Inngangs fyrirlestrar

(2019). Nordic ECEC Policies: Principles and Practices. Fyrirlestur á vegum Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar á ráðstefnunni The Nordic Way: Early childhoood Education and Care. Held by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Oslo. March 26-27.

(2019). Children's and educators' views on belonging to a multicultural preschool community. Key-note fyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni Norsk barnehageforskningskoferanse 2019-Lek og samspill i den mangfoldige barnehagen. Held by Filiorum Research center. Stavanger 16-17 október.

(2018). Early Childhood Education in Iceland: Perspectives on continuity and transition. Invited presentation at University of Zagreb, December 6th 2018

(2017). Opportunities and Challenges in Icelandic Early Childhood Education. Key-note presentation at the conference celebrating 125 year of kindergarten teacher education in Finland. Helsinki October 20.

(2016). What have we learned on the methodology in studying young children perspectives? Key-note presentation at the International Research Workshop „studying young children‘s perspecives: Challenges and implications“ funded by the Israel Science Foundation. Held at Hebrew University of Jerusalem June 7-9

(2016). Childhood and transition: Are there happy stories? Key-note presentation at the conference International congress on childhood and adolescence – Perspectives on early childhood. Held by CICA – Nucleo Interdisciplinar da Crianca e do Adolescente. University of Azores, October 21-22.

(2015). Education and Care in Nordic Preschools: Perspectives of parents, children, and educators. Invited presentation at the ECE conference Transitions and Socialization in Early Childhood. Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité. November.

(2015). Continuity in Education: Perspectives from the North. Invited presentation University of Tokyo, Japan. February.

(2015). Early Childhood Education in Iceland. Invited presentation University of Fuoka, Japan. February .

(2013). Researching with young children: Examples from the North.  Invited presentation by Children and Youth Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. March 26th.

(2013). Researching with children about transition. Invited presentation by Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW Australia.

(2011). Contributing Factors in Policymaking in Early Childhood Education. Key-note presentation at the conference Nordic Early Childhood Education and Care – Effects and Challanges: Research, Practice, Policymaking. Oslo, May 1820.

(2011). Parents Perspectives on Early Childhood Education. Key-note presentation at the Symposium on Nordic Perspectives on Caring and Teaching in Early Childhood American –Scandinavian Foundation, New York, November 11-13, 2011

Research with children. Inngangs fyrirlestur á Annual conference of Early Childhood Australia National Conference, 29. september - 3. október, 2010. Adelaide, Australia.

Inngangs fyrirlestur á ráðstefnu Early Childhood in International Context at Univeristy of Tallin celebrating 40 year aniversary of early childhood education, Tallin 26. april 2008.

Bragð er að þá barnið finnur. Inngangs fyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni Rödd barnsins. Reykjavík, Borgarleikhúsið, 18 apríl, 2008.

Umhyggja á mótum leikskóla og grunnskóla. Inngangs fyrirlestur á Málþingi KHÍ: Maður brýnir mann, samskipti, umhyggja, samábyrgð. 18. og 19. október 2007.

Tengsl leikskóla og grunnskóla Inngangs fyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni  “Það er leikur að læra” Símey and University of Akureyri. 29.-30. september, 2006.

Lýðræði í leikskólastarfi. Inngangs fyrirlestur á Stofnþingi Samtaka áhugafólks um skólaþróun á Selfossi, 8. nóvember,2005.

Nýjar áherslur í leikskólastarfi – Kalla þær á breytingar á leikskóla-kennaramenntuninni. ´11.-12. ágúst, 2005.