Icelandic institutes
- IMO - Icelandic Meterologic office / Veðurstofa Íslands
- Earthquakes / Jarðskjálftar
- Tromurit - drumplots - Physics Department (formerly Department of Geophysics)
- Eftirlitsdeild og Rannsóknardeild Eðlisfræðisviðs Veðurstofunnar - Various data (icelandic) from IMO -
- Harmonie - snow load - Volcanic tremor - gosórói
- Earthquakes / Jarðskjálftar
- Institute of Earth Sciences in University of Iceland / Jarðvísindastofnun
- Nordic Volcanic Center
- ISOR - Iceland Geosurvey / ÍSOR - Íslenskar orkurannsóknir
- USGS - Earthquakes
- The Smithsonian volcanic data of the Earth
- This Dynamic PlanetTectonic information of the Earth
Homepages from some Icelandic scientists
- Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Geophysicist
- Ívar Örn Benediktsson, geologist- Glacial geology
- Ólafur Ingólfsson: geologist
- Rikke Pedersen
- Sigrún Hreinsdóttir: Geophysicist- GPS measurements
- Þröstur Þorsteinsson: Geophysicist
- Viðar Guðmundsson: Physicist - electrodynamics
Maps of Iceland (geology maps) and some available reports of geology
- LMI - Landmælingar Íslands, National Land Survey of Iceland
- National Energy Authoroty (Orkustofnun) - Web portals - and some information about the web portals
For people understandind Icelandic - the Icelandic verion (Kortavefsjá) is perhaps better, see also information about the Kortasjá. - ISOR reports (Skýrslur Orkustofnunar, by year) (icelandic reports mostly)
- To buy maps on paper:
- Iðnú (Ferðakort)
- Forlagið - they sell (among other maps) the geology maps
available in scale 1:100.000 from ISOR - List of "all" lavas in Iceland (ISOR) - only icelandic language
Other links - Icelandic
- Vulcan síða Haraldar Sigurðssonar
- Almenn jarðeðlisfræði á Facebook
- JÖRFÍ: Jöklarannsóknarfélag Íslands
- Jarðfræðifélag Íslands
- Jarðfræðifélag Íslands: Ráðstefnuhefti liðinna ára
- Jarðhitafélag Íslands
- Stjörnufræðivefurinn
- Jarðvísindadeild
- Skemman - ritgerðir og verkefni Verk- og náttúrufræðisviðs HÍ
- My other geo-page (icelandic) on blogspot (most likely not availiable)