SE4HPC: Software Engineering for HPC (since 2017)

Software Engineering (SE) support is lacking or not used in the High-Performance Computing (HPC) Domain. This SE4HPC research project aims at mitigating this.

We start with surveying the current state of SE in HPC.
If you are part of the HPC community, please fill out the following survey:
Software Engineering for HPC survey

Further current work is in the following fields:

General HPC activities at University of Iceland's Computer Science Department are available on an extra web page.

Nordic High Performance Computing & Applications Workshop, 23-25 August 2017, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.


Helmut Neukirchen.
Software Engineering Challenges of the H2020 DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture.
Presentation at Computing Science Colloquium at University of Göttingen, November 7 2017, Göttingen, Germany

Facilitating Collaboration in High Performance Computing Projects with an Interaction Room.
The 4th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel Systems (SEPS 2017). Co-located with SPLASH 2017 as an ACM SIGPLAN-approved workshop.
October 23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada. DOI: 10.1145/3141865.3142467, ACM Digital Library 2017.