
(2017). Values Education in Nordic Preschools: Basis of Education for Tomorrow. Paper presented at the conference Ideals and values in education and sports: Are we on the right track? Held by Höfði Reykjavik Peace Centre  Reykjavík, April 26.

(2017). Raddir foreldra. Paper presented at the conference Hvernig menntun þurfa 5 ára börn? Held by The Center for Research in Early Childhood Education, University of Iceland. Reykjavík, May 15.

(2017). Many levels of power in parent-preschool partnership. Paper presented at the 11th Bennial conference of the European Research Network about Parents and Education. Held at University of Roehampton, London, July 5-7.

(2017). Drawing and playing is not the same. Paper presented at the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA). Held at University of Aarhus, Copenhagen 23-25 March.(co-author Sara M. Ólafsdóttir)

(2017). Parent preschool partnership. Paper presented at the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA). Held at University of Aarhus, Copenhagen 23-25 March.(co-author Arna H. Jónsdóttir).

(2017). You need to own cats to be a part of the play: Icelandic preschool children challenge adult-initiated rules in play.  Paper presented at the European Early Childhood Research Association (EECERA). Bologna, August 29-September 1, (Co-author Sara M. Ólafsdóttir)

(2017). Challanges and advantages of collaborative action research in preschools.  Paper presented at the European Early Childhood Research Association (EECERA). Bologna, August 29-September 1, (Co-author Ingibjörg Ó. Sigurðardóttir).

(2017). Values lived and communicated in Nordic preschools.  Paper presented at the European Early Childhood Research Association (EECERA). Bologna, August 29-September 1, (Co-authors. Fuglesnes, Röthle, Johansson, Broström, Emilson, Puroila.)

(2015). SIGNALS verkefnið: Þátttaka barna, starfsfólks og foreldra [The SIGNAL project: Participation of children, educators, and parents]. Paper presented at Menntakvika. Reykjavík, October 3rd.

(2015). Preschool teachers in the eyes of children: Implications for continuity between school levels. Paper presented at EECERA conference in Barcelona. September 7-10. (co-presenter Hrönn Pálmadóttir).

(2015). Prioritized values in an Icelandic preschool. Paper presented at EECERA conference in Barcelona. September 7-10. (co-presenter Ingibjörg Sigurðardóttir).

(2010). Viðhorf barna til útiumhverfis skóla Veggspjald á Menntakviku 22 október, 2010  (meðhöfundar Kristín Norðdahl, Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson).

(2008). Umfjöllun fjölmiðla um skólabyrjun. Vísindavaka Rannís. Listasafn Reykjavíkur 26. september 2008.

(2007). Playschool Education in Reykjavík: Examples of Developmental Projects. (meðhöfundur Hildur Skarphéðinsdóttir). European Early Childhood Educational Research Association (EECERA), Prag, 29. ágúst – 1. september 2007.

(2007). Menntun ungra barna. Vísindavaka Rannís. Stefnumót við vísindamenn. Listasafn Reykjavíkur 28. september 2007.

(2004). Enhancing Transition from Preschool to School in Iceland. American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA) San Diego, 12. – 16. apríl, 2004.

(2004). Towards a Smooth Transition from Preschool to Primary School in Iceland. European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) Malta. 1.-4. september,  2004.

(2003). Að byrja í grunnskóla. Rannsókn á viðhorfum kennara. Rannsóknarstofnunar Kennaraháskóla Íslands, Rannsóknir-nýbreytni-þróun.  10.-11 október.

(2003). Bridging the Gap from Preschool to Primary School in Iceland. European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA). Glasgow,  3.-6. september, 2003.

(2002). Tvær hefðir – Tvær stefnur í kennslu yngri barna. Rannsóknarstofnunar Kennaraháskóla Íslands, May 29.

(2002). Þegar bjallan hringir eigum við að fara inn. Hugmyndir 5 ára barna um grunnskólann.Rannsóknarstofnunar Kennaraháskóla Íslands, 29. maí.

(2002). Hvað segja börnin um skólann? Rannsóknarstofnunar Kennaraháskóla Íslands, Rannsóknir-nýbreytni-þróun.  4. -5. október.