Bækur og bókarkaflar
Gísli Þorsteinsson. (1980). Hljóðfærasmíði sem rannsóknarstarf í tengslum við tónmennt. Rit er fjallar um samþættingu tónmenntar og smíða í gegnum smíði hefðbundinna og óhefðbundinna hljóðfæra og notkun þeirra við tónlistarflutning í skapandi skólastarfi. Gefið út af höfundi í Reykjavík.
Gísli Þorsteinsson. (1993). Litli uppfinningaskólinn, Íþrótta og tómstundaráð Reykjavíkur.
Gísli Þorsteinsson og Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (1996). Frumkvæði-sköpun. Nýsköpun og náttúruvísindi.
Gísli Þorsteinsson og Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (1996). Nýsköpun-tækni. Nýsköpun og náttúruvísindi.
Gísli Þorsteinsson og Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (1996). Hugmyndir-hugvit. Nýsköpun og náttúruvísindi.
Gísli Þorsteinsson og Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (1998). Umhverfi-útlit. Nýsköpun og náttúruvísindi.
Gísli Þorsteinsson, et al,. (1999). Skýrsla forvinnuhóps um nýtt námsvið Upplýsingatækni og tæknimennta fyrir grunn- og framhaldsskóla. Reykjavík: Menntamálaráðuneytið.
Gísli Þorsteinsson og Valdór Bóasson. (1999). Námskrá fyrir “Hönnun og smíði” sem tæknimenntargrein í íslenskum grunnskóla. Reykjavík: Menntamálaráðuneytið.
Gísli Þorsteinsson, Bjarni Þór Kristjánsson, Guðmundur Magnússon, Ólafur Oddsson og Stefán Bergmann. (2001). Skógurinn og nýting hans. Safnrit. Handbók fyrir kennara. Reykjavík: Námsgagnastofnun.
Lehtonen, M, Page, T, Vahtivuori Hanninen, S, Thorsteinsson, G (2005). Emotionality Considerations in Virtual Reality on Simulation Based Learning. In Latva Karjamaa, R and Outinen, H (ed) Multidisciplinary Approaches to Learning, Helsinki University Press, pp.106-107.
Lehtonen, M, Page, T, Thorsteinnson, G (2005.) Simulations and Virtual Realities as Modern Tools in Technology Education: Looking for Proper Pedagogical Models. In Latva-Karjamaa, R and Outinen, HE (ed) Multidisciplinary Approach to Learning, Helsinki University Press, pp.138-139.
Gísli Þorsteinsson og Rósa Gunnarsdóttir. (2005). Útgáfa á minnisbók fyrir unga uppfinningamenn á fjórum eftirtöldum tungumálum:
a) Finnsku “Nuret Keksijat”.
b) Ensku ”The Inventors Notebook”.
c) Íslensku “Nýsköpun”.
d) Norsku “Inventorens notatbog”.
Gísli Þorsteinsson. (2007). Kennsluefni fyrir íslenska grunn- og framhaldsskóla: ”Tónlist fyrir alla. Hönnun og smíði hljóðfæra fyir fólk á öllum aldri. Reykjavík: inet.is. ISBN 978-9979-70-405-8.
Thorsteinsson, G. and Page, T. (2010). Technology-Mediated Learning for Teacher’s Professional Development: Innovative ideas to improve In-Service Teacher Education. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-10: 3843380430.160557-4359.
Thorsteinsson, G. and Page, T. (2012). The Value of Good Toy Design for Children: Toys Can Support Child Development. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-10: 365972375. ISBN-13: 3659172373.
Page, T. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2011). Playful Learning: Toys for learning. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-10: 3845406658. ISBN-13: 978-3845406657.
Thorsteinsson, G., Page, T. and Subramaniam, A. (2011). The Design and Marketing of Power Tools: Examining the Role of Design Strategy in Garden Power Tool Companies. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-10: 384432335X. ISBN-13: 978-3844323351.
Thorsteinsson, G. and Page, T. (2011). Practical Based Subjects for The Wider Curricula: Society’s Attitude to Practical Based Education. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-10: 3846548774. ISBN-13: 978-3846548776.
Thorsteinsson, G., Braslauskiene, R. and Vismantiene, R. (2011). Forming a Save Environment for Early Childhood Development: Examining Health and Safety in Lithuanian Pre-schools. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN-10: 3844317406. ISBN-13: 978-3844317404.
Thorsteinsson, G. (2013). Developing an Understanding of the Pedagogy of Using a Virtual Reality Learning Environment (VRLE) to Support Innovation Education, pp. 456-470. In The Routledge International Handbook of Innovation Education. Edited by L.V. Shavinina. Oxford: Routledge. ISBN-10: 0415682215 | ISBN-13: 978-0415682213.
Thorsteinsson, G. og Olafsson, B. (2013). The Origin of Educational Sloyd in Iceland. In The International Impact and Legacy of Educational Sloyd: Head and hands in harness, pp. 323-363. Edited by David Whittaker. Oxford: Routledge.
Whittager, D. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2015). The Iceland Watch. A land that thinks outwards and forwards. Cirencester: Mereo Books.
Marsh, J., Kumpulainen, K., Nisha, B., Velicu, A., Blum-Ross, A., Hyatt, D., Jónsdóttir, S.R., Levy, R., Little, S., Marusteru, G., Ólafsdóttir, M.E., Sandvik, K., Scott, F., Thestrup, K., Arnseth, H.C., Dýrfjörð, K., Jornet, A., Kjartansdóttir, S.H., Pahl, K., Pétursdóttir, S. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2017). Makerspaces in the Early Years: A Literature Review. University of Sheffield: MakEY Project.
Autio, O., Jamsek, J., Soobik, M., Thorsteinsson, G. & Olafsson, B. (2017). Craft and Technology Education Curriculums and Students’ Attitudes towards Craft and Technology in Finland, Slovenia, Estonia and Iceland. Le Ragioni di Erasmus, 1: Ricerche e intersezioini scientifiche. Per l’educazione nel presente: le scienze umane, l’internalizionalizzazione, le reti, l’innovazione. Geat, M. & Piccione, V. A. (eds.). Roma: Roma Tre-Press, 169-184.
Dyrfjorð, K., Hjartarson, T., Hreiðarsdottir, A.E., Jakobsdottir, S., Jonsdottir, S.R., Kjartansdottir, S. H., Olafsdottir, M.E., Petursdottir, S. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2019). Makerspaces in formal and non-formal learning contexts in Iceland, pp. 71-92. In the Enhancing Digital Literacy and Creativity. Makerspaces in the Early Years. Edited By Alicia Blum-Ross, Kristiina Kumpulainen, Jackie Marsh. Oxford: Routledge. DOI: 4324/9780429243264-6.
Thorsteinsson, G., & R. Jónsdóttir, S. (2019). Razvoj edukacije za inovacije v islandskem kontekstu. In S. Gaber, & V. Tašner, Misliti socialne inovacije (p. 325-334). Ljubljana: Faculty of Education of University of Ljubljana.
Thorsteinsson, G., Braslauskiene, R. and Vismantiene, R. (2021). Formar un entorno seguro para el desarrollo de la primera infancia: Examen de la salud y la seguridad en los centros preescolares de Lituania. Marseille: Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento. EAN / ISBN: 9786202916707.
Thorsteinsson G. (2021). Quel est l'etat de sante de votre eclairage ? Marseille: Editions Notre Savoir. ISBN: 9786203353051
Thorsteinsson G. (2021). Projeto de embalagem inovador para bens de consumo de rápida movimentação. Braga: Edicoes Nosso Conhecimento. ISBN-10 6203388335. ISBN-13: 978-6203388336.
Thorsteinsson G. (2021). Conception d'emballage innovante pour les biens de consommation à évolution rapide. Marseille: Editions Notre Savoir. ISBN: 9786203388299.
Autio, O., Soobik, M., Thorsteinsson, G. & Olafsson, B., (2021).Technology Education and Technological Reasoning in Finland, Estonia, and IcelandNuovi Paradigmi Nuovi Stili, Nuove Sfidi Educative. Geat, M. & Piccione, V. (eds.). Roma Tre-Press, p. 113-129 17 p.
Kjartansdottir S. and Thorsteinsson G. (2022). Ideation, playful learning, and making in a Minecraft Virtual Learning Makerspace. Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age, 92-104. Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age. In the book: Insights into Contemporary Research on Communication, Learning and Education. Edited by Kristiina Kumpulainen, Anu Kajamaa, Ola Erstad, Åsa Mäkitalo, Kirsten Drotner, Sólveig Jakobsdóttir. Oxford: Routledge. DOI:10.4324/9781003145257-11
Autio, O., Soobik, M., Thorsteinsson, G. & Olafsson, B., (2021).Technology Education and Technological Reasoning in Finland, Estonia, and IcelandNuovi Paradigmi Nuovi Stili, Nuove Sfidi Educative. Geat, M. & Piccione, V. (eds.). Roma Tre-Press, p. 113-129, 17 p.