Conference and workshop presentations in English:
-2023. "Strategies of Exit: Absconding from Service in Nineteenth-century Iceland". Paper presented in the session Disputed Endings: How Labour Relations were Terminated in Pre-Industrial Europe at the European Social Science History Conference, Gothenburg 12 April 2023.
-2022. "Paperless and masterless: Passports, permits and labour (im)mobility in law and practice in Iceland ca. 1780-1860". Paper presented in the session Illicit movement and documents of control: studying practices of mobility and labour coercion in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries at the Nordic Labour History Conference, Copenhagen 26-30 January 2022.
- 2021. "Responding to coercion: Servants, peasants and everyday resistance in nineteenth century Iceland". Paper presented in the session Servants laws, compulsion and resistance in the Nordic countries 1500-1900 at the European Social Science Conference 2021. Online conference with limited access. 24 March 2021.
- 2021. (with Claudia Bernardi) "Intersections of labour im/mobility". Presentation at the 2nd WORCK Meeting. Online conference with limited access. 24 February 2021.
- 2019. “Contested Boundaries: Compulsory Service and Casual Labour in Rural Iceland in the Early 19th Century”. Paper presented in the session Ambiguous boundaries: Varieties of Unfree Labour in the Nordic countries in the early modern period at the 3rd European Labour History Network Conference, Amsterdam 18-21 September 2019.
- 2019. “Acculturation on Their Own Terms: The Social Networks of Political Radicals Among Icelandic Immigrants in Canada, 1890‒1910”. Presentation at the conference Migration: 9th Partnership Conference of the University of Iceland and the University of Manitoba. University of Iceland, 29 August 2019.
- 2018. “Icelanders and the labour movement in Winnipeg, ca. 1890‒1900”. NACS XII – Nordic Association of Canadian Studies Conference, Akureyri 8‒10 August 2018.
- 2018. “The survival tactics of vagrants and daylabourers in 19th century rural Iceland”. Paper presented in the session Nomadic livelihoods: Norms, and practices of labour, peddling and mobility in pre-industrial Nordic societies at the European Social Science History Conference 2018, Belfast 4–7 April 2018.
- 2017. “Social transformation from below? The impact of illicit labour practices on social change in 19th century Iceland”. 29th Congress of Nordic Historians, 15-18 August 2017. Aalborg University, Denmark.
- 2016. “Normative illegalities: State officials and ‘the labour problem’ in 19th century Iceland”. Paper presented at XIV Nordic Labour History Conference, University of Iceland, 28-30. November 2016.
- 2015. “Existence as resistance? Analysing the intersections of illegality, deviance, normativity and social change”. Paper presented at the Resistance and Social Change workshop, Karlstad University, Sweden, December 14th 2015.
- 2013. “Lazy and disobedient. The everyday resistance of bonded servants in 19th century Iceland”. Towards a Global History of Domestic Workers and Caregivers. 49th Linz Conference of the International Conference of Labour and Social History, Linz Austria 12 - 15 September 2013.
- 2012. “The limits of social control: Hegemony and everyday resistance in nineteenth century Iceland”, Riot, Revolt, Revolution. CAPPE 7th annual international interdisciplinary conference. University of Brighton. 5th – 7th September 2012.
Presentations in Icelandic:
"Selveiðar og þróun þeirra við Húnaflóa frá 18. öld til 20. aldar". Presentation at the yearly open meeting of the University of Iceland Institute of Research Centres. Online meeting with open access. 18 March 2021.
“Selveiðar við Húnaflóa: Sögulegt yfirlit” [Sealhunting in Húnaflói: An historical overview]. Presentation at the seminar Seals and Society in Húnaflói, Past and Present at the University of Iceland Centre for Research in Northwest Iceland, Skagaströnd 13 April 2019.
“‘Með kærleiksmeiningar vinmælum‘: Sáttanefndir og lausn deilumála á 19. öld” [Through friendly suggestions: Arbitration committees and dispute resolution in 19th century Iceland]. Lecture at the Icelandic Association of Historians Lunch Lectures series at the National Museum of Iceland 26 March 2019.
“Dropinn holar steininn. Áhrif ólöglegrar lausamennsku á leysingu vistarbandsins”. [The impact of illicit day labour on the abolition of compulsory service]. Presentation at the Humanities Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavík 8 March 2019.
“Þjónusta skjalasafna við fræðimenn”. Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Icelandic Association of Regional Archives, Sauðárkrókur 5 October 2018.
“Afdalalíf. Átök og deilur í húnvetnskri sveit á öndverðri 19. Öld”. [Struggles and conflict in rural Húnavatnssýsla in the early 1800s]. Presentation at the Humanities Conference, University of Iceland, 10 March 2018.
“Brotthætt frá upphafi. Byggðarsaga Borðeyrar í Hrútafirði” [Fragile from the start. The history of Borðeyri in Hrútafjörður]. Lecture at the Icelandic Association of Historians‘ Lunch Lectures series at the National Museum of Iceland 6. February 2018.
“Hrói höttur Íslands? Ísleifur seki Jóhannesson og glæpaaldan í Langadal á öndverðri 19. Öld” [Iceland‘s Robin Hood? Ísleifur the guilty Jóhannesson and the crime wave in Langadalur in the early 19th century]. Lecture at the Iceland Association of Historians‘ Lunch Lectures series at the National Museum of Iceland 21. March 2017.
“Atbeini, undirsátar, andóf” [Agency, subalternity, resistance]. Lecture at the Icelandic Association of Historians‘ Lunch Lectures series at the National Museum of Iceland 13. December 2016.
“Siðspillandi lögbrot: Páll Briem og leysing vistarbands” [Demoralizing illegalities: Páll Briem and the end of compulsory service in Iceland]. Presentation at the Páll Briem Memorial Conference at the National Museum of Iceland 19 October 2016
“Bændur og vinnuhjú í Miðfirði á 19. öld” [Peasants and their servants in Midfjordur in the 19th century]. Lecture at the Reykir Folk Museum 28 February 2016
“Hugmyndaheimur róttækra Íslendinga í Vesturheimi 1890-1910” [The ideas and ideologies of radical Icelanders in N-America 1890-1910]. Lecture at a meeting of the Icelandic National League, Reykjavik 14 January 2016
“Að halda friðinn: Um störf sáttanefnda í Húnavatnssýslu á 19. öld” [Keeping the peace: On councils of conciliation in Húnavatnssýsla in the 19th century]. Presentation at a day of lectures at the University of Iceland Research Centre in North-west Iceland 19 September 2015
“Af lyst til að stela en ekki fyrir þörf: Atbeini undirsáta og hversdagslegt andóf í þjófnaðarmáli úr Húnavatnssýslu árið 1835” [For a longing to steal but not out of necessity: Subaltern agency and everyday resistance in a case of theft in Húnavatnssýsla in 1835]. Presentation at the Humanities Conference, University of Iceland 15 March 2015
“Stílfært og sett í samhengi: Um sniðmát vitnisburða í réttarheimildum” [Stylized and contextualized: On witness testimony in judicial sources]. Presentation at the conference Common people in historical sources – historical sources on common people at the University of Iceland Research Centre in North-west Iceland 11 October 2014
“Stolið frá sýslumanni: Þjófnaðarmálið í Hvammi 1835” [Stealing from the county magistrate: A criminal case from 1835]. Lecture at the Reykir Folk Museum 23 February 2014
“Sundurlausir þankar um karllægni, sagnfræði og vald” [Random thoughts on androcentricity, history and power]. Presentation at the conference Does gender matter? A gendered conference held by the Cultural Society and Sagnir, the journal of history students at the University of Iceland 12 April 2013
“„Það gefur enginn mér kredit.“ Sigfús B. Benedictsson og vestur-íslensk sagnritunarsaga.” [„Nobody gives me any credit“: Sigfús B. Benedictsson and the historiography of Icelandic immigration in N-America] Presentation at the 4th Icelandic History Conference, University of Iceland in 7-10 June 2012
“Verkalýður og stjórnmál á Hvammstanga á fyrri hluta 20. aldar.” [Workers and politics in Hvammstangi in the early 20th century] Presentation at the 4th Icelandic History Conference, University of Iceland in 7-10 June 2012
“Hvað er andófssaga? Hugleiðingar um andóf sem greiningartæki í sagnfræði” [What is resistance history? Thoughts on the concept of resistance as an analytical tool for historians]. Presentation at the 4th Icelandic History Conference, University of Iceland in 7-10 June 2012
“Eignarhald og auðsöfnun við Breiðafjörð, 1550-1700.” [Ownership and wealth in Breiðafjörður, 1550-1700] Presentation at the History of Breiðafjörður seminar, University of Iceland 13 October 2011
“Vestur-íslenskir róttæklingar: áhrif róttækra hugmyndastefna meðal Íslendinga í Vesturheimi og tengsl þeirra við grasrótarhreyfingar ca. 1880-1920.” [Icelandic immigrant radicals: The influence of radical ideologies among Icelanders in North-America and their relationship with grassroots movements ca. 1880-1920] Presentation at the Graduate students‘ day at the University of Iceland 29 October 2010