristinsdóttir, Kristján K. Stefánsson, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Stefán Bergmann og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Snæfellsnesi. Skýrsla 1: Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar: Hellissandur, Ólafsvík og Lýsuhóll Report on science education in Iceland

Hafþór Guðjónsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 8: Grunnskóli Fáskrúðsfjarðar. Report on science education in Iceland.

Kristján Ketill Stefánsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir.. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun í Garðabæ. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 1: Flataskóli. Report on science education in Iceland. Macdonald, A., Pálsdóttir, A., Jónsdóttir, S.R. (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun í Reykjavík: skýrsla 2: Fellaskóli. Report on science education in Iceland

Meyvant Þórólfsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 6: Grunnskólinn á Eskifirði. Report on science education in Iceland

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir,Eggert Lárusson, Stefán Bergmann og Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir Náttúrufræðimenntun í Breiðholti. (2007). Rannsóknarverkefnið Vilji og veruleiki.Skýrsla 1 Hólabrekkurskóli Report on science education in Iceland.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. Nýsköpunarmennt vor 2007. Ingunnarskóli. (2007). Report on innovation education in Ingunnarskóli in Reykjavík.

Stefán Bergmann, Auður Pálsdóttir, Erla Kristjánsdóttir, Eygló Björnsdóttir, Gunnhildur Óskarsdóttir, Kristín Norðdahl, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Þórunn Reykdal. Ritstjórn: Auður Pálsdóttir og Stefán Bergmann. (2008). Teikn um sjálfbærni – menntun byggð á reynslu skóla og samfélags. Skýrsla 2.Articles and book chapters in 2021

Seikkula-Leino, J., Jónsdóttir, S. R., Håkansson-Lindqvist, M., Westerberg, M., & Eriksson-Bergström, S. (2021). Responding to global challenges through education: Entrepreneurial, sustainable, and pro-environmental education in Nordic teacher education curricula. Sustainability, 13(22), 12808. MDPI AG.

Seikkula-Leino, J., Salomaa, M., Jónsdóttir, S. R., McCallum, E., & Israel, H. (2021). EU Policies Driving Entrepreneurial Competences—Reflections from the Case of EntreComp. Sustainability, 13(15), 8178. MDPI AG.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Skúlína H. Kjartansdóttir, Svala Jónsdóttir, Svava Pétursdóttir og Torfi Hjartarson. (2021). Sköpunar- og tæknismiðjur í þremur grunnskólum: Framkvæmd og kennslufræði fyrstu skrefin. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir. (2021). Hvernig verður „ríkisbangsinn flippaður“? List- og verkgreinakennarar á þremur skólastigum segja rýnisögur úr starfendarannsóknum sínum. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun

Weicht, R., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2021). Education for social change: The case of teacher education in Wales. Sustainability, 13(15), 8574. MDPI AG.

Tidwell, D., & Jónsdóttir, S. (2021). Visuals as meaning making. In J. Kitchen (Ed.), Writing as a method for the self-study of practice. Springer Nature.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2021). Writing our identities as teacher educators and self-study researchers in two languages. In J. Kitchen (Ed.), Writing as a method for the self-study of practice. Springer Nature.


Book chapter and an article 2020

Tidwell D. L. & Jónsdóttir S. R. (2020). Methods and Tools of Self-Study. In J. Kitchen, A. Berry, S. M. Bullock, A. R. Crowe, M. Taylor, H. Guðjónsdóttir & L. Thomas (Eds.) International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Springer International  Handbooks of Education. Springer, pp 377-426.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2020). Entrepreneurship education at the upper-secondary level in Iceland in 2020. EntreComp360.

Articles and chapters 2019

Jónsdóttir, S.R.& Macdonald, A. (2019). The feasibility of innovation and entrepreneurial education in middle schools. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(2), 255-272.

Jakobsdóttir S., Dýrfjörð K., Kjartansdóttir S. H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Svava Pétursdóttir (2019). Sköpunarsmiðjur í menntun ungra barna: Reynsla og viðhorf starfsfólks skóla, safna og sköpunarsmiðja. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from DOI:

Gísladóttir K.R., Guðjónsdóttir H., Jónsdóttir S.R. (2019) Self-Study as a Pathway to Integrate Research Ethics and Ethics in Practice. In: Brandenburg R., McDonough S. (eds) Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education. Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, vol 20. Springer, Singapore, pp 81-95. DOI 10.1007/978-981-32-9135-5

Dyrfjorð, K., Hjartarson, T., Hreiðarsdottir, A.E., Jakobsdottir, S., Jonsdottir, S.R., Kjartansdottir, S. H., Olafsdottir, M.E., Petursdottir, S. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2019). Makerspaces in formal and non-formal learning contexts in Iceland, pp. 71-92. In the Enhancing Digital Literacy and Creativity. Makerspaces in the Early Years. Edited By Alicia Blum-Ross, Kristiina Kumpulainen, Jackie Marsh. Oxford: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780429243264-6

Guðjónsdóttir. H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2019). Creating a space for teachers to reflect on their learning and become empowered as professionals. In Diana Mihăescu og Daniela Andron (eds.),)"Education beyond the crisis: new skills, children's rights and teaching contexts" Proceedings the 19th biennial conference of international study association on teachers and teaching (ISATT) (bls. 142–146). “Lucian Blaga” University Publishing House. ISBN: 978-606-12-1659-8

Kristinsdóttir J.V., Jónsdóttir S.R., Gísladóttir K.R., Óskarsdóttir E., Guðjónsdóttir H. (2019) Cultivating Self-Study: Developing a Discourse to Better Understand a Particular Culture.  In: Kitchen J., Berry A., Guðjónsdóttir H., Bullock S., Taylor M., Crowe A. (eds) 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore. First Online 14 September 2019. DOI Online ISBN 978-981-13-1710-1

Thorsteinsson, G., & R. Jónsdóttir, S. (2019). Razvoj edukacije za inovacije v islandskem kontekstu. In S. Gaber, & V. Tašner, Misliti socialne inovacije (p. 325-334). Ljubljana: Faculty of Education of University of Ljubljana.

Article 2018

Jónsdóttir, S. R., Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2018). Að vinna meistaraprófsverkefni í námssamfélagi nemenda og leiðbeinenda. Tímarit um uppeldi og menntun. 27(2), 201−223.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2018). Exchanging curriculum ideas for 21st century education: Australian ‘technologies’ and Icelandic ‘innovation education’. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles, book chapters and book 2017

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2017). Collaborative supervision: Using core reflection to understand our supervison of master´s projects. In R. Brandenburg, K. Glasswell, M. Jones & J. Ryan (Eds.), Reflective theory and practice in teacher education (pp. 237-255). Signapore: Springer.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (2017) The road to independence: Emancipatory pedagogy. Series editor Bharath Sriraman. Rotterdam: Sense.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2017). Dveveloping teachers´professional identities: Weaving the tapestry of professional working theory. In M. Dalmau, H. Guðjónsdóttir & D. Tidwell (Eds.), Taking a fresh look at education: Framing professional learning in education through self-study (bls. 149-168). Rotterdam: Sense.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2017). Narratives of creativity: How eight teachers on four school levels integrate creativity into teaching and learning. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 24, bls 127–139.

Ragnarsdóttir, H., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2017). Kreativitet i mångkulturella kontexter i Island: Fall från Reykjavik. Í K. Windell, E. Peurell & G. Myrberg (ritstj.), Vem får vara med? Perspektiv på inkludering och integration i kulturlivet i de nordiska länderna (pp. 228-250). Stockholm: Myndigheten för kulturanalys.

Articles and book chapters 2016

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Emancipatory pedagogy for inclusive practices, enacting self-study as methodology. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Ritstj.) Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 299-304). Aukland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). ISBN:Q 978-0-473-35893-8

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2016). Strengthening teacher identity through development of professional working theory. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (eds.) Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 449-454). Aukland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). ISBN: 978-0-473-35893-8

Lena Sólborg Valgarðsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Leikur og sköpun – samstarfsrannsókn. Chapter 5. Kristín Karlsdóttir og Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (eds.). Leikum, lærum, lifum: Námssvið leikskóla og grunnþættir menntunar (pp. 95-122). Reykjavík: RannUng og Háskólaútgáfan.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Sköpun í skólastarfi. Chapter 4. In Kristín Karlsdóttir & Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (eds.).  Leikum, lærum, lifum: Námssvið leikskóla og grunnþættir menntunar (pp. 77–94). Reykjavík: RannUng og Háskólaútgáfan.

Sara M. Ólafsdóttir, & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Nýsköpunarmennt í leikskólastarfi: Hugmyndir barna um hönnun leikskólalóðar. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles 2015

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Emancipatory pedagogy: The pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education. In A. Kirketerp & A. Doneva (Eds.), 1st European Networking Conference on Entrepreneurship Education, January 29 – 30, 2015 (pp. 69-74). Horsens Denmark: VIA University College.

Jónsdóttir, S. R, Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Using Self-study to develop a third space for collaborative supervision of master´s projects in teacher education. Studying Teacher Education: A Journal of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, 11(1), 32-48.

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R., Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Creating meaningful learning opportunities online. Bank Street Occasional Paper Series 34. Retrieved from:

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2015). A Graduate Course At The School Of Education University Of Iceland. On UNESCO´s website: Inclusive Education in Action: Empowering Teachers: Empowering Learners website. The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education and UNESCO.

Articles 2014

Guðjónsdóttir H., Gísladóttir K. R., Jónsdóttir S. R. (2014). Collaborative supervision of master‘s projects: A self-study by three university-based teacher educators. Changing Practices for Changing Times: Past, Present and Future Possibilities for Self-Study Research. Proceedings of The Tenth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, Uk, 2-7 August 2014. Dawn Garbett and Alan Ovens (Eds.).

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Jóhanna Karlsdóttir og Gunnar E. Finnbogason. (2014). Að uppfæra Ísland - Sýn stjórnenda íslenskra framhaldsskóla á nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt og framkvæmd námssviðsins í námskrárfræðilegu ljósi. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir and Julie Davis. (2014). Designing for a childhood focusing on conservation and sustainability: The Lone Pine Child and Family Centre project in Australia. Ritstýrð grein. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles and reports 2013

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013a). Forewords in Icelandic: ADEPTT kennslulíkanið. Project number: 2011-1-ES1-LEO05-36404. Langreo: European Union.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Staða nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar á framhaldsskólastigi á Íslandi og mat á þörf skóla og vinnumarkaðar fyrir fólk með slíka menntun. Reykjavík: Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt: Grunnskólinn austan Vatna. (Skýrsla). Reykjavík: SamGETA og Menntavísindastofnun.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Pedagogy and settings in innovation education. In L. V. Shavinina (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of innovation education (pp. 273-287). London: Routledge.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Gunnar E. Finnbogason og Jóhanna Karlsdóttir. (2013). Rætur nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar í íslenskum námskrám og skólamálaumræðu. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun: Sérrit 2013 – Fagið og fræðin. Retrieved from

Articles 2012

Guðjónsdóttir, H., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2012). Preparing teachers for teaching a diverse group of learners in a changing world. In J. R. Young, L. B. Erickson & S. Pinnegar (Eds.), The Ninth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. Extending Inquiry Communities: Illuminating Teacher Education Through Self-Study (pp. 151-154). Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2012). Háskólakennarar rýna í starf sitt: Þróun framhaldsnámskeiðs í kennaramenntun. Ráðstefnurit Netlu – Menntakvika 2012. Retrieved from

Thesis and articles 2011

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2011). The location of innovation education in Icelandic compulsory schools. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Iceland, Reykjavík. Retrieved from

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011a). Looking at the pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education with Bernstein. Sérrit Netlu – Menntakvika 2011.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011b). Recontextualisation of innovation into education. Þjóðarspegill, XII, 559-568.

Article 2010

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2010). Two sides of the same coin: Innovation education and entrepreneurship education in Iceland   [In Japaneese translation by Hiroshi Nomura]. Bulletin of Institute of Technology and Vocational Education, 7, 69-75.

Articles 2009

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2009). Using knowledge creatively. Netla [internet journal]. Retrieved from


Pupblications 2004-2008

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2008). Two sides of the same coin: Innovation education and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. Bulletin of Institute of Vocational and Technical Education(5), 109-118.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., Thorsteinsson, G., & Page, T. (2008). The ideology of innovation education and its emergence as a new subject in compulsory schools. Journal on School Educational Technology, 3(4), 75-84.

Jónsdóttir, S., Page, T., Thorsteinsson, G., & Nicolescu, A. (2008). An investigation into the development of innovation education as a new subject in secondary school education Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(4).

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2007a). Analysis of entrepreneurship education  in vocational education and training in Iceland. Reykjavík: Leonardo National Agency, Iceland.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2007b). Nýsköpunarmennt í íslenskum grunnskólum. Uppeldi og menntun, 16(1), 53-71.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2006a). The emergence of a new school subject: innovation education in compulsory schools. Paper presented at the BERA conference. Retrieved from

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2005). Ný námsgrein verður til. Nýsköpunarmennt í grunnskóla [The Emergence of a new School Subject. Innovation Education in Compulsory Schools]. Unpublished M.A., University of Iceland, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2004). Nýsköpun í grunnskóla. Skapandi skóli í tengslum við raunveruleikann [Innovation education in a compulsory school. A creative school in connection with real life]. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun.


Chappell, K., Craft, A., Jonsdottir, S., & Clack, J. (2008). Aspire South West.  Report to Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

Allyson Macdonald og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006) Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 3: Hallormsstaðaskóli. Report on science education in Iceland

Björg Pétursdóttir, Allyson Mcdonald, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafþór Guðjónsson. (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun. Skýrsla um framhaldsskóla: Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti. Report on science education in Iceland

Eggert Lárusson, Elín B Kristinsdóttir, Kristján K. Stefánsson, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Stefán Bergmann og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Snæfellsnesi. Skýrsla 1: Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar: Hellissandur, Ólafsvík og Lýsuhóll Report on science education in Iceland

Hafþór Guðjónsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 8: Grunnskóli Fáskrúðsfjarðar. Report on science education in Iceland.

Kristján Ketill Stefánsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir.. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun í Garðabæ. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 1: Flataskóli. Report on science education in Iceland. Macdonald, A., Pálsdóttir, A., Jónsdóttir, S.R. (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun í Reykjavík: skýrsla 2: Fellaskóli. Report on science education in Iceland

Meyvant Þórólfsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 6: Grunnskólinn á Eskifirði. Report on science education in Iceland

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir,Eggert Lárusson, Stefán Bergmann og Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir Náttúrufræðimenntun í Breiðholti. (2007). Rannsóknarverkefnið Vilji og veruleiki.Skýrsla 1 Hólabrekkurskóli Report on science education in Iceland.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. Nýsköpunarmennt vor 2007. Ingunnarskóli. (2007). Report on innovation education in Ingunnarskóli in Reykjavík.

Stefán Bergmann, Auður Pálsdóttir, Erla Kristjánsdóttir, Eygló Björnsdóttir, Gunnhildur Óskarsdóttir, Kristín Norðdahl, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Þórunn Reykdal. Ritstjórn: Auður Pálsdóttir og Stefán Bergmann. (2008). Teikn um sjálfbærni – menntun byggð á reynslu skóla og samfélags. Skýrsla 2.Book chapter and an article 2020

Deborah L. Tidwell & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2020). Methods and Tools of Self-Study. In J. Kitchen, A. Berry, S. M. Bullock, A. R. Crowe, M. Taylor, H. Guðjónsdóttir & L. Thomas (Eds.) International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Springer International  Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore, pp 377-426.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2020). Entrepreneurship education at the upper-secondary level in Iceland in 2020. EntreComp360.

Articles and chapters 2019

Jónsdóttir, S.R.& Macdonald, A. (2019). The feasibility of innovation and entrepreneurial education in middle schools. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(2), 255-272.

Jakobsdóttir S., Dýrfjörð K., Kjartansdóttir S. H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Svava Pétursdóttir (2019). Sköpunarsmiðjur í menntun ungra barna: Reynsla og viðhorf starfsfólks skóla, safna og sköpunarsmiðja. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from DOI:

Gísladóttir K.R., Guðjónsdóttir H., Jónsdóttir S.R. (2019) Self-Study as a Pathway to Integrate Research Ethics and Ethics in Practice. In: Brandenburg R., McDonough S. (eds) Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education. Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, vol 20. Springer, Singapore, pp 81-95. DOI 10.1007/978-981-32-9135-5

Dyrfjorð, K., Hjartarson, T., Hreiðarsdottir, A.E., Jakobsdottir, S., Jonsdottir, S.R., Kjartansdottir, S. H., Olafsdottir, M.E., Petursdottir, S. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2019). Makerspaces in formal and non-formal learning contexts in Iceland, pp. 71-92. In the Enhancing Digital Literacy and Creativity. Makerspaces in the Early Years. Edited By Alicia Blum-Ross, Kristiina Kumpulainen, Jackie Marsh. Oxford: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780429243264-6

Guðjónsdóttir. H., Jónsdóttir, S. R. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2019). Creating a space for teachers to reflect on their learning and become empowered as professionals. In Diana Mihăescu og Daniela Andron (eds.),)"Education beyond the crisis: new skills, children's rights and teaching contexts" Proceedings the 19th biennial conference of international study association on teachers and teaching (ISATT) (bls. 142–146). “Lucian Blaga” University Publishing House. ISBN: 978-606-12-1659-8

Kristinsdóttir J.V., Jónsdóttir S.R., Gísladóttir K.R., Óskarsdóttir E., Guðjónsdóttir H. (2019) Cultivating Self-Study: Developing a Discourse to Better Understand a Particular Culture.  In: Kitchen J., Berry A., Guðjónsdóttir H., Bullock S., Taylor M., Crowe A. (eds) 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore. First Online 14 September 2019. DOI Online ISBN 978-981-13-1710-1

Thorsteinsson, G., & R. Jónsdóttir, S. (2019). Razvoj edukacije za inovacije v islandskem kontekstu. In S. Gaber, & V. Tašner, Misliti socialne inovacije (p. 325-334). Ljubljana: Faculty of Education of University of Ljubljana.

Article 2018

Jónsdóttir, S. R., Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2018). Að vinna meistaraprófsverkefni í námssamfélagi nemenda og leiðbeinenda. Tímarit um uppeldi og menntun. 27(2), 201−223.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2018). Exchanging curriculum ideas for 21st century education: Australian ‘technologies’ and Icelandic ‘innovation education’. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles, book chapters and book 2017

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2017). Collaborative supervision: Using core reflection to understand our supervison of master´s projects. In R. Brandenburg, K. Glasswell, M. Jones & J. Ryan (Eds.), Reflective theory and practice in teacher education (pp. 237-255). Signapore: Springer.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (2017) The road to independence: Emancipatory pedagogy. Series editor Bharath Sriraman. Rotterdam: Sense.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2017). Dveveloping teachers´professional identities: Weaving the tapestry of professional working theory. In M. Dalmau, H. Guðjónsdóttir & D. Tidwell (Eds.), Taking a fresh look at education: Framing professional learning in education through self-study (bls. 149-168). Rotterdam: Sense.

Svanborg R Jónsdóttir. (2017). Narratives of creativity: How eight teachers on four school levels integrate creativity into teaching and learning. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 24, bls 127–139.

Ragnarsdóttir, H., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2017). Kreativitet i mångkulturella kontexter i Island: Fall från Reykjavik. Í K. Windell, E. Peurell & G. Myrberg (ritstj.), Vem får vara med? Perspektiv på inkludering och integration i kulturlivet i de nordiska länderna (pp. 228-250). Stockholm: Myndigheten för kulturanalys.

Articles and book chapters 2016

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Emancipatory pedagogy for inclusive practices, enacting self-study as methodology. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Ritstj.) Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 299-304). Aukland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). ISBN:Q 978-0-473-35893-8

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Karen Rut Gísladóttir. (2016). Strengthening teacher identity through development of professional working theory. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (eds.) Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 449-454). Aukland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). ISBN: 978-0-473-35893-8

Lena Sólborg Valgarðsdóttir & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Leikur og sköpun – samstarfsrannsókn. Chapter 5. Kristín Karlsdóttir og Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (eds.). Leikum, lærum, lifum: Námssvið leikskóla og grunnþættir menntunar (pp. 95-122). Reykjavík: RannUng og Háskólaútgáfan.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Sköpun í skólastarfi. Chapter 4. In Kristín Karlsdóttir & Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (eds.).  Leikum, lærum, lifum: Námssvið leikskóla og grunnþættir menntunar (pp. 77–94). Reykjavík: RannUng og Háskólaútgáfan.

Sara M. Ólafsdóttir, & Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2016). Nýsköpunarmennt í leikskólastarfi: Hugmyndir barna um hönnun leikskólalóðar. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles 2015

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2015). Emancipatory pedagogy: The pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education. In A. Kirketerp & A. Doneva (Eds.), 1st European Networking Conference on Entrepreneurship Education, January 29 – 30, 2015 (pp. 69-74). Horsens Denmark: VIA University College.

Jónsdóttir, S. R, Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Using Self-study to develop a third space for collaborative supervision of master´s projects in teacher education. Studying Teacher Education: A Journal of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, 11(1), 32-48.

Guðjónsdóttir, H., Jónsdóttir, S. R., Gísladóttir, K. R. (2015). Creating meaningful learning opportunities online. Bank Street Occasional Paper Series 34. Retrieved from:

Articles 2014

Guðjónsdóttir H., Gísladóttir K. R., Jónsdóttir S. R. (2014). Collaborative supervision of master‘s projects: A self-study by three university-based teacher educators. Changing Practices for Changing Times: Past, Present and Future Possibilities for Self-Study Research. Proceedings of The Tenth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, Uk, 2-7 August 2014. Dawn Garbett and Alan Ovens (Eds.).

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Jóhanna Karlsdóttir og Gunnar E. Finnbogason. (2014). Að uppfæra Ísland - Sýn stjórnenda íslenskra framhaldsskóla á nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt og framkvæmd námssviðsins í námskrárfræðilegu ljósi. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir and Julie Davis. (2014). Designing for a childhood focusing on conservation and sustainability: The Lone Pine Child and Family Centre project in Australia. Ritstýrð grein. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Retrieved from

Articles and reports 2013

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013a). Forewords in Icelandic: ADEPTT kennslulíkanið. Project number: 2011-1-ES1-LEO05-36404. Langreo: European Union.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2013). Staða nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar á framhaldsskólastigi á Íslandi og mat á þörf skóla og vinnumarkaðar fyrir fólk með slíka menntun. Reykjavík: Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamennt: Grunnskólinn austan Vatna. (Skýrsla). Reykjavík: SamGETA og Menntavísindastofnun.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Allyson Macdonald. (2013). Pedagogy and settings in innovation education. In L. V. Shavinina (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of innovation education (pp. 273-287). London: Routledge.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Gunnar E. Finnbogason og Jóhanna Karlsdóttir. (2013). Rætur nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlamenntar í íslenskum námskrám og skólamálaumræðu. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun: Sérrit 2013 – Fagið og fræðin. Retrieved from

Articles 2012

Guðjónsdóttir, H., & Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2012). Preparing teachers for teaching a diverse group of learners in a changing world. In J. R. Young, L. B. Erickson & S. Pinnegar (Eds.), The Ninth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. Extending Inquiry Communities: Illuminating Teacher Education Through Self-Study (pp. 151-154). Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices.

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. (2012). Háskólakennarar rýna í starf sitt: Þróun framhaldsnámskeiðs í kennaramenntun. Ráðstefnurit Netlu – Menntakvika 2012. Retrieved from

Thesis and articles 2011

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2011). The location of innovation education in Icelandic compulsory schools. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Iceland, Reykjavík. Retrieved from

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011a). Looking at the pedagogy of innovation and entrepreneurial education with Bernstein. Sérrit Netlu – Menntakvika 2011.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., & Macdonald, A. (2011b). Recontextualisation of innovation into education. Þjóðarspegill, XII, 559-568.

Article 2010

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2010). Two sides of the same coin: Innovation education and entrepreneurship education in Iceland   [In Japaneese translation by Hiroshi Nomura]. Bulletin of Institute of Technology and Vocational Education, 7, 69-75.

Articles 2009

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2009). Using knowledge creatively. Netla [internet journal]. Retrieved from


Pupblications 2004-2008

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2008). Two sides of the same coin: Innovation education and entrepreneurial education in Iceland. Bulletin of Institute of Vocational and Technical Education(5), 109-118.

Jónsdóttir, S. R., Thorsteinsson, G., & Page, T. (2008). The ideology of innovation education and its emergence as a new subject in compulsory schools. Journal on School Educational Technology, 3(4), 75-84.

Jónsdóttir, S., Page, T., Thorsteinsson, G., & Nicolescu, A. (2008). An investigation into the development of innovation education as a new subject in secondary school education Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(4).

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2007a). Analysis of entrepreneurship education  in vocational education and training in Iceland. Reykjavík: Leonardo National Agency, Iceland.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2007b). Nýsköpunarmennt í íslenskum grunnskólum. Uppeldi og menntun, 16(1), 53-71.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2006a). The emergence of a new school subject: innovation education in compulsory schools. Paper presented at the BERA conference. Retrieved from

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2005). Ný námsgrein verður til. Nýsköpunarmennt í grunnskóla [The Emergence of a new School Subject. Innovation Education in Compulsory Schools]. Unpublished M.A., University of Iceland, Reykjavík.

Jónsdóttir, S. R. (2004). Nýsköpun í grunnskóla. Skapandi skóli í tengslum við raunveruleikann [Innovation education in a compulsory school. A creative school in connection with real life]. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun.


Chappell, K., Craft, A., Jonsdottir, S., & Clack, J. (2008). Aspire South West.  Report to Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

Allyson Macdonald og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006) Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 3: Hallormsstaðaskóli. Report on science education in Iceland

Björg Pétursdóttir, Allyson Mcdonald, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Hafþór Guðjónsson. (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun. Skýrsla um framhaldsskóla: Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti. Report on science education in Iceland

Eggert Lárusson, Elín B Kristinsdóttir, Kristján K. Stefánsson, Meyvant Þórólfsson, Stefán Bergmann og Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Snæfellsnesi. Skýrsla 1: Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar: Hellissandur, Ólafsvík og Lýsuhóll Report on science education in Iceland

Hafþór Guðjónsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 8: Grunnskóli Fáskrúðsfjarðar. Report on science education in Iceland.

Kristján Ketill Stefánsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir.. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun í Garðabæ. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 1: Flataskóli. Report on science education in Iceland. Macdonald, A., Pálsdóttir, A., Jónsdóttir, S.R. (2007). Náttúrufræðimenntun í Reykjavík: skýrsla 2: Fellaskóli. Report on science education in Iceland

Meyvant Þórólfsson og Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir. (2006). Náttúrufræðimenntun á Austurlandi. Haust 2006. Skýrsla 6: Grunnskólinn á Eskifirði. Report on science education in Iceland

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir,Eggert Lárusson, Stefán Bergmann og Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir Náttúrufræðimenntun í Breiðholti. (2007). Rannsóknarverkefnið Vilji og veruleiki.Skýrsla 1 Hólabrekkurskóli Report on science education in Iceland.

Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir. Nýsköpunarmennt vor 2007. Ingunnarskóli. (2007). Report on innovation education in Ingunnarskóli in Reykjavík.

Stefán Bergmann, Auður Pálsdóttir, Erla Kristjánsdóttir, Eygló Björnsdóttir, Gunnhildur Óskarsdóttir, Kristín Norðdahl, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir og Þórunn Reykdal. Ritstjórn: Auður Pálsdóttir og Stefán Bergmann. (2008). Teikn um sjálfbærni – menntun byggð á reynslu skóla og samfélags. Skýrsla 2.