Fróðlegar upplýsingar um Niels Bohr, ævi hans, verk og áhrif, er meðal annars að finna á vefsíðu skjalasafnsins Niels Bohr Archive og einnig á sögusíðu Niels Bohr stofnunarinnar. Sjá einnig viðtöl á vefsíðu AIP (American Institute of Physics): Oral History Interviews.
A. Ýmsar erlendar ritsmíðar um Bohr og samtíð hans
- Aaserud, F., 1990: Redirecting Science: Niels Bohr, Philanthropy, and the Rise of Nuclear Physics.
- Aaserud, F. & J.L. Heilbron, 2013: Love, Literature and the Quantum Atom: Niels Bohr's 1913 Trilogy Revisited.
- Aaserud, F. & H. Kragh (ritstj.), 2013: One Hundred Years of the Bohr Atom: Proceedings from a Conference.
- Aaserud, F., 2020: Niels Bohr's Diplomatic Mission during and after World War Two.
- Bacciagaluppi, G. & A. Valentini, 2009: Quantum Theory at the Crossroads: Reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference.
- Bird, K. & M.J. Sherwin, 2005: American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer.
- Blædel, N., 1985: Harmoni og Frihed: Niels Bohr – En Biografi. Rhodos.
- Bohr, N., 1934: Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature.
- Bohr, N., 1958: Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge.
- Bohr, N., 1963: Essays 1958-1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge. Ritstj.: Aa. Bohr.
- Bohr, N., 1972-2008: Niels Bohr Collected Works 1-13. Ritstj.: L. Rosenfeld, E. Rüdinger & Finn Aaserud.
- Bohr, N., 2013-17: Filosofiske Skrifter I-IV.
- Bohr, T., 2013: Keeping Things Open.
- Bruun, L., F. Aaserud & H. Kragh (ritstj.), 2013: Bohr på ny.
- Cassidy, D.C., 1992: Uncertainty: The Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg.
- Cassidy, D.C., 2005: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the American Century.
- Cassidy, D.C., 2009: Beyond Uncertainty: Heisenberg, Quantum Physics, and the Bomb.
- Christmas-Møller, W., 1985: Niels Bohr og atomvåbnet. Vindrose.
- Crease, R.P. & C.C. Mann, 1996: The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Twentieth-Century Physics.
- Darrigol, O. et al. (ritstj.), 2013: Niels Bohr, 1913-2013.
- Dresden, M., 1987: H.A. Kramers: Between Tradition and Revolution.
- Faye, J., 2019: Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.
- Faye, J. & H. Folse (ritstj.), 2017: Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Physics: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives.
- Favrholdt, D., 2009: Filosoffen Niels Bohr. Informations Forlag, Kbh.
- Feshbach, H.,T. Matsui & A. Oleson, 1988: Niels Bohr: Physics and the World.
- French, A.P. & P.J. Kennedy., 1985: Niels Bohr: a centenary volume.
- Gamow, G., 1966: Thirty Years that Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory.
- Gilder, L., 2008: The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was Reborn.
- Gudmundsson, E., H. Kiilerich, B. Mottelsson & C. Pethick. 2021: Nordita - The Copenhagen Years: A Scrapbook.
- Hansen, K.G., et al. (ritstj.), 1963: Niels Bohr: Et Mindeskrift. (Sjá einnig hér.)
- Heilbron, J.L., 1985: The earliest missionaries of the Copenhagen spirit.
- Heilbron, J.L., 2013: The Mind that Created the Bohr Atom.
- Heilbron, J.L., 2020: Niels Bohr: a Very Short Introduction.
- Jähnert, M., 2019: Practicing the Correspondence Principle in the Old Quantum Theory: A Transformation through Implementation.
- Koch, C.H., 1998: „Niels Bohr.“ Í Dansk filosofi i positivismens tidsalder 1880 - 1950, bls. 261-281.
- Kojevnikov, A., 2020: The Copenhagen Network: The Birth of Quantum Mechanics from a Postdoctoral Perspective.
- Koldbye, C., 2022: Niels Bohr - Det beskedne geni.
- Kragh, H., 1999: Quantum Generations: A History of Physics in the Twentieth Century.
- Kragh, H., 2012: Niels Bohr and the Quantum Atom: The Bohr Model of Atomic Structure 1913-1925.
- Kragh, H. (ritstj.), 2022: Niels Bohr: On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules.
- Kramers, H.A. & H. Holst, 1923: The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure, an elementary presentation. Þýðing á bókinni Bohrs Atomteori Almenfattelig Fremstillet frá 1922.
- Lindley, D., 2007: Uncertainty: Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr and the Struggle for the Soul of Science.
- Marner, J., 1998: „Niels Bohr og 'Københavnerskolen i fysik'.“ Í Videnskabernes København. Ritstj. T. Söderqvist & fl., bls. 159-179.
- Moore, R., 1966: Niels Bohr: The Man, His Science, and the World They Changed.
- Nørretranders, T., 1985: Det udelelige: Niels Bohrs aktualitet i fysik, mystik og politik.
- Pais, A., 1982: ‘Subtle is the Lord…’: The Science and Life of Albert Einstein.
- Pais, A., 1986: Inward Bound: Of Matter and Forces in the Physical World.
- Pais, A., 1991: Niels Bohr’s Times: In Physics, Philosophy and Polity.
- Pauli, W., L. Rosenfeld & V. Weisskopf (ritstj.), 1955: Niels Bohr and the Development of Physics: Essays Dedicated to Niels Bohr on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday.
- Perovic, S., 2021: From Data to Quanta: Niels Bohr’s Vision of Physics.
- Plotnitsky, A., 2012: Niels Bohr and Complementarity: An Introduction.
- Rhodes, R., 1986: The making of the atomic bomb.
- Robertson, P., 1979: The Early Years: The Niels Bohr Institute 1921 - 1930.
- Rozental, S. et al. (ritstj.), 1964: Niels Bohr: hans liv og virke fortalt af en kreds af venner og medarbejdere.
- Rozental, S., 1985: NB, Erindringer om Niels Bohr. Gyldendal.
- Rüdinger, E., et al., 1985: Niels Bohr og den moderne atomfysik.
- Schweber, S.S., 2000: In the Shadow of the Bomb: Oppenheimer, Bethe, and the Moral Responsibility of the Scientist.
- Stone, D., 2013: Einstein and the Quantum: The Quest of the Valiant Swabian.
- Schwarz, S., 2020: The occupation of Niels Bohr’s Institute 6 December 1943 – 3 February 1944.
- Wheeler, J.A. & K. Ford, 1998: Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam: A Life in Physics.
B. Nokkur rit á íslensku, þar sem Bohr og verk hans koma við sögu
- Trausti Ólafsson, 1924: Frumeindakenning nútímans.
- Trausti Ólafsson, 1925: Um atomkenningu Bohr’s.
- Ágúst H. Bjarnason, 1929: Heimsmynd vísindanna. (Sjá einnig ritdóm Trausta Ólafssonar.)
- Ásgeir Magnússon, 1930: Efnisheimur II.
- Trausti Einarsson, 1935: Litrofin og þýðing þeirra fyrir rannsóknir á sólinni.
- Björn Franzson, 1938: Efnisheimurinn.
- Sigurkarl Stefánsson, 1940: Niels Bohr.
- Þorbjörn Sigurgeirsson, 1945: Gullgerðarlist nútímans.
- Sveinn Þórðarson, 1946: Atóman og orka hennar I & II.
- Dietz, D., 1947: Kjarnorka á komandi tímum. Ágúst H. Bjarnason íslenskaði.
- Tyrén, H., 1947: Á morgni atómaldar. Ólafur Björnsson (læknir) þýddi.
- Þorbjörn Sigurgeirsson, 1949: Úr þróunarsögu atómvísindanna.
- Anon, 1962: Niels Bohr - svipmynd.
- Jakob Yngvason, 1987: „Skammtafræði og veruleiki.“ Í bókinni Í hlutarins eðli: Afmælisrit til heiðurs Þorbirni Sigurgeirssyni prófessor, bls. 401–428.
- Þorsteinn Vilhjálmsson, 2009: Skammtafræði í ljósi vísindasögu og heimspeki.
- Ottó Elíasson, 2010: Hverskonar veruleika lýsir skammtafræði?
- Þorsteinn Vilhjálmsson, 2016: Hver var Níels Bohr og hvert var framlag hans til vísindanna?
Sjá einnig:
- Einar H. Guðmundsson, 2022: Saga efniskenninga – Ritaskrár. Einkum skrár C(c) og C(d).
C. Myndbönd
- Det Danske Filminstitut: Niels Bohr på film.
- V. Bohr, 2015: Public Lecture: Niels Bohr - Life Behind the Physics.
- C. Joas, 2022: The Copenhagen Spirit: A History of the Niels Bohr Institute.