
2020: “Rými torfbæjarins og líkamleg fötlun [The turf-house space and physical disability]. Paper presented at Þjóðarspegll symposium at the University of Iceland 30 Okt. 2020.

2019: “Jazzfár og þjóðbundin menning [Jazz anxitety and national culture]“. Paper presented at the 13th conference on the Icelandic society (Ráðstefnan um íslenska þjóðfélagið), University of Hólar, Iceland, 16-17 May 2019.

2019: "Place-attachment and cultural memory amongst Lithuanians in Iceland". Paper presented at the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore 14th Congress, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 14-17 April 2019.

2019: "Foreign driftage: On the politics of cultural reception in 20th century Iceland". Paper presented at the international conference: Mobilities and Transnationalism in the 21st Century, University of Iceland, 28-30 April, 2019.

2019: Jazz-ógn: Viðtaka, sjálfsmynd og umbótastjórnmál [Dangers of jazz: Reception, identity and political reform]. Paper presented at Hugarflug symposium, Icelandic Academy of the Arts, 15 Feb. 2019.

2018: "Staðartengsl innflytjenda". Paper presented at Þjóðarspegll symposium at the University of Iceland 26 Okt. 2018.

2018: "“Sonic Porn”: Menace of Jazz in Iceland" Paper presented at the 2018 International Society for Cultural History conference: Performance, Politics, and Play, September 13-16, 2018, New York City.

2018: "Djass og menningarangist" [Jazz and cultural anxiety]. Fullveldismaraþon Reykjavíkur Akademíunnar, 18. ágúst 2018.

2018: "Repugnance, reform and the figment of civilisation in early 20th century Iceland." Paper presented at the conference: Imagineers in Circus and Science: Scientific knowledge and creative imagination, Humanities Research Centre at the Australian National University, 3-5 April 2018.

2018: “Cultural heritage and National Sovereignity: The Case of Iceland”. Cultural Heritage Seminar Series. Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation. Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. 27 Feb. 2018.

2017: “Fortíðleiki miðborgarinnar” [City-centre Pastness]. Paper given at the session Bergmál: Cultural heritage and ethnology at Þjóðarspegill – University of Iceland Social Sciences Conference 3 Nov. 2017.

2017: “Af erlendu vogreki: Íslensk þjóðmenning og viðtaka „óæskilegra“ menningaráhrifa”. [Foreign driftage: Icelandic national culture and the reception of ‘undesireable’ cultural influences]. Public lecture given at the National Museum of Iceland 10 Oct. 2017 in connection with the exhibition Iceland in the World – the World in Iceland: A Transnational Perspective.

2017: “”Emphathy and equality”: Immigrants and cultural policy”. Paper given at the Mobilities and Transnational Iceland symposium at Laugarvatn 31 Mar. 2017.

2017: “Heritage by Negotiation: The Case of Old Buildings and Urban Renewal in Reykjavík”. Paper given at the Imperatives of participation panel at SIEF2017 13th Congress, Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft – Creativity: Göttingen, Germany 26-30 March 2017.

2016: “Reformative strategies and bodily conduct. BASE – SIEF working group on body, affects, senses and emotions. Inaugural workshop hosted by Centre for European Studies and Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, 7-8 October 2016.

2016: “Alþingishátíðin 1930.” Erindi flutt á Þingvöllum 16. júní 2016.

2016: “Acting on the body: Heritage as a governing strategy for disciplining the female body in 20th century Iceland.” Association for Critical Heritage Studies. Third Biennial Concerence, Montral, Canada, 3rd - 8th June, 2016

2016: “Menningararfur að núgildi.” Hvernig metum við hið ómetanlega? Ráðstefna að Hóplum í Hjaltadal 31. mars – 1. apríl 2016 á vegum Guðbrandsstofnunar í samstarfi við Bandalag íslenskra listamanna, Listaháskóla Íslands, Þjóðminjasafnið og Íslensku- og menningardeild Háskóla Íslands.

2016: “Af hverju, til hvers og fyrir hverja viljum við varðveita gömul hús og hvað gerist þegar við förum að hugsa um þau sem menningararf?” Menningararfur – verndarstefna og skipulagsmál. Málþing Umhverfis- og skipulagssviðs Reykjavíkurborgar á Kjarvalsstöðum 15. mars 2016.

2016: “Roma and the Politics of Cultural Heritage”, paper given at: Working with Roma: Methodological Challenges in Dealing with Roma Past and Present organised at Institutul de Istoie Orala at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25–26 Feb. 2016.

2015: With Snjólaug G. Jóhannesdóttir, “Húsgögn miðborgarinnar: Gildi og merking gamalla tiburhúsa í miðborg Reykajvíkur”, paper given at Þjóðarspegll symposium Háskóla Íslands 30. okt. 2015.

2015: With Katrín D. Guðmundsdóttir, “Hrif sundlaugarinnar”, paper given at Þjóðarspegll symposium Háskóla Íslands 30. okt. 2015.

2015: Vernacular cottages in central Reykjavik. Manifold meanings and shifting significance. Paper given at SIEF2015 12th Congress: Zagreb, Croatia. 21–25 June 2015.

2015: With Örn D. Jónsson: Geothermal resources and everyday practices of wellness: The swimming pool culture of Iceland. Paper given at SIEF2015 12th Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 21-25 June 2015.

2015: „Nýja þjóðháttafræðin: Íslensk menningarsaga eftir 2000“, erindi á málstofunni Hvar stendur íslensk sagnfræði? Nýir straumar og stefnur á Hugvísindaþingi Háskóla Íslands 14. mars 2015.

2015: „Cultural Heritage“, málþing á vegum Untoro-verkefnisins við Institutul de Istoie Orala við Babes-Bolyai háskóla í Cluj-Napoca 26. febrúar 2015.

2015: „Af úreltu drasli og arfleifð þjóðar. Sjónarhorn á menningararfshugtakið“, erindi á málþingi á vegum Rannsóknaseturs í safnafræðum við Háskóla Íslands: Torfhús sem menningararfur 12. febrúar 2015.

2014: „Þjóðleg hegðun og líkamleg þjóðareinkenni“, erindi á Þjóðarspegli Háskóla Íslands 31. okt. 2014.

2014: „Bourgeois Aesthetics and Male Physicality in Post-Colonial Iceland“, erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni Emerging Identities in Masculinity Research - Masculinities Studies in the North sem haldin var við Háskóla Íslands 4.-6. júní.

2014: „Placing Iceland on the Anthropometric Map: National Character, Physical Features and the Allure of Numbers“, erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni A Place in the World. Iceland in the Imperial System and the Constuction of a North Atlantic Region. Þjóðminjasafn Íslands 9.-10. maí.

2013: „Hexið hamið. Menningarlegar líkamserfðir og stýring sjálfstjórnar“, hádegisfyrirlestur Félags þjóðfræðinga á Íslands 13. nóvember 2013 á Þjóðminjasafni Íslands.

2013: „Íslenski líkaminn í orðræðu millistríðsáranna“, erindi á Þjóðaspegli - ráðstefnu í félagsvísindum XIV, 25. október 2013 í Háskóla Íslands.

2013: Imagining Greenland as an Icelandic Colony, paper given at the symposium Claiming the North: (Re-)territorializing the "Westnordic Arctic", Oct. 4th 2013. Hosted by Centre for Arctic Policy Studies at the University of Iceland, Denmark and the New North Atlantic and EDDA – Center of Excellence.

2012: „Arfurinn og útlendingar“, erindi á ráðstefnu Rannsóknarmiðstöðvar ferðamála í hátíðarsal Háskóla Íslands, mánudaginn 10. desember 2012: „Er komið nóg af gestum? Þolmörk, fjöldatakmörk og gjaldheimta“.

2012: „Holdtekja menningararfs: Þjóðmenning, siðmenntun og kvenlíkaminn á árunum milli stríða“, erindi flutt á málstofunni Menningararfur á Íslandi á Þjóðarspegli. Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XIII, 26. október 2012.

2012: „Íslensk menning: Pælingar, pólitík, praktík“, fyrirlestur á ráðstefnu ReykjavíkurAkademíunnar 22. september 2012: „Hugmyndir 21. aldar: Iðkun kyns og þjóðar“.

2012: „Stjórnmál lasta og dyggða“, erindi flutt á málstofunni Menningarsaga stjórnmálanna á Fjórða íslenska söguþinginu, Háskóla Íslands, 9. júní 2012.

2012: „Corruption and restoration: Advise on the authentic Icelandic physique“, erindi flutt á Association of Critical Heritage Studies - Inaugural Conference: Re/thinking Heritage, Gautaborgarháskóla 5.–8. júní 2012.

2012: „Spilling og betrun. Menning sem félagslegt stjórntæki á árunum milli stríða“, fyrirlestur á aðalfundi Sagnfræðingafélags Íslands, 22. mars 2012.

2012: „Hagnýting fortíðar við hönnun mannlegs umhverfis“, erindi flutt á Hugvísindaþingi Háskóla Íslands, 10. mars 2012.

2011: “Um postulínshunda og verkefni íslenskrar menningarsagnfræði annó 1930“ [On the objectives of Icelandic cultural history in year 1930], paper given at the Humanities Symposium at the University of Iceland 26th March 2011.

2009: “Physical Appearnce and Moral Conduct of the Female Subject in Inter-War Iceland”, paper given at the session ‘Cultural governance: Rationalities, technologies and ethics’ at the 4th Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research, University of Jyväskylä, 19th–22nd August 2009.

2009: “List í þágu lífs: Jean-Marie Guyau og Ágúst H. Bjarnason“, paper given at Hugvísindaþing, annual conference of the School of Humanities, University og Iceland, 13th-14th March 2009.

2008: “Rationalities of Cultural Governance. The case of the Friends of the Arts Association of Iceland, 1916–1932”, paper given at the research colloquium in Jyväskylä, 6th–8th November 2008: Cultural Policy Research: Conceptual, Spatial and Temporal Approaches, University of Jyväskylä.

2008: “Mishljómar í menningararfsorðræðunni”, [Dissonants in the cultural heritage discourse] paper given at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts, Réttur til menningar – íslenskur menningararfur í ljósi hnattvæðingar, 14th Feb. Symposium series held by the Ministery of Foreign Affairs in relation with Iceland’s candidacy to UN Security Counsil 2009.

2007: “Cultural governance and the problem of state: Politics of reform and the governmentalisation of music in early twentieth century Iceland”, paper given at Den tredje nordiska konferensen för kulturpolitisk forskning. Høgskolen i Telemark (HiT), Bø, 23.-24. August 2007.

2006: “Art and Government at the Millennial Celebrations in Iceland in 1930”, paper given at the international summerschool: Comparative Cultural Policy Studies - Sharing the Variety of European Cultural Policies. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, August.

2006: “Menningararfur í fjölmenningarsamfélagi: Einsleitni, fjölhyggja, tvíbendni”, [Cultural Heritage in Multicultural Society], paper given at the Third Icelandic History Convention. Reykjavík 18.–21. May.

2005: “Cultural Policy and Moral Reform in Iceland during the 1920’s”, Proceedings. Den andra nordiska konferensen för kulturpolitisk forskning. Borås 25–26 augusti 2005. Centrum för kulturpolitisk forskning. Högskolan i Borås, Sweede, pp. 232–238.

2005: “The Emergence of ‘Icelandic Culture’ in the Interwar Period”, paper given at the ESRC Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC) Inaugural Conference: Culture and Social Change: Disiplinary Exchanges, 11.–13. July. University of Manchester.2011: “Um postulínshunda og verkefni íslenskrar menningarsagnfræði annó 1930“ [On the objectives of Icelandic cultural history in year 1930], paper given at the Humanities Symposium at the University of Iceland 26th March 2011.