
Presentations in English

(see presentations in Icelandic under Fyrirlestrar)


Expected and unexpected educational pathways in relation to parenting practices and student engagement. Fyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle, USA, April 18-20, 2013. With Kristjana Stella Blondal.

The relation between self-regulation and parenting and hopeful future expectations among Icelandic youth. Fyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle, USA, April 18-20, 2013. With Steinunn Gestsdóttir & Fanney Þórsdóttir.

“I think“ ...: How stuents perceive opportunities for, and participation in, democratic discussion at school in relation to their attitudes towards immigrants‘ rights. Fyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni Disruptions and eruptions as opportunities for transforming education. The 41st Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational research Association (NERA). Reykjavík, March 7-9, 2013. With Eva  Harðardóttur.


To have a say: Young people’s perception of parenting style and classroom climate in relation to their reflection on their own democratic discussion skills and concerns about social issues. Conference theme: Civility versus Incivility: Respectful Disagreement in a Divided World. The 38th Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME). San Antonio, Texas, USA, Nov. 8-10, 2012.

New Civics: The Intersection of Civic and Moral. Roundtable. Conference theme: Civility versus Incivility: Respectful Disagreement in a Divided World. The 38th Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME). San Antonio, Texas, USA, Nov. 8-10, 2012. With Helen Haste, Robert Selman og Xu Zhao.

Influence of parenting practices on their process of dropping out of school.  The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) at the European Educational Research Association (EERA), Spáni, University of Cádiz, Nov., 18-21, 2012. With Kristjana Stella Blöndal.

Moving borders, crossing boundaries: young people’s identities in a time of change 3: Constructing Identities in European Islands: Cyprus and Iceland. Conference theme: Creating Communities: Local, National and Global. The 14th European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). York, England, May 24-27, 2012. With A. Ross,  T. Issa og S. Philippou.


Young people’s views on democratic values and civic engagement. Conference theme: Europe’s Future: Citizenship in a Changing World. The 13th European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Dublin, Ireland, June 8-9, 2011.

Student disengagement in relation to expected and unexpected educational pathways. Paper Symposium: Pathways to Success for At-Risk Students at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March 31-April 2, 2011. With Kristjana Stella Blöndal.

What happened to Gunnar and Björn? Mixed method analysis in a longitudinal study. Presentation at Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Prevention Science and Practice Program. April 5, 2011.

Memories as Roots of Passion: “I want to have an Impact in the Society”. Paper at the Round Table Discussion on Memory and Citizenship; the CiCe Sixth Annual Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 8-9, 2011.


To have a say: Young people‘s experiences of democratic classoom climate and their civic awareness and engagement. Conference theme: Gateway to Justice: Meeting the Moral Challenges of Social Inequality. The 36th Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME). St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Nov. 4-6, 2010.

Young people’s views on democratic values and civic engagement. Conference theme: Lifelong Learning and Active Citizenship. The 12th European Conference by the European network: Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Barcelona, Spain, May 20-22, 2010.

Young people’s civic engagement: Volunteerism, empathy, and a good citizen. Conference theme: Lifelong Learning and Active Citizenship. The 12th European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Barcelona, Spain, May 20-22, 2010. With  Ragný Þ. Guðjohnsen.

How do teachers respond to social ostracism in the classroom? Code development in a teacher performace measure. Structured poster session (presentations): Innovative measurement of civic, ethical, and historical understanding: High school students and their teachers‘ performance of understanding at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, Colorado, USA, April 30-May 4, 2010. With L. Hsiao, J. Jackobs, & E.A. Lowenstein.

To have a voice: Young peoples' views on civic engagement in a democratic society. Conference theme: Active Citizenship. The 38th Conference á vegum Noridc Educational research Association (NERA). Malmö, Sweden, March 11-13, 2010.

Young citizens speak about the civic engagement of volunteering. Conference theme: Active Citizenship. The 38th Conference á vegum Noridc Educational research Association (NERA). Malmö, Sweden, March 11-13, 2010. With  Ragný Þ. Guðjohnsen.


Civic protest before and after Iceland’s economic crisis: Adolescents speak about participation. Conference theme: Human Rights and Citizenship Education. The 11th European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Malmö, Sweden, May 21-23, 2009. With Margrét A. Markúsdóttir.

Young citizens reflecting on volunteering: A Case Study. Conference theme: Human Rights and Citizenship Education. The 11th European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Malmö, Sweden, May 21-23, 2009. With Ragný Þ. Guðjohnsen.

The impact on teachers of Facing History and Ourselves: Findings from the first year of the NPDEP. Paper Symposium: The National Professonal Development and Evaluation Project (NPDEP) of Facing History and Ourselves: First-Year Findings at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, Cal, USA, April 13-17, 2009. With E. Lowenstein and B. Boulay.

Parenting practices and school dropout: A longitudinal Study. Paper Symposium: The Influence of Parenting on Child Success Across Three Countries at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Denver, USA, April 2-4, 2009. With Kristjana S. Blöndal.


Developing a Conceptual Model for Evaluating Teachers’ Pedagogical Visions and Sense of Efficacy. Conference theme: Faith, Democracy and Values:

The Challenge of Moral Formation in Families, Schools, and Societies. The Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME). University of Notre Dame South Bend, IN, USA. Nov. 13-16, 2008. Symposium: Measurement of Teacher Capacity to Promote Student Social Growth and Historical Understanding:“ With Ethan Lowenstein & Robert Selman.

Evaluating Teachers’ Pedagogical Visions in the NPDEP: Project Overview and Measure Development. Conference theme: Faith, Democracy and Values:

The Challenge of Moral Formation in Families, Schools, and Societies. The Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME). University of Notre Dame

South Bend, IN, USA. Nov. 13-16, 2008. Symposium: Measurement of Teacher Capacity to Promote Student Social Growth and Historical Understanding:“ With Ethan Lowenstein og Robert Selman.

Interpreting Variation in Teacher Responses to the Demonstration of Teacher Capacity to Promote Moral, Civic, and Historical Understanding: Data from Year-1 of the NPDEP. Conference theme: Faith, Democracy and Values:The Challenge of Moral Formation in Families, Schools, and Societies. The Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME). University of Notre Dame South Bend, IN, USA. Nov. 13-16, 2008. Symposium: Measurement of Teacher Capacity to Promote Student Social Growth and Historical Understanding:“ With Robert Selman og Ethan Lowenstein.

Young people as citizens in a democratic society. Conference theme: Reflecting on Identities: Research, practice and innovation. The Tenth European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Istanbul, Turkey, May 29-31, 2008.

Leaders’ Passion and Purpose: Promoting Democratic Citizenship. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, International Program. Nov., 14, 2008.

Vision and Values: Promoting Civic Awareness. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Risk and Prevention Program. Nov. 12, 2008.


Teachers’ pedagogical and educational visions. Conference theme: Civic Education, Moral Education, and Democracy in a Global Society, The Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME) New York, USA. Nov. 14-18, 2007. Symposium: „Teacher Growth in Moral Eduction: The Next Generation of Measures – Implication of New Research on the Teachers’ Methods to Deal with Ethical Controversy in the Classroom for Developmental Theory and Moral Education Practice“.

Teachers’ pedagogical visions: A new analytical model. Conference theme „Citizenship Education in Society – A Challenge for the Nordic Countries“. Fyrsta norræna ráðstefnana innan evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Malmö, Sweden, Oct., 4-5, 2007.

Implementing a citizenship program at school. Conference theme Citizenship Education in Society - The Ninth European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Montpellier, France,  May 24-26, 2007.

Relationships and maturity. Conference theme: „Teaching of psychology in an international context. Special Theme: Adolescence“. EFPTA (European Federation of Psychology Teachers’ Associations). Reykjavík, April 20-22, 2007.

Adolescents’ perceptions of parenting styles and their school dropout behavior: A longitudinal study. Poster session presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for

Research in Child Development (SRCD), Boston, MA, USA, March 29 – April 1, 2007. With Kristjana S. Blöndal.


Cultivating citizenship awareness and democratic values: The school community. Conference theme The Citizens of Europe and the World- The Eigth European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Riga, Lativa,  May 25-27, 2006.

Teachers and multiculturalism – Iceland: Best practices. Conference theme “The Citizens of Europe and the World”- The Eight European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Riga, Lativa,  May 25-27, 2006. With Hafdís Ingvarsdóttir & Eyrún M. Rúnarsdóttir.


Cultivating citizenship awareness and democratic values: The school community. Conference theme The Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME) Challenging What is Right?: How Children and Adolescents Come to Critique Culture from an Ethical Standpoint. Cambridge, MA, USA. Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2005.

Leader passion and purpose: The implementation of an intercultural education program at school. Conference theme “Challenges for the profession: Perspectives and directions for teachers, teaching and teacher education,  the 12th Biennial Conference of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT). Sydney, Australia July 3-6, 2005.

National policy and practitioner practice in multicultural education in Iceland. Conference theme “The Experience of Citizenship”- The Seventh European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Ljubiana, Slovenia, May 18-21, 2005. With Eyrún M. Rúnarsdóttir og Hafdís Ingvarsdóttir.

Teaching new citizens: Challenges and opportunities. Conference theme “The Experience of Citizenship”- The Seventh European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Ljubiana, Slovenia, May 18-21, 2005. With Hafdís Ingvarsdóttir & Eyrún M. Rúnarsdóttir.


Cultitvating citizenship and intercultural awareness. Symposium: In search for the roots of tolerance.  Erindi á The Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME) “Moral Education: The Intersection of Ethics, Aesthetics, and Social Justice”. Orange County, California, USA. Nov. 10-14, 2004.

What does moral psychology need after L. Kohlberg? Erindi á málþingi: Symposium on the Future of Moral Psychology – Moral Psychology after Kohlberg: Where should it go? Á vegum Max Planck Instititute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany. June 16, 2004.

Leader experiences of citizenship education in elementary schools: Passions and purposes. Conference theme “The Experience of Citizenship”- The Sixth European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Crakow, Poland, May 20-22, 2004. With Eyrún M. Rúnarsdóttir.

At dyrke borgerbevidsthed og demokratiske værdier: Unge mennesker som ledere. Conference theme: Ungdom – Demokrati og deltagelse, Selfoss, Iceland, Oct 21-22, 2004

Iceland: Education-Multiculturalism. Teacher Education Addressing Multiculturalism in Europe (TEAM). Reykjavík: H. Í. Félagsvísindadeild, May 26-30, 2004. With Eyrún M. Rúnarsdóttir.

“Student’s self-respect as well as their respect for each other is crucial for their future:” A new model of teacher growth. Conference theme: The Positioning of Education in Contemporary Knowledge Society. The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA). Reykjavík, KHÍ. March 11-13, 2004.


Adolescent psychosocial maturity and “drinking:” A longitudinal study. Ráðstefnan “Cutting Edges: New Directions in Research.” UM/University of Iceland, Partnership Conference. Þriðja þverfagalega samstarfsráðstefna Háskóla Íslands og University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Kanada, 23.-24. október, 2003.

Teachers’ reflections on their role: Thematic and developmental analysis. Conference theme “New Directions in Teachers’ Working and Learning Environment,” the 11th Biennial Conference of the International Society of the Association on Teacher Thinking (ISATT). Leiden, Holland, June 27-July 1, 2003.

Educational aims in a changing society: Equal opportunitites in citizenship,

culture, and identity. Conference theme “A Europe of Many Cultures.”  - The Fifth

European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnuverkefnisins Children's Identity

and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Braga, Portugal, May 8-10, 2003. With Eyrún María Rúnarsdóttir.

Towards equality and positive identity: The value of classroom Discussion as a teaching method. Conference theme “A Europe of Many Cultures.”  - The Fifth European Conference á vegum evrópska samvinnunetverkefisins Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Braga, Portugal, May 8-10, 2003. With Eyrún María Rúnarsdóttir.

Cultivating citizenship awareness and democratic values among the youth. Keynote Speech. Conference theme: “Personal Growth - Competence – Leadership (Gróska – Hæfni – Forysta)”. The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Europe Regional Conference 2003. Grand Hotel, Reykjavik Iceland, August 6-9, 2003.


Taking risks, learning to take care: Perspectives on risk-taking and ethical awareness. Erindi á The Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Education (AME). Chicago, USA. Nov. 7-10, 2002.

Parenting styles and adolescent substance use. Conference theme: Ungdomar, vuxna och rusmedel i Norden á vegum NAD. Helsinki, 24.-25. okt. 2002.

The challenging process of preparing education professionals to promote citizenship awareness. Conference theme: Future citizens in Europe.  - The Fourth European Conference á vegum Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe). Budapest, Hungary, May 16-18, 2002.

Adolescent psychosocial maturity and “drinking:” A longitudinal Study. The Ninth Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), New Orleans, April 11-15, 2002.

Promoting citizenship awareness: Students’ social and moral growth. The Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, April 1-5, 2002.


Cultivating respect in human relationships: The school setting.Cultivating respect in human relationships: The school setting. Conference theme: Learning for a Democratic Europe - The Third European Conference á vegum Children's Identity & Citizenship in Europe. Brugge, Belgium, May 9-12, 2001.

Adolescent Psychosocial Maturity and their Substance Use: Quantitative

and qualitative findings of a longitudinal study. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Developmental and Psychology, Risk and Prevention Program. April, 2001.


Who wants to employ a bossy loudmouth: Teacher’s pedagogical vision and strategies when promoting students’ self-perceptions and social awareness. The Second European Conference. Conference theme:  Curricula for Citizenship in Europe: The Role of Higher Education. Athena, Greece, May 3-6, 2000. With Eyrún María Rúnarsdóttir.

Cultivating respect in human relationships. Iceland 2000. Conference theme: Faith in the Future, The Common task of Religion and Science in the New Millenium.

International conference in Reykjavík and Thingvellir, Iceland. July 5-8, 2000.

Adolescent Antisocial Behavior and Substance Use: Concurrent and Longitudinal Analyses. Poster session presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, USA. March 30 – April 2, 2000. With Fjölvar D. Rafnsson.


Tracing the professional development of teachers as they foster students’ social competence. The First European Conference. Conference theme: Social, Political, and Economic Learning and Understanding within the European Context, University of North London, United Kingdom, May 12-15 1999.

Listening to the personal meaning adolescents make of drinking: Quantitative and Qualitative analyses of longitudinal data. The 15th Nordic Concerence on Social Medicine. Rvík: HÍ., June, 1999.

"I Feel I Have Received a New Vision:" An Analysis of Teachers' Professional Development as They Work with Students on Interpersonal Issues. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Developmental and Psychology. Nov., 1999.

Parenting styles and adolescent substance use: Concurrent and longitudinal analyeses. Poster session presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM, USA. With Leifur G. Hafsteinsson. April, 1999.


Parenting styles and adolescent substance use:  Concurrent and longitudinal analyses.  Conference theme:: Prevention, Youth Culture and Drugs, sem haldin er á vegum NAD (Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research), Kaupmannahöfn. Nov, 1998.

Risk and relationships: The challenges of adolesence.  (Plenary Speaker): The Sixth Nordic Youth Research  Symposium, Reykjavík. June, 1998.


"I feel I have received a new  vision:" An analysis of teachers' professional development as they work with students on interpersonal issues. AERA The Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, March 24-28, 1997

Teachers' professional development. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Developmental and Psychology. Dec., 1997.


Reflective teaching: A developmental perspective. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Developmental and Psychology. Dec., 1996.

Interpersonal competence and skills. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Developmental and Psychology. April, 1996.

"I Feel I Have Received a New  Vision:" Teachers' Professional Development as They Work with Students on Interpersonal Issues. Poster session presented at the 26th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Philadelphia, USA. June, 1996.

Preliminary Validation of a Questionnaire Measure of Adolescent Interpersonal Development and Risky Behavior. Poster session presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Boston, USA.  With Lynn H. Schultz og Robert L. Selman. March, 1996.


Fostering Students' Socio-Moral Growth in Iceland:From Philosophical Ideas through Psychological Research to Educational Practice. The 2nd International Conference on Moral Education. Conference theme: In Search of Moral Education in

the 21st Century The Institute of Moralogy (IOM) Reitaku University, Kashiwa city, Japan. August, 1995

Let's Discuss Instead of Disputing:  Social-Cognitive Development in the Classroom.  The 25th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Berkely, Cal. June, 1995.


I know that you know that I know: Prevention and Intervention Programs. Harvard University, School of Education, Department of Human Developmental and Psychology. Dec., 1994.


Social development in the schools. Harvard University, School of Education, Department of Human Developmental and Psychology. Dec., 1993.

Interpersonal Negotiation Strategies in School Children: The Role of Social-Withdrawal, Anxiety, and Locus of Control. Poster session presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for

Research in Child Development (SRCD), New Orleans. March, 1993


Fostering Children's Social-Cognitive Growth:  Tracing the Effects of Teacher-Student Interactions in the Classroom.The 22nd Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Montreal, Kanada.  Symposium: "Development and Socialization:  A Cognitive Developmental View of the Emergence of Individual Differences." May, 1992.

Children's Interpersonal Negotiation Strategies: An Intervention Study. University of California, Santa Barbara, School of Education and Psychology. April, 1992.


How Children Negotiate with Classmates and Teachers: Development in Thought, Action, and Style. Poster. The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Seattle. April, 1991.


Fostering Children's Social Conflict Resolutions in the Classroom:  A Developmental Approach. Conference theme: Research on Effective and Responsible Teaching.  Svitzerland, Fribourg. Sept., 1990.


Social-conflict resolutions in the classroom: Teachers' perspectives. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Developmental and Psychology. April, 1989.

Children's Perspectives on Conflicts between Student and Teacher: Developmental and Situational Variations. Poster: "Social Conflicts":  The Tenth Biennial Meetings of ISSBD, Jyvaskyla, Finland. July, 1989.


The Conception of Preconventional Morality: Some Further Doubts. The 17th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Philadelphia.  With Monika Keller & Karin von Rosen. June, 1987.

Children's voices in how to resolve communicative conflicts in school settings: Relating psychological research and educational implications. The Annual Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship,  Reykjavík. July, 1987.

Hurt Feelings and Unfulfilled  Expectations in the Classroom: How Children Deal with the Criticism of Teachers and Classmates. Symposium: "Emotions and Relation-

ships".  The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), With Robert L. Selman. April, 1987.