Rannsóknar- og fagfélög

  • European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA)

I have been an active member of EECERA for over a decade. In 2006 I was the chair of the Annual Conference held in Reykjavik. I have been an active participant in two EECERA special interest groups and chair of the Children’s Perspective Sig. I was also elected to the EECERA board of trustees at the annual conference of the association in 2012.

  • Icelandic Early Childhood Research Association (FUM)

I was one of the founders of the association and served as the chair from 2004–2007.

  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Active member since 2000.

  • Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA)

Active member since 2000.

  • Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Active member since 2004.

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is a professional honorary society of  women educators. It was founded by 12 women in Austin, Texas in 1929. The Icelandic organization was founded in 1975. I have been active in the association both in Iceland and internationally. I was on the board of the Gamma chapter in Iceland and on the international "Educator's Award Committee".