

Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities. Eds. Claudia Bernardi, Viola Franziska Müller, Biljana Stojic and Vilhelm Vilhelmsson. Work in Global and Historical Perspective 19. Series editors: Andreas EckertSidney ChalhoubMahua SarkarDmitri van den Bersselaar and Christian G. De Vito. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. OPEN ACCESS.

Vilhelm Vilhelmsson, Sjálfstætt fólk. Vistarband og íslenskt samfélag á 19. öld [Independent people. Compulsory service and Icelandic society in the 19th century]. Reykjavík: Sögufélag, 2017

- Nominated for the Icelandic Literature Prize 2017 in the category of academic books

- Nominated for the Hagþenkir prize 2017 for outstanding academic books

- Nominated for the DV Cultural Prize 2017 in the category of academic books

Sakir útkljáðar. Sáttabók Miðfjarðarumdæmis í Húnavatnssýslu 1799‒1865 [Disagreements resolved. Proceedings of the Miðfjörður arbitration committee 1799‒1865]. Compiled, edited and with introduction by Vilhelm Vilhelmsson. Anthology for Icelandic Popular Culture 21. Series editors: Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, Már Jónsson and Davíð Ólafsson. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, 2017


Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters:

- 2023. (with Claudia Bernardi, Viola Franziska Müller and Biljana Stojic) "Introduction: Moving Workers in History." In Claudia Bernardi, Viola Franziska Müller, Biljana Stojic and Vilhelm Vilhelmsson (eds.), Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023, pp. 1-13. Open Access:

- 2023. (with Emil Gunnlaugsson) "Passports, Permits and Labour Im/mobility in Iceland, 1780s-1860s." In Claudia Bernardi, Viola Franziska Müller, Biljana Stojic and Vilhelm Vilhelmsson (eds.), Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023, pp. 87-111. Open Access:

- 2023. (with Johan Heinsen and Hanne Østhus) "Labour and coercion in the Nordic region in the early modern period: connections, ambiguities, practices", Scandinavian Journal of History 48, no. 5 (2023): 551-571. Open Access:

- 2023. (with Nina Trige Andersen, Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir, Silke Neunsinger, Pete Pesonen and Hanne Østhus) "Longer, broader, deeper, and more personal – the renewal of labour history in the Nordic countries", Scandinavian Economic History Review Online pre-publication.

- 2023. "Contested Households: Lodgers, Labour, and the Law in Rural Iceland in the Early Nineteenth Century", Scandinavian Journal of History 48, no. 5 (2023): 572-592. Online limited access:

- 2023. "The Moral Economy of Compulsory Service: Labour Regulations in Law and Practice in Nineteenth-Century Iceland." In Jane Whittle and Thijs Lambrecht (eds.), Labour Laws in Preindustrial Europe: The Coercion and Regulation of Wage Labour, c. 1350-1850.  Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, pp. 227-245. Open Access:

- 2023. "Acculturation on their Own Terms: The Social Networks of Political Radicals among Icelandic Immigrants in Canada in the Early Twentieth Century." In Höskuldur Þráinsson, Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir and Úlfar Bragason (eds.), Icelandic Heritage in North America. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, pp. 69-88.

-2022. "Proving Their Worth: Icelanders and the Winnipeg Labour Movement, 1890-1900." In Gerd Bjorhovde and Janne Korkka (eds.), Exploring Canada: Exploits and Encounters. Études Canadiennes - Canadian Studies 36. Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 237-256.

-2021. (with Oddur Vilhelmsson), "Að læra af mistökum annarra: Um mikilvægi vísindasögunnr við hönnun og framkvæmd rannsókna" In Sigríður Halldórsdóttir (ed.), Rannsóknir: Handbók í aðferðafræði. Akureyri: Háskólinn á Akureyri, pp. 51-66.

- 2021. "Frá búdrýgindum til markaðsveiða: Selveiðar og selveiðihlunnindi við Húnaflóa 1703-1918" [Sealing and seal-hunting rights around Húnaflói bay, 1703-1918], Skírnir 195:1, pp. 158-192.

- 2020. "Tactics of Evasion: The Survival Strategies of Vagrants and Day Labourers in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Rural Iceland", 1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies 17 (2020): 34-56 DOI:

- 2019. “Siðspillandi lögbrot: Páll Briem og leysing vistarbands”. In: Sverrir Jakobsson and Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir (eds.), Hugmyndaheimur Páls Briem. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, pp. 165–193.

- 2018. “Jón Ólafsson ritstjóri og tilvistarkreppa frjálslyndisstefnunnar um aldamótin 1900” [Jón Ólafsson and the crisis of liberalism at the turn of the 19th century], Skírnir 192:2, pp. 449‒472.

- 2018. “Þjóðerni, hagsmunir og hugsjónir í verkalýðshreyfingu Íslendinga í Winnipeg 1890‒1900” [Nationality, interests and ideologies in the Icelandic labour movement in Winnipeg 1890‒1900]. In: Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir et al (eds.), Sigurtunga. Vestur-íslenskt mál og menning. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, pp. 87‒104.

- 2017. “Ett normalt undantag? Tillfälligt arbete i lag och praktik i 1800-talets Island”, Arbetarhistoria 41: 3‒4, pp. 32‒40.

- 2017. (Co-authored with Guðmundur Hálfdanarson) “Historische diskriminierungsforschung”. In: A. Scherr, A. El-Mafaalani and E. G. Yuksel (eds.), Handbuch Diskriminierung. Berlin: SpringerMeteor Verlag, pp. 25‒37.

- 2015. “Stílfært og sett í samhengi: Um heimildargildi vitnisburða í réttarheimildum” [Narrative and context in the (de-)construction of court testimony], Saga LIII:1, pp. 15-45.

- 2013. “Skin og skuggar mannlífsins: Nokkur orð um andóf, vald og íslenska sagnritun”, [The different shades of human existence: A few words on resistance, power and Icelandic historiography] Ritið 13:3, pp. 7-26.

- 2013. “’Það gefur enginn mér kredit.’ Sigfús B. Benedictsson og vestur-íslensk sagnritun”, [‘Nobody gives me any credit’: Sigfús B. Benedictsson and the historiography of Icelandic immigration in Canada] Söguþing 2012: Ráðstefnurit. Sagnfræðistofnun, Reykjavík, [E-publication].

- 2013. “Eignarhald og auðsöfnun við Breiðafjörð frá siðaskiptum til stórubólu”, [Land ownership and wealth accumulation around Breidafjordur from the Reformation to 1709] Vefnir 9, pp. 1-21.

- 2012.  “’Ánægja með það sem er – ið gamla, er andlegur dauði’. Af hugmyndum og félagsskap íslenskra róttæklinga í Manitoba við upphaf 20. aldar”, [Ideology and social interaction of radical Icelandic immigrants to Manitoba during the early 20th century] Saga L:2, pp. 34-69.

- 2011.  “’Lauslætið í Reykjavík.’ Umræður um siðferði, kynfrelsi og frjálsar ástir á Íslandi við upphaf 20. aldar,” [Promiscuity in Reykjavik: Early 20th century discussions on morality, sexuality and free love] Saga XLIX:1, pp. 104-131.


Non-peer-reviewed publications

- 2015. „(Marg)brotin sjálfsmynd þjóðar – eða menningararfur í molum: Hugleiðingar um framsetningu og túlkun á sögu og menningu sprottnar af sýningunni Sjónarhorn“ [Bricolage of national identity and heritage: Reflections on the presentation and interpretation of history and culture sparked by the exhibition Sjónarhorn], Saga LIII: 2, pp. 111-125.

- 2013. “Verkalýður og stjórnmál á Hvammstanga á fyrri hluta 20. aldar” [Workers and politics in Hvammstangi in the early 20th century], Söguþing 2012: Ráðstefnurit. Sagnfræðistofnun, Reykjavík, [E-publication].

- 2011. “Errico Malatesta – Maður með málstað” [Errico Malatesta – A man with a cause]. In: Errico Malatesta, Á kaffihúsinu. Samræður um anarkisma, Transl. Sigurður Harðarson. Reykjavík: Andspyrna útgáfa, pp. 5-13.



- 2018. Borðeyri – verndarsvæði í byggð. Tillaga og greinargerð [Borðeyri – A village to preserve. Rationale and report]. Author: Vilhelm Vilhelmsson. Report on history of the village and its houses written at the behest of Húnaþing vestra following directions from The Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland, 102 pages. Published online in March 2018.



Hernámið í Hrútafirði [Hrútafjörður under occupation]. Exhibition at Byggðasafn Húnvetninga og Strandamanna [Reykir Folk Museum] (opened summer 2019).

Sakamenn í Húnaþingi – örsýning [Criminals in Húnaþing – a microexhibition]. Exhibition at Byggðasafn Húnvetninga og Strandamanna [Reykir Folk Museum] (opened in November 2017).

Þar sem firðir og jöklar mætast – Grænlandsdvöl Rannveigar H. Líndal 1921-1923 [Where fjords and glaciers meet – Rannveig H. Líndal‘s stay in Greenland from 1921-1923]. Exhibition at Byggðasafn Húnvetninga og Strandamanna [Reykir Folk Museum]  (opened in May 2017).

Svipmyndir úr sögu Húnaþings vestra [Portraits from the history of Húnaþing vestra]. Two small photo exhibits with explanatory texts located in rest areas in Hvammstangi, Iceland, 2016.

Torfkofar og landabrugg: Svipmyndir úr sögu Húnaþings vestra 1883-1955 [Turf cottages and moonshine: Portraits from the history of Húnaþing vestra 1883-1955]. Photo exhibition in a public rest area in Hvammstangi, Iceland, 2013.