Graduate Projects

Below you can find pdfs containing my written projects from my BA and MA at the University of Southern Denmark. They are all in Danish (the MA-thesis contains a summary in English).

Anarki og fællesskab (Anarchy and Community): My MA-thesis. Full title in English: "Anarchy and Community: An evaluation of modern Anarchist scholars’ critiques of the state, with a focus on the question of individualist versus social analysis and views of human nature, and the implications for the possibility of social and egalitarian cooperation." The thesis is in Danish but contains a summary in English.

Kropotkins naturalistiske etik (Kropotkin's Naturalistic Ethics) What does evolutionary theory tell us about human nature and morality? This project examines the debate between Huxley and Kropotkin and how this schism still lives on today.

Flygtninge og filosofi (Refugees and Philosophy) A project examining how states are shirking their responsibilities towards refugees and what that means to the concept of human rights.

William Godwins etik (William Godwin's Ethics) An examination of non-utilitarian elements in Godwins philosophy, in particular his concept of autonomy

Undertrykkelse og lighed i den liberale og den radikale filosofi (Oppression and Equality in Liberal and Radical Philosopy) A discussion and comparison of how oprression (such as sexism and racism) and equality are seen in liberal and radical philosophies

Max Stirner: Den sidste hegelianer (Max Stirner: The Last Hegelian) My BA-thesis examining Max Stirner's relation to Hegel and Feuerbach



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