My photo used to describe an erratic

Jökulrispur og GrettistakSometimes someone takes my photographs without telling me, sometimes I'm mentioned as the owner of the photo and sometimes not. I came upon a photo from my Flickr page on another webpage today but this time I was rather proud. It appeared on the Icelandic science web, Vísindavefur and is on a page describing what is an erratic, or Grettistak if I use the Icelandic word for it. The authors on this science web are usually professors or other scientists of the Icelandic universities or institutes. The author that decided to use my photo is Sigurður Steinþórsson, retired mineralogy professor from the earth science department of the University of Iceland. I don't know him personally but in the university people usually tend to speak about him as a legend. So I must say he is welcome to use my photo and also it is made clear on my photo page for this photo it is allowed to use it if I'm mentioned as the owner of the photo!

I also like this photo quite a lot and used it for example in a firs year university paper I wrote about the icelandic glaciation history.

About Einar Ragnar Sigurðsson

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