Selected publications

Forthcoming edited volume:

"Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics: Populism, Disinformation and the Public Sphere", co-edited with Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Asimina Michilidou, Charlotte Galpin and Niko Pyrhönen. To be published in October 2022 as part of Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology.


Recent and forthcoming peer-reviewed articles:

"A Post-Truth Campaign? The Alternative for Germany in the 2019 European Parliament Elections" (2022), German Politics and Society.

"Post-Truth Politics, Digital Media and the Politicization of the Global Compact for Migration" (2021), Politics and Governance.

"From the Eurozone Debt Crisis to the Alternative for Germany" (2020), Frontiers in Political Science.

"The Heroes and Villains of an Alternative Europe: How EU Contestation shapes Narratives of Europe in Germany" (2019), Politique européenne.

"Framing TTIP in the Wake of the Greenpeace Leaks: Agonistic and Deliberative Perspectives on Frame Resonance and Communicative Power" (2019, co-authored with Alvaro Oleart), Journal of European Integration.

"Understanding Germany's Shortlived Culture of Welcome: Images of Refugees in Three Leading German Quality Newspapers" (2017, co-authored with Hugrún Aðalsteinsdóttir),  German Politics and Society.



Europeans and the Public Sphere: Communication without community? (2014). Stuttgart & Hannover: Ibidem Press.

Edited volumes:

Bridging the Gap? Opportunities and Constraints of the European Citizens' Initiative (with Annette Knaut and Katrin Böttger, 2016), Europäische Schriften. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Doctoral Dissertation:

Between Communication and Community. EU Constitution Making, a European Public Sphere and the (Un-)Likelihood of Transnational Debate (2009), Lund Political Studies 158.


Earlier Articles:

"The EU's Post-Lisbon Democratic Development: What Lessons for Iceland?", Stjórnmál go stjórnsýsla - Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration (June 2014).

"A Small-States Perspective on the European Citizens' Initiative", Stjórnmál go stjórnsýsla - Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration (Dec. 2013).

"F-Word or Blueprint for Institutional Reform? European Integration and the Continued Relevance of Federalism", Stjórnmál go stjórnsýsla - Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration (Dec. 2012; co-authored with Freyja Steingrímsdóttir).

"The European Citizens' Initiative. Transnational Democracy in the EU at last?", Stjórnmál go stjórnsýsla - Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration (June 2011).

"A Global Civilian Power? The Future Role of the European Union in International Politics", Stjórnmál go stjórnsýsla - Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration (June 2011; co-authored with Bedrudin Brljavac.

"The Missing Link in EU Democracy? Why a Transnational Public Sphere Matters", Stjórnmál go stjórnsýsla - Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration (Dec. 2010).