Intenational Auto/Biography Association Call for Papers

Life-Writing: Imagining the Past, Present and Future From 9 to 12 June 2020, the 12th International Association for Biography and Autobiography (IABA) World Conference will take place in Turku, Finland. The main organizer is the research centre SELMA – Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory, University of Turku.

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Memory Studies Association Call for papers

Fourth Annual Memory Studies Association Conference University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 18-21 June 2020 The Memory Studies Association aims to provide the central forum for scholars and practitioners in the growing field of memory studies.  Our annual meeting thus includes contributions from all disciplines and practices in the field understood broadly and welcomes participants from every […]

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Sigurðar Nordals fyrirlestur

Norræna húsinu 14. september 2017, kl. 17. Á fæðingardegi dr. Sigurðar Nordals 14. september gengst stofnunin fyrir svokölluðum Sigurðar Nordals fyrirlestri. Að þessu sinni flytur Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir prófessor fyrirlestur sem nefnist Gleymska og geymd á stafrænum tímum. Aldrei fyrr hefur manneskjan getað geymt annað eins magn af upplýsingum sem fer jafn lítið fyrir. Hillumetrar af bókum og skjölum, bréfum og […]

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Call for Papers: Mnemonics 2017

The sixth Mnemonics: Network for Memory Studies summer school will be hosted by the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform from September 7-9, 2017 at Goethe University Frankfurt. Confirmed keynote speakers are Aleida Assmann (University of Konstanz), Andreas Huyssen (Columbia University, New York) and Anna Reading (King’s College London). For more info click here

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The Trouble with Memory II

The Iceland-Ireland Memory Studies Network will host a number of panels at the Humanities conference at the University of Iceland 13 - 14 March 2015. More details later.

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Ritið 1: 2013

Browse: Home / 2013 / April / Ritið:1/2013 um minni og gleymsku Ritið:1/2013 um minni og gleymsku Fyrsta hefti Ritsins á þessu ári er nú komið út og er þemað í þetta skipti „Minni og gleymska“. Heftið hefur að markmiði að varpa ljósi á hlutverk minnis og gleymsku á mismunandi sviðum. Orðræðan um minni og […]

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Cultural Representations of Trauma - Conference

EDDA-Centre of Excellence Institute of Research in Literature and Visual Arts University of Iceland 31. August – 1. September 2012 Cultural representations of trauma The conference aims to explore representations and processing of trauma in the literature and culture of different societies in the aftermath of traumatic events; such as civil war, occupation, economic crises. […]

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