Íslensk þjóðfélagsþróun 1880-1990. Ritgerðir. Eds. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson and Svanur Kristjánsson. Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun og Sagnfræðistofnun H.Í., 1993 [Development of Icelandic Society 1880-1990. Essays].
Historical Dictionary of Iceland. A volume in European Historical Dictionaries. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1997.
Nations and Nationalism in Historical Perspective. Eds. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson and Ann-Katherine Isaacs. Pisa: Edizoni Plus, 2001.
Íslenska þjóðríkið – uppruni og endimörk Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2001 [The Icelandic Nation-State – Origins and Limits].
Lennart Berntson, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, and Henrik Jensen, Europa 1800–2000. Frederiksberg: Roskilde University Press.
Racial Discrimination and Ethnicity in Historical Perspective. Ed. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson. Pisa: Edizioni Plus, 2003.
Lennart Berntson, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, and Henrik Jensen. Tusen år i Europa, 4th vol. 1800–2000. Lund: Historia Media, 2004.
Citizenship in Historical Perspective. Eds. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Ann-Katherine Isaacs, and Steven G. Ellis. Pisa: Edizoni Plus, 2006.
ΤαΈθνη-Κράτη στην Ευρωηαϊκή Ιστορία. Eds. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson and Ann-Katherine Isaacs. Athens, 2006.
Φυλετικές διακρίσες στην Ευρωπαϊκή Іστορία. Ed. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson. Athens, 2006.
Historical Dictionary of Iceland, 2nd ed. Historical Dictionaries of Europe, 66. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Discrimination and Tolerance in Historical Perspective. Ed. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson. Pisa: Edizioni Plus, 2008.
The A to Z of Iceland, The A to Z Guide Series, nr. 229. Lanham MD: Scarecrow Press, 2010 (republication of Historical Dictionaries of Europe, 66).
Πολιτε Στην Ευρωπη. Ritstjórar Steven G. Ellis, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson og Ann Katherine Isaacs. Aþena: Επικεντρο, 2010.
Devoloping EU-Turkey Dialogue: A CLIOHWORLD Reader. Ritstjórar Guðmundur Hálfdanarson og Hatice Sofu. Písa: Edizoni Plus, 2010.
(With Sigríður Matthíasdóttir and Magnús Guðmundsson) Aldarsaga Háskóla Íslands1911–2011. Gunnar Karlsson, ed. Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 2011 [The Centenary History of the University of Iceland].
“Mannfall í Móðuharðindum,” in Gísli Ág. Gunnlaugsson, ed., Skaftáreldar 1783-1784. Ritgerðir og heimildir (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 1984), pp. 139-162 [“Demographic Crisis during the Famine of the Mist.” Skaftár-Eruption 1783-1784. Essays and Sources].
“Takmörkun giftinga eða einstaklingsfrelsi: Íhaldssemi og frjálslyndi á fyrstu árum hins endurreista alþingis,” Tímarit Máls og menningar 47 (Nov. 1986), pp. 457-468 [“Limits on Marriages or Individual Liberty: Conservatism and Liberalism in the First Years after the Restoration of Althingi.” Journal of Language and Culture].
“Börn — höfuðstóll fátæklingsins?” Saga 24 (1986), pp. 121-146 [“Children — the Poor Man's Capital?” History].
“Aðdragandi iðnbyltingar á 19. öld,” in Guðmundur Jónsson, ed., Iðn-bylting á Íslandi. Umsköpun atvinnulífs um 1880 til 1940 (Reykjavík: Sagnfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands, 1987), pp. 24-32 [“The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Iceland.” The Industrial Revolution in Iceland. The Transformation of the Icelandic Economy from around 1880 to 1940].
“Frelsi er ekki sama og frjálshyggja,” Ný saga 3 (1989), pp. 4-11 [“Freedom is not the Same as Liberalism.” New History].
“Verði ljós! Af baráttu upplýsingarmanna við myrkramenn og ljós-hatara,” Skírnir 166 (Spring, 1992), pp. 194-210. [“Let There Be a Light! On the Struggle of the Men of Enlightenment Against the Friends of Darkness.” Skírnir].
““Kemur sýslumanni [það] nokkuð við …?” Um þróun ríkisvalds á Íslandi á 19. öld,” Saga 31 (1993), pp. 7-31 [““Is That of Any Concern to the County Judge?”: On the Development of the Modern State in Nineteenth Century Iceland.” History].
“Biskupasögur hinar nýju: Um ævisögur fjögurra stjórnmálamanna,” Saga 31 (1993), pp. 167-190 [“The Modern Saint Lives: On Biographies of Four Politicians.” History].
“Íslensk þjóðfélagsþróun á 19. öld,” in Guðmundur Hálfdanarson and Svanur Kristjánsson, eds., Íslensk þjóðfélagsþróun 1880-1990. Ritgerðir (Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun and Sagnfræðistofnun H.Í., 1993), pp. 9-58. [“The Nineteenth-Century Social Development in Iceland.” Development of Icelandic Society 1880-1990. Essays].
“Kalt stríð. Samskipti félagsfræði og sagnfræði,” Sagnir 14 (1993), pp. 11-13 [“Cold War. Relations Between Sociology and History.” Histories]
“Ferð til fullveldis.” Sagnir 15 (1994), pp. 50-54. [“The Road to Sovereignty,” Histories]
“Er íslensk söguendurskoðun útflutingshæf?” In Elín Bára Magnúsdóttir and Úlfar Bragason, eds. Ímynd Íslands (Reykjavík: Stofnun Sigurðar Nordals, 1994), pp. 93-105. [“Can the Icelandic Historical Revision be Exported?” In The Image of Iceland]
“Íslensk söguendurskoðun.” Saga 33 (1995), pp. 62-67 [“The Revision of Icelandic History,” History]
“Social Distinctions and National Unity: On Politics of Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Iceland.” History of European Ideas 21 (6, November 1995), pp. 763-79.
“Hvað gerir Íslendinga að þjóð? Nokkrar hugleiðingar um uppruna og eðli þjóðernis.” Skírnir 170 (vor 1996), pp. 7-31. [What Makes Icelanders a Nation?, History].
“Þjóðhetjan Jón Sigurðsson,“ Andvari 1997,122, nýr flokkur XXXIX, pp. 40-62. [The National Hero Jón Sigurðsson].
Den Store Danske Encyclopædi, general ed. Jørn Lund. Copenhagen, Danmarks national leksikon.[The Danish National Encyclopedia]
6th vol., 1996: “Finnbogadóttir, Vigdís, og “Folkealliancen.”
7th vol., 1997: “Fremskridtspartiet,” “Gásar,” “Gíslason, Gylfi Þ.,” and “Grímsson, Ólafur Ragnar.”
8th vol., 1997: “Gröndal, Benedikt,” “Guðmundsson, Valtýr,” “Gutt-ormsson, Hjörleifur,” “Hafnarfjörður,” “Hafstein, Hannes,” “Hafstein, Jóhann,” “Hallgrímsson, Geir,” “Hermannsson, Steingrímur,” “Hlíðarendi,” and “Hólar.”
9th vol., 1997: “Island: politiske partier,” “Island: Historie,” and “Islands socialdemokratiske parti”.
10th vol. 1998: Jóhannesson, Ólafur; Jónasson, Hermann; Jónsson, Björn; Jónsson, Jónas; Keflavík.
11th vol. 1998: Det islandske kvindeparti; landnam.
12th vol. 1998: Magnússon, Jón; Magnússon, Skúli.
13th vol. 1999: Michael;
14th vol. 1999: Ólafsson, Árni; Ólafsson, Arnljótur; Ólafsson, Eggert; Pálsson, Ögmundur.
16th vol. “Reykholt“, “Reykjavík, historie“.
17th vol. “Sósíalistaflokkurinn“, “Skule Bårdsson“, “Skálholt“, “Skallagrímsson, Egil“, “Sigurðsson, Jón“, “Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn“.
18th vol. “Stephensen, Magnús,“ “Stephensen, Magnús,“ “Stefánsson, Stefán Jóhann.“
19th vol. “Þingvellir“; “Þórðarson, Björn“, “Þórðarson, Þorleifur“, “Þórðr kakali“, “Thoroddsen, Gunnar“, “Thoroddsen, Skúli“, “Thors, Ólafur“`.
“Staða rannsókna á sviði 18. aldar fræða. Sagnfræði,” Vefnir. Tímarit Félags um átjándu aldar fræði 1(apríl 1998). [“The Status of Research in 18th Century Studies. History.” Appeared in an on-line journal, Vefnir,]
“Þjóð og minningar”, Íslenska söguþingið 28.-31. maí 1997. Ráðsstefnurit 1. vol. (Reykjavík: Sagnfræðistofnun H.Í. and Sagnfræðingafélag Íslands, 1998), pp. 354-355 [“History and Memory,” The Icelandic Historical Congress].
“Fullveldi fagnað”, Ný saga 10 (1998), pp. 57-65 [“Sovereignty Celebrated,” New History].
“Defining the Modern Citizen: Debates on Civil and Political Elements of Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century Iceland,” Scandinavian Journal of History 24 (1999), pp. 103-116.
“Hver á sér fegra föðurland. Staða náttúrunnar í íslenskri þjóðernisvitund.” Skírnir 173 (1999), pp. 304-336 [“Who Has a More Majestic Fatherland. The Vision of Nature in Icelandic National Identity,” Skírnir].
“Guðfeður íslensks flokkakerfis: Jón Þorláksson, Jónas frá Hriflu og stjórnmálahugsjónir nýrra tíma.” Andvari 1999, 124, nýr flokkur, 41, pp. 79-102 [“The Godfathers of the Icelandic Party System. Jón Thorláksson, Jónas from Hrifla and Modern Political Ideology,” Andvari].
“Þingvellir: An Icelandic ‘lieu de memoire’, History and Memory 12 (1, 2000), pp. 5–29.
“Iceland: A Peaceful Secession.” Scandinavian Journal of History 25 (2000), pp. 87–100.
“Rannsóknir í menningar- og hugmyndasögu 19. og 20. aldar“, Saga 38 (2000), pp. 187-205 [“Research in Cultural and Intellectual History in Iceland in 19th and 20th Century” History].
“Sigurðsson, Jón“, í John Powell, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Literary Influences. The Nineteenth Century, 1800–1914 (Westport, 2000), pp. 380–382.
“Til móts við nútímann.“ In Ágústa Þorbergsdóttir, ed., Kristni á Íslandi. Útgáfumálaþing á Akureyri 15. apríl 2000 og Reykjavík 23. október 2000 (Reykjavík: Skrifstofa Alþingis, 2001), pp. 133–138 [“Toward Modernity”, Christianity in Iceland].
“To Become a Man: The Ambiguities of Gender Relations in late 19th and early 20th Century Iceland,“ í Ann-Katherine Isaacs, ed., Political Systems and Definitions of Gender Roles (Pisa: Edizioni Plus, 2001), pp. 43–51.
“Icelandic Nationalism: A Non-Violent Paradigm?“ Í Guðmundur Hálfdanarson og Ann-Katherine Isaacs, ed., Nations and Nationalities in Historical Perspective (Pisa: Edizioni Plus, 2001), pp. 1–14.
“Gamli sáttmáli – frumsamningur íslensks ríkisvalds?“ í Garðar Gíslason o.fl. ed., Líndæla. Sigurður Líndal sjötugur. 2. júlí 2001 (Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2001), pp. 181–194 [“The Old Covenant – the Original Icelandic Social Contract?”, Líndæla].
In Bernard A. Cook, ed., Europe Since 1945. An Encyclopedia (New York: Garland, 2001): Asgeirsson, Asgeir, pp. 53; Björnsson, Sveinn, pp. 129; Benediktsson, Bjarni, pp. 107–8; Cod Wars, pp. 206–207; Eldjarn, Kristjan, pp. 328; Finnbogadottir, Vigdis, pp. 385–386; Grimsson, Olafur Ragnar, pp. 541–2; Hallgrimsson, Geir, pp. 555; Hermannsson, Steingrimur, pp. 566; Iceland, pp. 603–9; Johannesson, Olafur, 695; Laxness, Halldor, 776; Oddsson, David, pp. 947; Palsson, Thorsteinn, pp. 960; Thoroddsen, Gunnar, pp. 1250.
With Loftur Guttormsson and Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, “Ungbarna- og barnadauði á Íslandi 1750–1950. Nokkrar rannsóknarniðurstöður”, Saga 39 (2001), pp. 51–107 [“Child- and Infant Mortality in Iceland 1750–1950” in History]
“Iceland and Europe,“ í Luis Beltrán, J. Maestro og L. Salo-Lee, ed., European Peripheries in Interaction. The Nordic Countries and the Iberian Peninsula (Alcalá: Universidad de Alcalá, 2002), pp. 333–348.
“Sameiginlegar minningar og tilvist íslenskrar þjóðar,“ í Erla Hulda Halldórsdóttir, ed. 2. íslenska söguþingið. Ráðstefnurit 2. vol. (Reykjavík: Sagnfræðingafélag Íslands, Sögufélag og Sagnfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2002), pp. 302–318 [“Collective Memories and the Existence of the Icelandic Nation”, 2nd Icelandic Historical Congress].
“Frá stétt til þjóðar – játningar endurskoðunarsinna,“ í Loftur Guttormsson o. fl. ed., Íslenskir sagnfræðingar, seinna bindi, Viðhorf of rannsóknir (Reykjavík: Mál og mynd, 2002), pp. 215–225 [“From Class to Nation – Confessions of a Revisionist”, Approaches and Research].
“The Nordic Area: from Competition to Cooperation,“ í Steven Ellis, ed., Empires and States in Historical Perspective (Písa: Plus, 2002), pp. 83–93.
““Eigi víkja!“ Þjóðernisvitund og pólitísk menning Íslendinga,“ í Turíð Sigurðardóttir og Magnús Snædal, ed., Frændafundur 4, Smáþjóðamenning í alþjóðasamfélagi (Torshavn: Föroya Fróskaparfelag, 2002), pp. 11-25 [““No Compromise!” Nationalism and Icelandic Political Culture”, Meeting of Friends. Culture of Small Nations in International Society].
“Hvað er (ó)eðli?“, Saga 41 (1, 2003), pp. 165-173 [“What is (un)natural?”, History].
“Language, Ethnicity and Nationalism in Europe: the Case of Iceland,“ in Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Racial Discrimination and Ethnicity in European History (Pisa, 2003), pp. 193–203.
“From Enlightened Patriotism to Romantic Nationalism: The Political Thought of Eggert Ólafsson and Tómas Sæmundsson.“ In Svavar Sigmundsson, ed., Norden och Europa 1700-1830 (Reykjavík, 2003), pp. 59–73.
“Handritamálið – endalok íslenskrar sjálfstæðisbaráttu?“, Gripla XIII (1993), pp. 175–196 [The Manuscript Debate – The End of the Icelandic Struggle for Independence?].
“Discussing Europe: Icelandic Nationalism and European Integration.” In B. Thorhallsson, ed., Iceland: The Reluctant Member of Europe (London: Routledge, 2004), pp. 128–144.
“Sustaining Economic Development or Preserving Nature? Environmental Politics in Iceland,” in Göran Bolin et al., eds, The Challenge of the Baltic Sea Region. Culture, Ecosystems, Democracy (Huddinge: Södertörn University College, 2005), pp. 189–2005.
(With Unnur B. Karlsdóttir), “Náttúrusýn og nýting fallvatna. Umræða um virkjanir og náttúruvernd á síðari hluta 20. aldar,” in Sigrún Pálsdóttir, ed., Landsvirkjun 1965–2005. Fyrirtækið og umhverfi þess (Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2005), pp. 165–199 [“Visions of Nature and the Use of Hydro-electric Power”, in The Icelandic Power Compnay 1965–2005. The Company and Its Environment].
“Kosningaréttur kvenna og afmörkun borgararéttar – umræður um þátttöku og útilokun í íslenskum stjórnmálum,” in Auður Styrkársdóttir and Kristín Ástgeirsdóttir, eds., Kosningaréttur kvenna 90 ára. Erindi frá málþingi 20. maí 2005 [Women’s Franchise and the Definition of Citizenship – Discussions of Participation and Exclusion in Icelandic Politics, in Women’s Franchise in 90 Years] (Reykjavík: The Women’s History Collection and the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Iceland, 2005), pp. 22–41.
“Sala Skálholtsjarða. Fyrsta uppboð ríkiseigna á Íslandi, 1785–1798,“ [Selling the Skálholt Farms. The First Auction of State Property in Iceland] Saga 43 (2, 2005), pp. 71–97.
“From Linguistic Patriotism to Cultural Nationalism: Language and Identity in Iceland.” In Languages and Identities in Historical Perspective, Ann Katherine Isaacs, ed. (Pisa: Plus, 2005), pp. 55–66.
“Language, Identity and Political Integration. Iceland in the Age of Enlightenment,” in Harald Gustafsson and Hanne Sanders, eds., Vid gränsen. Integration och identiteter i det förnationella Norden [in At the Borders. Integration and Identities in the pre-National Nordic Countries] (Gothenburg: Makadam and Centre for Danish Studies, the University of Lund, 2006), pp. 230–247.
“From One, to Two, to Five: On the break-up of political unions in the Nordic region,” Scandinavian Journal of History 31 (3–4, 2006), pp. 201–204.
“Severing the Ties – Iceland’s Journey from a Union with Denmark to a Nation-State,” Scandinavian Journal of History 31 (3–4, 2006), pp. 237–254.
“Collective Memory, History, and National Identity,” in Ástráður Eysteinsson, ed. The Cultural Reconstruction of Places (Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 2006), pp. 83–100.
(With Ólafur Rastrick), “Culture and the Construction of the Icelander in the 20th Century,” in Jonathan Osmond and Ausma Cimdiņa, eds. Power and Culture: Hegemony, Interaction and Dissent (Pisa: Plus, Pisa University Press, 2006), pp. 101–117.
(With Ann Katherine Isaacs and Steven G. Ellis), “Introduction,” in Steven G. Ellis, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson and Ann-Katherine Isaacs, eds., Citizenship in Historical Perspective (Pisa: Plus, Pisa University Press, 2006), pp. XI–XX.
“Εισαγωγή,” in Guðmundur Hálfdanarson ed., Φυλετικές διακρίσες στην Ευρωπαϊκή Іστορία (Athens, 2006), pp. 19–23.
“Γλώσσα, Εθνικότητα και Εθνικισμός: Η περίπτωση της Ισλανδίας,” in Guðmundur Hálfdanarson ed., Φυλετικές διακρίσες στην Ευρωπαϊκή Іστορία (Athens, 2006), pp. 377–396.
“Εισαγωγή,” in Ann-Katherine Isaacs and Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, eds., ΤαΈθνη-Κράτη στην Ευρωηαϊκή Ιστορία (Athens, 2006), pp. 17–22.
“Ο ισλανδυκός εθνικισμός: ένα παράδειγμα μη βίας,” in Ann-Katherine Isaacs and Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, eds., ΤαΈθνη-Κράτη στην Ευρωηαϊκή Ιστορία (Athens, 2006), pp. 23–46.
"Udvikilng af national identitet i Island,“ Udenrigs 61 (2, 2006), pp. 21–35 [Development of national identity in Iceland. Foreign affairs].
“From Dependence to Sovereignty : The Two Sides of the Icelandic Struggle for Independence,“ Revue d’histoire Nordique – Nordic Historical Review 3 (April 2007), pp. 113–127.
“Goðsagnir íslenskrar sjálfstæðisbaráttu,” in Benedikt Eyþórsson and Hrafnkell Lárusson, eds., Þriðja íslenska söguþingið 18.–21. maí 2006 (Reykjavík: Aðstandendur Þriðja íslenska söguþingsins, 2007), pp. 407–419. [“The Myths of the Icelandic Struggle for Independence,” in The Third Icelandic Historical Congress, 18–21 May 2006].
“Glatast fullveldið við inngöngu í Evrópusambandið?” Ný staða Íslands í utanríkismálum. Tengsl við önnur Evrópulönd [Will Sovereignty Be Lost with the Entrance into the EU? Iceland’s New Position in Foreign Affairs. The Relations to Other European Countries], Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir, ed. (Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, 2007), pp. 123–133.
“‘Leirskáldunum á ekkji að vera vært‘. Um þjóðlega menningu og íslenska endurreisn,” Skírnir 181 (autumn, 2007), pp. 327–340 ["The bad poets should not be tolerated." On national culture and Icelandic resurrection"].
"Tómas Sæmundsson – trú, sannleikur, föðurland,“ Saga 45 (haust, 2007), bls. 45–70 [Tómas Sæmundsson – faith, hope and fatherland].
“Hrein tunga og hraustir líkamar“, in Fjöregg. Rit til heiðurs Eggerti Þór Bernharðssyni fimmtugum [Pure Language and Healthy Bodies, Festschrift to Eggert Þór Bernharðsson], Guðjón Ingi Hauksson, et al eds. (Reykjavík, 2008), pp. 18–21.
"Íslenskar fjölskyldur undir lok 18. aldar. Hugleiðingar um gildi „fjölsögurannsókna“,“ in Menntaspor. Rit til heiðurs Lofti Guttormssyni sjötugum [Icelandic Families during the Late 18th Century. Reflections on the Value of Macrohistory, Menntaspor. A Festschrift to Loftur Guttormsson], Dóra S. Bjarnason, et al eds. (Reykjavík, 2008), pp. 269–290.
“Viewing the Antipode: Lebanon Seen from Iceland.“ In Chibli Mallat and Davíð Þór Björgvinsson, eds., L‘ Islande et le Liban: Antipodes de l‘ EU – Iceland and Lebanon: Antipodes of the EU (Brussel: Bruylant, 2008), pp. 43–64.
““Værsågod, Flatøbogen“, Håndskriftsagen og afslutningen på Islands kamp for selvstændighed,“ in Søren Mentz, ed., Rejse gennem Islands historie – den danske forbindelse [“Here you are, The Book of Flatey”: The manuscript debates and the end of the Icelandic struggle for independence, in A journey through Icelandic history – the Danish connection] (Copenhagen: Gad, 2008), pp. 163–179.
“Private Spaces and Private Lives: Privacy, Intimacy, and Culture in Icelandic 19th-Century Rural Homes“, í Pieter François, Taina Syrjämaa, Henri Terho ritstj., Power and Culture: New Perspectives on Spatiality in European History (Písa: Edizioni Plus, 2008), bls. 109–124.
“En glæmt union: Island og opløsningen af den danske helstat,” Noter [A forgotten union: Iceland and the dissolution of the Danish conglomerate state, in Notes] no. 178 (Sept. 2008), pp. 11–17.
"Introduction", in Discrimination and Tolerance in Historical Perspective. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, ed. (Pisa: Edizoni Plus, 2008), pp. XI–XVIII.
"Þjóð á nýjum stað“, in Sturlaðar sögur sagðar Úlfari Bragasyni sextugum (Reykjavík: Menningar og minningarsjóður Mette Magnussen, 2009), pp. 16–19.
""Stöndum sem einn veggur gegn öllu erlendu valdi“. Hugleiðingar um söguskoðun og íslenska fullveldispólitík“, in Heimtur. Ritgerðir til heiðurs Gunnari Karlssyni sjötugum (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2009), pp. 146–159.
"Rannsóknir í menningar- og hugmyndasögu 19. og 20. aldar", in Guðmundur J. Guðmundsson, Guðmundur Jónsson og Sigurður Ragnarsson, eds., Íslensk sagnfræði á 20. öld (Reykjavík: Sögfélag, 2009), bls. 187–205.
"Safnahúsið – Varðkastali og forðabúr íslenskrar þjóðernistilfinningar?", in Safnahúsið, 1909–2009, Þjóðmenningarhúsið, Eggert Þór Bernharðsson, ed. (Reykjavík: Þjóðmenningarhúsið, 2009), pp. 50–61.
"Hver erum við? Um „okkur“, „hin“, Icesave og ábyrgð þjóðar“, Saga XLVII:2 (2009), bls. 158–174 [Who are we? On "us", "the other", Icesave and national responsibility].
„Ímyndir – sjálfsmyndir: Hvernig mynda þjóðir sér söguskoðun?“[Images – identities: How do nations construct their historiical narratives?] Sagnir 29 (2009), bls. 6-7.
"Why a Scandinavian Journal of History?“, Scandinavian Journal of History 35/1 (2010), bls. 1–2.
“Iceland”, in Ilaria Porciani and Lutz Raphael eds., Atlas of European Historiography. The Making of a Profoession 1800–2005 (Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave/ Macmillan, 2010), p. 72.
(With Niyazi Kizilyürek) “Two Islands of History: ‘History Wars’ in Cyprus and Iceland,” in Cana Bilsel, Kim Esmark, Niyazi Kizilyürek and Ólafur Rastrick, eds., Constructing Cultural Identity. Representing Social Power (Písa: Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press, 2010), pp. 1–17.
“Sagan og sjálfsmynd(ir) þjóðar“, Glíman 7 (2010), pp. 113–135 [History and national identity/ies”].
„Interpreting the Nordic Past: Icelandic Medieval Manuscripts and the Construction of a Modern Nation“, in R.J.W. Evans and Guy P. Marchal eds., The Uses of the Middle Ages in Modern European States. History, Nationhood and the Search for Origins (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. 52–71.
“‘The Beloved War‘. The Second World War and the Icelandic National Narrative”, in Henrik Stenius, Mirja Österberg and Johan Östling eds. Nordic Narratives of the Second World War. National Historiographies Revisited (Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2011), pp. 79–100.
“University of Iceland. A Citizen of the Respublica Scientiarum or a Nursery for the Nation?” in: Pieter Dhondt, ed., National, Nordic or European? Nineteenth-century university jubilees and Nordic Cooperation (Leiden: Brill 2011), pp. 285–312.
“Evrópusamruninn og þjóðríkin”, Ritið 11:3 (2011), pp. 25-47. [European Integration and the Nation States.]
“Icelandic Modernity and the Role of Nationalism”. In: Jóhann Páll Árnason and Björn Wittrock, eds., Nordic Paths to Modernity (New York: Berghan Books, 2012), pp. 251–273.
“The Occupation Years – Documenting a forgotten war”. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 2 (2012), pp. 249–255.
“Var Ísland nýlenda?” [Was Iceland a colony?]. Saga 52:1 (2014), pp. 42–75.
“Iceland Perceived: Nordic, European or a Colonial Other?”. In Lill-Ann Körber and Ebbe Volquardsen, eds., The Postcolonial North Atlantic. Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Berliner Beträge zur Skandinavistik, 20 (Berlín: Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt Universität, 2014), pp. 39–66 (2. ed. in open access:
(With Jón Karl Helgason) “Ímyndarvandi þjóðarpúkans. Um rannsóknir Kristjáns Jóhanns Jónssonar á Grími Thomsen” [The image problem of the nation's demon. On Kristján Jóhann Jónsson's studies on Grímur Thomsen]. Skírnir 189, spring (2015), pp. 142–164.
“Þjóðnýting menningararfs. Norræn miðaldamenning og sköpun nútímaþjóðernis”. In Ólafur Rastrick and Valdimar Hafstein, eds., Menningararfur á Íslandi. Greining og gagnrýni [Nationalization of cultural heritage. Nordic medieval culture and the creation of modern nationality. Cultural heritage in Iceland. Critical approaches] (Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, 2015), pp. 41–71.
“An English gentleman visits two 'rude islands': John Barrow Jnr in early nineteenth-century Iceland and Ireland”. In Christopher Maginn og Gerald Power, eds., Frontiers, states and identity in early modern Ireland and beyond. Essays in honour of Steven G. Ellis (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2016), pp. 205–220.
"'Are You Leaving, My Dear Friend!’ Iceland in the Time of Immigration to America", Mormon Historical Studies. 17:1-2 (2016), pp. 243–261.
“… í senn stórbrotin kona í gömlum stíl og ein af brautryðjendum hinna nýju kvenrjettinda”. Í Margar myndir ömmu. Konur og mótun íslensks samfélags á 20. öld, eds. Irma Erlingsdóttir, Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir, Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir og Sólveig Anna Bóasdóttir. Fléttur IV (Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, 2016), pp. 27–49 [Both an impressive women in the old style, and a trailblazer for the new women's rights. Many pictures of grandmother. Women and the shaping of Icelandic society in the 20th century].
(With Vilhelm Vilhelmsson), "Historische Diskriminierungsforschung". In Handbuch Diskriminierung, eds. Albert Scherr, Aladin El-Mafaalani og Emine Gökçen Yüksel (Wiesbaden: Springer, 2017), pp. 25–37.
““Fyrir Ísland og Íslendinga””, Saga 55:1 (2017), bls. 28-33 [For Iceland and Icelanders].
““Ísland sé fyrir Íslendinga.” Þegar fullveldið hélt innreið í íslenska stjórnmálaumræðu”. In Fullveldi í 99 ár. Safn ritgerða til heiðurs dr. Davíð Þór Björgvinssyni sextugum, ed. Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir (Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2017), pp. 51–70 [Iceland should be for Icelanders. When sovereignty entered the Icelandic political discourses. In: Sovereignty in 99 years].
“Hver er ég? Þjóðernisleg sjálfsmyndasköpun á tímum Sigurðar málara”. In Málarinn og menningarsköpun. Sigurður Guðmundsson og Kvöldfélagið 1858–1874, eds. Karl Aspelund and Terry Gunnell (Reykjavík: Opna og Þjóðminjasafn Íslands), pp. 29–64 [Who am I? National identity formation in the times of Sigurður the Painter. In: The Painter and cultural creation. Sigurður Guðmundsson and the Kvöldfélag, 1858–1874].
“Saga fullveldishugtaksins frá frjálsu fullveldi konungs til fullveldis þjóðar”. In Frjálst og fullvalda ríki. Ísland 1918–2018, ed. Guðmundur Jónsson (Reykjavík: Sögufélag, 2018), pp. 27–58 [The concept of sovereignty from the king's free sovereignty to national sovereignty. In Free and sovereign state. Iceland 1918–2018].
“‘Adskillelse vil betyde Islands Ødelæggelse’: islandsk selvstændighedspolitik og adskillelse fra Det danske Rige”, [“Separation will mean the Destruction of Iceland”: Icelandic independence-politics and separation from the Kingdom of Denmark], Politica 51:4 (2019), pp. 423–440.
“Alheimsbókasafn?”, [A Universal Library?], Saga 58:1 (2020), pp. 27–32.
“Danskar Atlantshafseyjar?”, [Danish Atlantic Islands?]. In Til Auðar. Afmælisrit Auðar Hauksdóttur sjötugrar, ed. Gísli Magnússon (Reykjavík: The Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute, 2020), pp. 59–65.
(With conribution from Kirsten Thisted), “The Specter of an Empire”. In Denmark and the New North Atlantic. Narratives and Memories in a Former Empire, 1st vol., eds. Kirsten Thisted og Ann-Sophie Gremaud (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2020), pp. 93–177.
(With Malan Marnersdóttir, Ann-Sophie Gremaud and Kirsten Thisted), “Sovereignty, Constitutions and National Resources”. In Denmark and the New North Atlantic. Narratives and Memories in a Former Empire, 2nd vol., eds. Kirsten Thisted og Ann-Sophie Gremaud (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2020), pp. 199–279.
“The Icelandic National Narrative and World War II: 'Freedom and Culture'”. In Nordic War Stories: World War II as History, Fiction, Media, and Memory, ed. Marianne Stecher-Hansen (New York: Berghahn Books, 2021), pp. 65–80.
“Það sem fagurt er og skáldlegt: Átök um bókmenntasmekk og virðingu íslenskrar þjóðar". In Nation som kvalitet. Smak, offentligheter och folk i 1800-talets Norden, eds. Anna Bohlin and Elin Stensgrundet (Bergen: Alvheim og Eide Akademisk forlag, 2021), pp. 155-172 [The beautiful and poetic. Conflict on literary taste and the respect for the Icelandic nation. In Nation as a quality. Taste, the public and the people in the 19th century].
“Det som er fagert og poetisk: Strid om det islandske folks litterære smak og heder”. (Norwegian translation of the article above), pp. 173-190.
(With Baldur Þórhallsson), “Iceland's Smallness: Acceptance or Denial”. In The Politics of Smallness in Modern Europe: Size, Identity and International Relations since 1800, ed. Samuël Kruzinga (London: Bloomsbury, 2022), pp. 133-150.
“Grímur og þjóðernið”. In Feiknstafir. Ráðgátan Grímur Thomsen, eds. Sveinn Yngvi Egilsson and Þórir Óskarsson (Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2022), pp. 91-120 [Grímur and nationality. In Feiknstafir. Grímur Thomsen, the enigma].
“Saga – frá fróðleik til eiginlegrar sagnaritunar”, Saga 60:2 (2022), pp. 18–24.
With Simon Halink, “Andmæli við doktorsvörn Braga Þorgríms Ólafssonar”, Saga 60:2 (2022), pp. 181–196.
“Iceland in the Second World War”. In National Perspectives on the Global Second World War, ed. Ashley Jackson (Milton Park, Abington: Routledge, 2023), pp. 51-65.
(With Claudia Wieners), “More poison than words can describe”: what did people die of after the 1783 Laki eruption in Iceland?, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24:9 (2024), pp. 2971–2994 (doi:
Book Reviews
Elín Pálmadóttir, Fransí, biskví. Frönsku Islandssjómennirnir. Reykjavík: Almenna bókafélagið, 1990. Published in Saga 28 (1990), pp. 255-258.
Jón Hjaltason, Saga Akureyrar. I. bindi, 890-1862. Í landi Eyrarlands og Nausta. Akureyri: Akureyrarbær, 1990. Published in Saga 29 (1991), pp. 248-252.
Íslenskur söguatlas. 2. vol. Frá 18. öld til fullveldis. Editors: Árni Daníel Júlíusson, Jón Ólafur Ísberg and Helgi Skúli Kjartansson. Reykjavík: Iðunn, 1992. Published in Saga 30 (1992).
E. Paul Durrenberger, Dynamics of Medieval Iceland. Political Economy and Literature. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1992. Published in American Anthropologist 95 (Des. 1993), pp. 1040-1041.
Aðalgeir Kristjánsson, Endurreisn alþingis og þjóðfundurinn. Reykjavík: Sögufélagið, 1993. Published in Saga 32 (1994), pp. 292-296.
Harald Gustafsson, Political Integration in the Old Regime. Central Power and Local Society in the Eighteenth-Century Nordic States. Published in Saga 33 (1995).
Guðjón Friðriksson, Jón Sigurðsson. Ævisaga, 2 bd. (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2002–2003). Published in Saga 42 (2, 2004), pp. 238–243.
Einar Hreinsson, Nätverk och nepotism. Den regionala förvaltningen på Island 1770–1870. Gothenburg: The University of Gothenburg, 2003. Published in Saga 43 (1, 2004), pp. 217–223.
Birgir Hermannsson, Understanding Nationalism. Studies in Icelandic Nationalism 1800–2000. Stockholm: The University of Stockholm, 2005. Published in: Saga 44:2, 2006, pp. 228–232.
Gerard Delanty og Krishan Kumar, ritstj., The Sage Handbook of Nations and Nationalism. London: Sage, 2006. Published in: Saga 45 (2, 2007), pp. 235–236.
Margrét Gunnarsdóttir, Ingibjörg. Saga Ingibjargar Einarsdóttur, eiginkonu Jóns Sigurðssonar forseta. Reykjavík: Ugla, 2011. Published in Saga 50 (1, 2012), pp. 232–236.
Karen Oslund, Iceland Imagined: Nature, Culture, and Storytelling in the North Atlantic. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011. Published in Journal of World History 24 (2, 2013), pp. 465–468.
Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson, The history of Iceland. Santa Barbara: Greenwood, 2013. Published in Saga 52 (2, 2014), pp. 152–155.
Jon Røyne Kyllingstad and Thor Inge Rørvik. Universitetet i Oslo. 2. vol. 1870–1911. Vitenskapenes universitet. Oslo: UNIPUB, 2011. Published in Historisk tidsskrift (Norwegian) 93 (4, 2014), pp. 667–670.
Sigurjón Árni Eyjólfsson. Trú, von og þjóð. Sjálfsmynd og staðleysur. Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag. Published in Saga 53 (2, 2015), pp. 177–182.
Rósa Magnúsdóttir. Kristinn og Þóra: Rauðir þræðir. Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2021. Published in Saga 60 (1, 2022), pp. 244–249.
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“Fólksfjöldaþróun Íslands á 18. öld.” MA thesis in history from the University of Iceland, 1982 [The Population development in Iceland in the 18th Century].
“Old Provinces, Modern Nations: Political Responses to State-Integration in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century Iceland and Brittany.” Ph.D. thesis in history from Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 1991.