New issue of Landabréfið – Journal of the Association of Icelandic Geographers

Karl Benediktsson, January 12, 2012

Recently a new issue of Landabréfið – the journal of the Association of Icelandic Geographers – was disgorged from the printing presses. This time we published a special issue on nature-based tourism, with Gunnþóra Ólafsdóttir as a special editor. The issue stems from a conference and art exhibition that was held in Reykjavík in early 2011. The journal is entirely in English this time and the authors are a highly international group. For example, the esteemed American author Lucy Lippard has a thought-provoking discussion piece about what tourism does to communities. We are quite proud of the journal, and so we should. And we also rigged up a website for the journal, so the future will be digital. Hopefully we can still produce a few paper copies in the future however...